"Is he the famous Prince of Chu?"

"Looks so young... I can't imagine being so capable!"

"I heard that he is the first person after His Majesty to be both a prince and a minister?"

"It looks really handsome and handsome, it seems that those legends are true!"

Li You, who was the first, naturally enjoyed the bath with the most eyes.

It's really that Li You is too young, and he became famous in just one year, and now everyone knows that Li Chengqian and Li Tai have lost one after another, so His Royal Highness Li You, King of Chu, has half footed on the throne. superior!

Therefore, the foreign envoys, as well as the envoys from various countries, looked at Li You repeatedly with great curiosity.

All of them have heard of Li You's rumors more or less. If nothing else, the novelties that appeared in Datang are all related to Li You. As long as people are in Datang, they will hide anyway. Don't let the influence of His Royal Highness Chu King!

In their opinion, this young prince is simply a living legend, especially at this time as the highly anticipated prime minister, and the halo of the head of the hundred officials makes Li You's body shrouded in mystery. color.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

After the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty took their place, everyone knelt down on the ground and shouted congratulations to Li Shimin.

At this time, the first ray of sunshine of the new year also broke out, and this ray of light sprayed in the Taiji Palace, reflecting the sacred ceremony of the whole ceremony.

"Everyone loves to be flat!"

Li Shimin's eyes passed through the hall filled with cigarettes, and looked at the many courtiers from a bird's-eye view. At this moment, he was undoubtedly excited by the voice of long live in his ear!

Everyone got up one after another, and Li You also followed Li Shimin's line of sight. He remembered that when he was regent and supervised the country, he was also from the same perspective as Li Shimin.

It can be seen that there are more and more morning suns now. When you look at the distant sky, you can see that against the backdrop of the rising sun, this new light at the beginning of the new year has passed through the layers of Zhuques and spread to the vast territory of the Tang Dynasty. .

This is the perspective of power over the world, this is the perspective of holding the country in hand - this is the perspective of the emperor!

"One day, I will come to this position again." Li You thought silently, "This day will not be too far away!"


In the process of the ceremony, including the birthday ceremony of the princes and relatives of the royal family, as well as the local congratulatory table on the Zhongshu order, then the Huangmen Shilang will play auspicious and auspicious omens, and the household minister will play the contributions of the various states. The Minister of Rites recorded the contributions of Zhufan and so on.

In the Yuanri Dynasty Conference, there is also a heavyweight part that everyone likes, that is, the canonization and reward to the deserving officials of the past year.

Among them, Li Ji, who was originally intended to be the Minister of the Ministry of War, was indeed placed directly in the position of Minister of the Ministry of War by Li Shimin at this time.

"Congratulations, Mr. Li!"

The civil and military officials that Li Ji knew well congratulated him, and even Li You winked at him.

"Congratulations to Mr. Li Gao Sheng, we will stand a little closer in the future. I can lend you the special column I usually use to doze off. Mr. Li, please don't be polite."

Li Ji: "...?"

Although I know that Your Highness the King of Chu has good intentions, I don't need this special pillar for dozing off!

Speaking of which, you are the only one who dares to doze off on the Chaoshen, Your Royal Highness the King of Chu, okay? !

Although Li Ji was named the Minister of War, it was a small climax, but the real highlight has not yet begun, that is, the debriefing of civil servants and generals.

This debriefing is the real criterion for judging the meritorious officials of the past year. Li Ji was awarded the award in advance, just because he was determined by default.

"…let's start."

Li Shimin sat high on the dragon chair, his steady gaze glanced at the officials and officials, and he naturally had an inviolable majesty.

Tang Jian, the minister of households, stepped forward first and cupped his hands: "Report to Your Majesty, in the past year, the income of the imperial court has more than doubled, all thanks to His Royal Highness's lottery method, for The court made a lot of money..."

"Not only that, the Li's Chamber of Commerce has vigorously developed a variety of industries, which has also benefited the court, and tax revenue has risen steadily. In the case of repeated catastrophe, the final total income did not drop but rose, which is unprecedented in the ages. In addition, The spoils of war seized in Gaochang Kingdom have greatly filled the treasury..."

Listening to Tang Jian's non-stop report all the way, the envoys from foreign countries who are not very clear about the situation are all confused. Does this year's debriefing seem to be a problem?

How can I listen to and listen to, all of them are talking about the great achievements of His Royal Highness the King of Chu, so that the debriefing of the household department finally became like a recitation meeting devoted to the achievements of His Royal Highness the King of Chu?

In fact, Tang Jian is also very helpless, because all the amazing achievements of the Ministry of Housing are basically related to His Royal Highness the King of Chu, and he can't avoid it if he wants to.

"I know, let's go next."

Li Shimin also quickly ended Tang Jian's questioning and turned to look at Li Daozong, the minister of punishment.

After pondering for a moment, Li Daozong stepped forward and said: "Report to Your Majesty, in the past year, His Royal Highness the King of Chu has reformed the "Zhenguan Law" very effectively, and invented the loan bookkeeping method, so that those corrupt officials have nowhere to hide. It can be said to be a great boost to the power of the imperial court..."

Li Shimin: "..."

Foreign envoys: "..."

Why is it still His Royal Highness the King of Chu! ?

Oh, I feel like I can't jump over this hurdle at all!

Chapter 686 The power is unparalleled, shocking the past and present!

Li Shimin had no choice but to pinch his brows and looked at Li Xiaogong, Minister of the Ministry of Household, with a headache.

"Next one."

Li Xiaogong also understood the meaning of Li Shimin's eyes, but after thinking about what he wanted to report, he still stood up with a helpless expression on his face.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, in the past year, His Royal Highness the King of Chu has greatly thwarted the Tubo envoys and promoted the great power of the Tang Dynasty. At the same time, he invented the Pinyin literacy method and dictionary, which has benefited the people all over the world. Later, he improved the imperial examination system. It has been very effective…”

In the main hall, the envoys sent by Tubo had turned black to the end, and almost wanted to leave.

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