This desperate scene made Shen Bihua very satisfied. He said to the sobbing little princesses: "Now, come here, or I will kill her!"

"Don't go there...!"

Yin Shi gritted his teeth while coughing up blood, and all of a sudden everyone fell into a dilemma, appearing hesitant and at a loss.

How is it going to be good?

Who can save us!

"who is it!?"

At this moment, Shen Bihua suddenly shouted loudly.

Not only him, this time even other people felt it—there was an astonishing aura approaching at an extreme speed in the distance, and it was filled with the anger of the scorching sun! .

Chapter 707 You completely pissed me off!

This breath is amazing and vast, and it does not hide itself at all, so that even people without martial arts can no longer ignore its existence, so Shen Bihua also discovered him at the first time!

"Could it be King Li You of Chu...!?"

In an instant, Shen Bihua seemed to have guessed the true face of this breath.

But why did he realize what happened here so quickly?

That incomparably powerful aura, like a scorching sun, seemed to Shen Bihua to be as violent as the rising sun, but when the Yin family and the princesses felt it, it was full of warmth like the rising sun.

"Yang Jie...!"

"It's the emperor!"

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were wet, and they looked at Li You's speed approaching direction full of hope-.

Xiangcheng and Nanping have already subconsciously smiled, this's really too late!

As for the two little girls, Yu Zhang and Li Lizhi, they almost cried again.

Even Baling couldn't help feeling overwhelmed at this moment.


Li You's speed was extremely fast, and he soon fell heavily into the Chenxi Palace. His eyes were full of killing intent like wild beasts. Just looking at Li You made people shudder. sense!

Looking at the tragic scene in front of him, a hint of extreme danger flashed in Li You's eyes.

Especially seeing a few helpless princesses with disgraced faces and Yin Shi's seriously injured appearance, Li You felt a raging anger burning in his chest, almost oppressing him to the point where he could hardly breathe.

Because there is not only anger, but also panic.

What if he came a step late today?

I'm afraid the irreversible thing has already happened by then!

"Damn it! Why did you ignore this before? Just because you were blinded by the illusion that the palace was safe?"

Li You secretly hated in his heart, this time it was undoubtedly his mistake, which made Li Youyou feel shocked and angry.

Although Li You expected that Shen Bihua might go crazy, he never thought that Shen Bihua had no energy to make a comeback, but would break the jar so quickly!

In addition, Li Shimin's two previous distresses had to do with Li Shimin being lured out of the palace, or Li Chengqian, under Li You's deliberate indulgence, took a long time to ambush people in the palace. are completely different from this time.

That is to say, the direct invasion of Wu Sheng into the core area of ​​the imperial palace was something that had never happened in the past, so this caused Li You's blind spot!

"Hahaha! You are finally here, Li You!"

Shen Bihua also laughed wildly at this time. When he watched Li You come over, he didn't sit still. He directly picked up a large guard knife from the ground and placed it on Yin Shi's neck.

"Originally, I was thinking of arresting them all, and then tempting you to come over and let you watch them being tortured by me one by one, and finally had to kneel down and beg me for mercy! Now it seems that the steps of temptation can be omitted. Well, God really helped me!"

Facing Shen Bihua's madness, Li You was not as calm as before, nor as calm as before, he just took a deep breath and spoke in a frightening tone.

"Shen Bihua, do you know... there has never been a time when someone could make me so angry!"

In layman's terms, Li You is very angry, and the consequences are very serious.

And it's still furious like never before!

"Are you saying that you were angered by me?" Shen Bihua was not afraid at all, and sneered, "Of course! It's exactly what I want to see! But even if you get angry, what can you do? Do you dare to act rashly in this situation?!"

Now that Yin Shi is in hand, he can easily kill her life with just a little force.

So Shen Bihua made up his mind that Li You would not dare to shoot!

After all, even if Li You's martial arts restrained him, he would never be able to save the Yin clan in that instant!

"I really can't act rashly..."

Li You said lightly, looking at Shen Bihua as if he were looking at a dead man.

"But he can! Zilong, do it!"

Shen Bihua's pupils shrank upon hearing this, and her first reaction was that Li You was bluffing. After all, he didn't feel any strong aura.

And the only one who can hide a Martial Saint in this regard is another Martial Saint who can also hold his breath freely, and if he is not in the realm of Martial Saint, it will not pose a threat to Shen Bihua at all.

However, it has only been a short while since the Yin-Yang Sect was raided. Where would King Li You of Chu go to find a new Martial Saint?

So this is simply impossible!

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