I don't know how many people who practice martial arts in the world dream of being instructed by a martial arts sage!

"not like this."

Shen Bihua shook his head, although he knew about the information about Li You's martial arts realm, but because it might affect the military's morale, Shen Bihua had blocked the information from the church before, and the rest of the nine guardians did not know that Li You actually It is strong enough to break through the sky!

It's just that he has to say it.

"I said this method is useless, because that Chu King Li You himself is a martial arts master! Even if you all want to assassinate a martial arts saint together, it is absolutely impossible!"

Before Shen Bihua's voice fell, the pot exploded in the hall!


"Is he Martial Saint?"

"It's impossible!"

After all, this is too nonsense, a Martial Saint who is only fourteen or fifteen years old?Either they are dreaming or the world is crazy!

Lan Hufa, who proposed at the beginning, was also stunned: "This...even if you start practicing martial arts from the womb, you can't be so defiant, right?!"

Chapter 694 Justice descends from heaven!

Shen Bihua glanced around helplessly, and found that the expressions on everyone's faces were indeed unbelievable.

A teenage Wu Sheng, how is this possible?

If someone can become a martial arts saint in their teens, what are they who have practiced martial arts for a lifetime?Unbearable pig head?

"I know this is incredible, but unfortunately it's the truth!"

Shen Bihua said calmly and emphasized it again.

Finding out that Shen Bihua was not joking, and knowing that this was not the occasion for joking, they finally reluctantly accepted this kind of fantasy.


The hall suddenly fell into a long silence again, and everyone's faces were desperate.

Even the king of Chu, Li You, was a martial artist himself, so what else could he do?

You can't beat the opponent by playing tricks, and now you can't even beat the opponent at the best fight, that's a loser!

After a long time, Protector Tu gritted his teeth and said, "Actually... this is something you don't need to worry about."

Everyone looked up at him for 11 minutes, and their eyes were full of puzzlement.

Protector Tu explained: "Think about it carefully, although the King of Chu Li You is also a martial arts saint, he is still very young and immature, and he is definitely not as good as the sect master in terms of martial arts experience. Even worse than the leader!"

The others nodded their heads when they heard it, and thought it made sense.

Taking [-] steps back, even if the King of Chu, Li Youzhen, had been promoted to the realm of Martial Saint at a young age, it would not have been a few years since he was fully calculated. In terms of understanding of this realm, it must be far inferior to Shen Bihua. of.

And they are all people who fight and kill all year round on the rivers and lakes, so they naturally know how important this experience is to the battle.

It is very likely that two people of the same level, one is a flower in a greenhouse that has never fought in actual combat, and the other is a person who has been rushing to kill all year round among thousands of troops. When the two of them fight against each other, it is estimated that the final result is the greenhouse [-]%. The flowers in it were defeated in a few strokes!

After all, in a decisive battle with a master, it can be lost by a thousand miles, and sometimes experience can cause such a big gap.

"And..." Protector Tu added, "When Cult Master Shen is entangled or even suppressing the Chu King Li You, we can still swipe the formation next to us, so even if we kill a Martial Saint, it is very possible. thing!"

This time, even Shen Bihua's eyes lit up, and he suddenly felt that the task of directly assassinating Li You might actually be possible.

Although ordinary first-class masters, or even super-first-class masters, can't pose any threat to Wusheng at all, it would be very different if they intervened in a fight between Wusheng and Wusheng.

At such a dangerous moment, not to mention that there are still several top-level masters shooting together, even if a few first-class masters make a shot together, they will definitely be the last straw that breaks the camel's back!

"There's a play!"

Hufa Zhang clapped his palm, and his mouth was filled with admiration.

With everyone's approval, the strength of the Chu King Li You, who had been extremely troublesome, immediately became as if it was no big deal at all, and the atmosphere suddenly relaxed.

"Okay, then let's plan an operation to sneak into the Chu palace!" Shen Bihua continued, "It just so happens that the people our gods have placed in the palace are still there, so it's easy to infiltrate..."

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! There is an enemy attack!"

At this moment, a shrill warning sound came from the mansion!

This sound also seems to be a signal to start a war, which means that the shadow is officially exposed, so all the members swarmed up and began to face the guards who were caught off guard!

Almost instantly, the mansion was filled with shouts of killing!

"What... what?"

The expressions of Shen Bihua and the nine guardians in the hall also changed, and they stood up with a "clatter", their faces full of surprise.

"What the hell is going on?!"

"Someone came to attack us? Who is it!"

"The only person who has hatred with us and has the ability to do it is...!"

Soon they thought of a common name, and after looking at each other, they shouted out in horror!

"Chu King Li You!?"

No matter how he thinks about it, this is the most likely guess, but why does he know this...

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