They have never seen such strange martial arts in their entire lives!

It's a pity that before the three of them could understand, they felt that they had hit someone, and they also felt that someone had hit them!

"Puff puff!"

Three blood mists rose into the sky in a row, Lan Hufa hit Tu Hufa, but was hit by Yuan Hufa; Tu Hufa was hit by Lan Hufa, but hit Yuan Hufa; Yuan Hufa hit Lan Hufa, but it also hit Yuan Hufa. It was also hit by the figure protector!

The next moment, the three of them were blasted out by their respective strengths. The three of them had the same martial arts realm, so when they did their best, they were all seriously injured and immediately lost their ability to fight!

"What happened just now?!"

Everyone was shocked by this scene. In their opinion, it was as if Lan Hufa, Tu Hufa, and Yuan Hufa suddenly had an infighting. It was incredible!

This extremely incomprehensible unknown, coupled with Li You's overwhelming power, all the remaining Dharma protectors all at once resigned.

".~ Obviously they are all top masters in the martial arts, but they can't make a move in front of King Li You of Chu! This King Li You of Chu is simply invincible!"

The five surviving guardians made the exact same decision invariably.


Immediately they spread their arms and feet, and ran away in all directions with the strength of suckling.


However, in the ears of Hufa Yu, who fled with all his strength, a voice that made his soul fly away rose.

Li You is really fast. In just one step, he has come to the position where he and Yu Hufa go hand in hand!

"Can you escape in front of me!"

Li You snorted coldly, and the backhand was a smashing blow, and Protector Yu was smashed and flew out without any resistance!


Yu Hufa slammed into the wall at an astonishing speed, and a rebound fell to the ground, and it was already broken!

The remaining four guardians were almost paralyzed by fright. As a result, more than half of the nine guardians were wiped out by King Li You of Chu!

All of this happened in the blink of an eye. Those five first-class experts were all vulnerable in front of Li You. Even if they were replaced by them, they would still be able to face Li You's thunderous methods. How long will you resist?

"Li You! How can I allow you to be so arrogant in front of me!?"

At this moment, an angry roar sounded, Shen Bihua rushed back from a distance like lightning, and collided with Li You!

"Bang! Boom! Boom! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!"

Numerous fists and kicks were intertwined between the two, and the four guardians could not see clearly at all. Even the earth trembled with every move and every move. This was two monsters fighting each other! .

Chapter 696 The huge gap between Wu Sheng and Wu Sheng!

Every blow is like a collision between heavy artillery, it is not a confrontation of human bodies, it is like two real immortals in the world fighting!

Just between the gestures, the airflow in the hall was rolled into a gust of wind, blowing on the remaining four guardians.

They were all in a cold sweat, staring blankly at the earth-shattering battle in front of them, even forgetting to move.

"What are you all doing? Go and support other places!"

Shen Bihua became more and more anxious, and hurriedly shouted.

This time, the four surviving guardians rushed out as if they had just woken up from a dream, and scattered towards the battlefield.

"Hehe... In the end, you still fall short!" Shen Bihua sneered at Li You while fighting, "That's four super-first-class masters, and if you are dragged by me, they can definitely block the gods and Buddhas. Buddha!"

However, on Li You's face, Shen Bihua couldn't see the anxiety he wanted to see.

"Oh, really?"

Li You just laughed and still made his move calmly, defusing Shen Bihua's onslaught with ease. 967

In fact, the development of this scene has long been expected by Li You. It can be said that it is still in Li You's plan so far, so he is not in a hurry.

Regarding this action, Li You had thought carefully.

First let the shadow play the strengths of assassination, first weaken a wave of yin and yang guards, and then when the shadow is exposed and the war begins, Li You forcibly breaks through and suppresses Shen Bihua!

There is a reason why Li You chose to kill the five first-class masters in the Dharma protector first in the short period of time when Shen Bihua was repelled.

After all, Shen Bihua was beaten back for only a short period of time, and he would definitely kill him again soon, so Li You had to race against time to kill the protector.

If Li You chooses to shoot against the super-class masters, then although the super-class masters are not opponents of Wu Sheng at all, it is still possible to hold on for a few rounds without defeat.

Don't underestimate the time of these few rounds, there are several rounds of this fight, enough for the rest of the people to escape, Shen Bihua can also fight back in time (beec)!

And now Li You chooses to deal with first-class masters exclusively, so with the power of the peak Martial Saint, he can basically kill ordinary first-class masters in seconds!

This is the most cost-effective way, and it is indeed the case. In just a few breaths, Li You successfully killed five guardians, which greatly eased the pressure on Shadow.

So the remaining four guardians can escape, basically exactly the same as Li You's plan!


While Li You was thinking about it, he and Shen Bihua had already fought so hard that they directly smashed the roof of the hall and fell into the courtyard outside.

"Damn, how dare you be distracted by fighting with me?!"

Shen Bihua also saw that Li You was thinking about something just now, and a sense of anger and humiliation that was underestimated immediately surged into his heart!

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