No matter how great the work "The Legend of the White Snake" is, it can never compete with a religion.

"The Legend of the White Snake" is mainly to play a role in opening the way, and it can be enough to beat Buddhism first.

"Now the direction of public opinion is in my hands," Li You thought silently. "At that time, you only need to do some propaganda and build momentum, and you will be able to directly occupy the commanding heights of public opinion and become the most reasonable person!"

But don't underestimate this point, it is very important to have the upper hand in public opinion.

It's like two people quarreling with each other. Sometimes it's the loudest who speaks the truth, but the louder voice is more important. After all, even if you have a good reason, what can you say if your voice is covered up? reason?

".~ Originally, in this step, I was still thinking about what materials to get, and now I already have the first material!"

Come to think of it, this is a very big news.

The noble King of Chu was assassinated in public. The assassin turned out to be a warrior monk from a famous temple. Later, it was discovered that this person was an evil monk. In fact, what he did behind his back was even more unsightly!

This is simply a chain of links, constantly detonating a climax, it is so predictable.

Besides, a mere monk dared to assassinate even a (good) dignified son?

It's worth it! ?

"And the dark things behind this can't be told all at once. You must break the news step by step, and gradually deepen the sense of reality and substitution, and it can also be more effective!"

The more Li You thought about it, the more excited he became. He had already started to get up from the bed and was about to write the first manuscript himself.

The first shot at the beginning must also be played by him, because only Li You is most familiar with the efficient operation rules of the media, such as breaking the big news into several bullets.

Every evil deed is enough to arouse the disdain of the people, and giving a little time to let the public opinion ferment can play the biggest role in exposing the ugly face of Buddhism!

This is equivalent to splitting a person's black material into several parts for repeated use, which is the most perfect thing to use! .

Chapter 731 Do a big vote (second more)

This also involves a very important reason, that is, people's shock emotions in a single time have an upper limit.

For example, after exposing one evil thing about Buddhism, it can make people feel very shocked, and then exposing the second evil thing about Buddhism at the same time can make people feel very shocked, and the emotions of shock will be superimposed on each other.

It is possible to expose the third evil deed of Buddhism at the same time, and the level of shock can be turned into extreme shock. .

Because the amount of information is too large, and the shocks caused by it will overlap with each other, and it may even become numb in the end!

But if Li You is now exposed in batches, it will be different.

Every evil thing is given enough time for people to digest, and then with the progress of the reporter's report, the investigation will go deeper and deeper, so as to gradually disclose more evil things, people will have a kind of "nothing". The most evil is only more evil" feeling!

That way people are immersed in a continuous and undiminished shock because they have absolutely no idea that Buddhism has done so many evil things, and it seems likely that there are more evil things to them Did not know!

By that time, it has slowly become the biggest explosion point, and finally evolved into public anger!

At this time, public opinion had reached its peak, which was overwhelmingly favorable to Li You.

Not to mention anything else, just performing this set of operations on the monk Yinhei can make everyone want to eat this bastard raw, and also make this huge public trial achieve the best results!

As for the impact on the image of Buddhism, that is not to mention, it can also greatly facilitate Li You to destroy the Buddha!


After writing the manuscript, Li Youyong contacted Yupei and asked to leave.

As the two leaders of Shadow, Nie Zheng and Yaoli are on duty in turn, ready to receive direct orders from Li You [-] hours a day, and now they are leaving at night.

"What are your orders, Your Highness?"

"Did Nie Zheng tell you what happened during the day?" Li You asked. "It's like the example of Yinhei monk and Anshan Temple. In Chang'an... no, how many are there in the Tang Dynasty?"

Yao Li thought about it and said, "My subordinates can't give a very specific number, but I can only say that there are many places like this. In the temples we tracked down, there are at least more than half of them. There are such situations in Buddhist temples!"

Li You's expression sank, and the reality was worse than he had previously estimated.

Originally above the court, Li You's explanation of the necessity of eliminating Buddhism was that the development of Buddhism was out of control, and its existence itself was already greatly harmful to the country.

However, the current situation is that under the premise that Buddhism is already harmful enough, more than half of them still take the initiative to do bad things, which makes the situation a hundred times worse!

At this moment, Li You only regretted why he didn't destroy the Buddha sooner!

"If you want to leave, now you should put down other tasks in your hand and concentrate on one thing - that is to launch the shadows to investigate these problematic Buddhist temples. Me, all over the country!"

Li You is going to make a big vote!


Under Li You's operation, just one day later, his assassination has become popular all over Chang'an and has become the focus of heated discussions in all walks of life.

If it weren't for the speed of information transmission, then there would be no problem in wanting to be popular all over the country!

In fact, this is almost the same. After all, "Datang Daily" is available all over the country, and the content published every day is exactly the same everywhere.

"I heard that in Chang'an yesterday, His Royal Highness the King of Chu was assassinated?"

"Really?! Is His Royal Highness the King of Chu alright?"

"Of course, His Royal Highness the King of Chu has his own celestial appearance, how could something happen?"

"This is really thrilling... By the way, who wanted to assassinate His Royal Highness King Chu?"

Countless discussions like this are happening all the time, and often when it comes to this, someone mysteriously says: "I heard... it's a great monk!"


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