At this moment, Shen Bihua turned her attention away from Yin Shi and looked at Nanping and the others.

After staring at the nervous princesses for a while, Shen Bihua suddenly revealed a cruel smile.

"Very good...very good! My luck is so good!" Shen Bihua smiled with a twisted face, "I didn't expect there to be more than one big fish here!"

As the leader of the yin and yang religion, Shen Bihua has of course received a lot of information about Li You, including information that these princesses all have a good relationship with Li You.

So presumably attacking them will definitely make the Chu King Li You even more painful!

"Why are you laughing? We're not afraid of you...!"

At this moment, Nanping summoned up his courage and stood up and shouted loudly.

"Yes! I'm not afraid of you!"

With Nanping taking the lead, Li Lizhi also stood up with a small chest.

"If you dare to do something to us, the royal father will never let you go!"

"Li Shimin?" Shen Bihua said coldly, "Maybe he won't let me go in the future... But that's a matter of the future. Before that, even the Heavenly King Laozi couldn't save you now!"

While speaking, Shen Bihua released thousands of murderous auras, and all of the little princesses turned pale at once.

They only felt as if they had experienced the feeling of death in an instant, and their bodies and minds were about to collapse!

"If you want to hurt them, you have to pass me first!"

Upon seeing this, Yin Shi immediately stood in front of everyone, cutting off the killing intent.

At this time, Xiangcheng and Runan, like they had just been fished out of the water, were sweating like rain and breathing the air!

"Okay... so scary!"

At this moment, the emotion of fear fills their body and mind, the power of Martial Saint is no joke!

"Sister Yin, now that you are exhausted, how difficult is it to pass your level?"

Shen Bihua squinted to look at the Yin Sect. Now that the guards of the Chenxi Palace have completely wiped out his hands, it can be said that the lives of the Yin Sect and others are all in Shen Bihua's hands.

Therefore, Shen Bihua seemed very calm, and the pleasure in her chest had nowhere to be released!

"But you also have today! And the little girls behind you... Although your status is noble, but at the moment in front of me is no different from the beggars on the roadside, whether you live or die is up to me Things you can control at will.”

"Then let you, the frog at the bottom of the well, open your eyes and take a good look today," Yin Shi sank his body into a starter gesture, "What is the difference between this palace and the roadside beggars!"

Shen Bihua was not angry, but sneered.

"Don't say it's useless, what's the point of being stubborn when you know you're going to die? You must be very remorseful. If you didn't have a good relationship with the King of Chu, Li You, you wouldn't have to die here today. !"

The meaning of Shen Bihua's words was that he wanted to provoke them to resent Li You from the heart before he started, in order to satisfy his perverted desire.

Who knew this sentence, but it seemed to touch the hearts of everyone, making them all regain their courage!

"I will never regret this!"

".~Me too! Brother Huang will definitely avenge me!"

"Just wait for the thunderous wrath of the emperor! I'm waiting for you below!"

Looking at these mostly immature girls, they all stood up at this time with a resolute face, and would rather die than support the goddamn Chu King Li You... Shen Bihua only felt that her chest was ignited again. Endless fury!

"good good good good……!"

Shen Bihua said several "good" words in a row, gritted his teeth and said: "Congratulations, I changed my mind - I want you to watch involuntarily, then the king of Chu Li You knelt down to me because of you, Lose your dignity like a dog!"

As soon as Shen Bihua said this, everyone's expressions changed.

"Don't even think about it!"

With a long shout from Yin Shi's heroic force, he took the first step to attack, and he and Shen Bihua fought several tricks in the tumult!

"So that's the case, have you healed all the dark wounds I left you before?"

Shen Bihua also raised her eyebrows, but soon showed a more sinister face.

"That's fine, it can let me destroy you again!"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Bihua suddenly accelerated, seized the flaw and broke Yin Shi's left arm with a "click"!


Yin Shi was very stubborn and didn't shout, she hurriedly used her right hand to fight back, barely repelling Shen Bihua.

This is also because Shen Bihua was injured a little by Li You before, but the gap between Wu Sheng and the super-class masters is still like a gulf. Shen Bihua immediately changed his tactics and attacked the princesses!


The Yin Shi was shocked, and the heads of the princesses went blank for a while, only to feel that the scythe of the god of death was already on their necks! .

Chapter 706 Wrath of the Rising Sun! (fourth more)


Li You's chopsticks fell on the table, and he was a little uneasy.

Not being able to control chopsticks is extremely unbelievable for Li You, who has martial arts skills, but he has always had a very bad feeling from the beginning.

This intuition made Li You hold on to his heart all the time, and he was absent-minded when he was eating.

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