"This...you cut it?"

Li You looked at Niu Xiaoer incredulously, causing Niu Xiaoer to scratch his hair shyly.

"Yeah...yes...the cut isn't too bad, is it? I can cut a lot of other things..."

After Li You was confirmed, the whole person was completely shocked.

Holy crap, is this the legendary contrast cuteness! ?

He looked at Niu Xiaoer's tall and sturdy figure in disbelief, as well as his simple and honest expression. Don't forget that Niu Xiaoer is still born with divine power... But such a rough man is incomparably ingenious. ?

Speaking of which, isn't this kind of work usually done by girls like Xiao Zhu?

Thinking of this, Li You looked at Xiao Zhu subconsciously, but found that Xiao Zhu rolled his eyes with a guilty conscience.

In the end, she couldn't stand Li Youzheng's gaze, so she admitted with a blushing face: "Because the calf cut is much better than me, so I'm embarrassed to be ugly..."

This time, Li Youcai suddenly realized that a girl was surpassed by a strong man in this aspect. It was indeed a psychological blow. No wonder Xiaozhu suddenly didn't want to touch the ribbon-cutting paper.

"It's a pity that it didn't overlap with Li Chunri today," Niu Xiaoer smiled unknowingly, "Otherwise I could cut a double-colored paper for His Highness to see, it's beautiful~"

When Xiao Zhu heard this, he lowered his head even more ashamed, and she was even less good at cutting confetti!

"Cough cough..."

Seeing that the little girl's head was about to drop to the ground, Li You had to cough, trying to change the subject to ease the embarrassment.

"Speaking of which, I remember that the colored paper cut on the seventh day of the first lunar month should have patterns such as flowers, trees, chickens, and sheep, right? It's the first time I've seen cow cutting..."

Before Li You could finish speaking, he saw Niu Xiaoer pulled out several pieces of colored paper in a string from his arms as if he were doing magic.

"His Royal Highness, I also cut out the confetti of flowers, trees, chickens, and sheep. I also cut out a lot of other small animals. Would you like to take a look?"

Li You: "..."

I saw that the patterns on the colored paper were all as exquisite as real living creatures. Is this manual skill too strong? !

Oops, the scene not only failed to alleviate, but became even more embarrassing!

After fully realizing the gap between himself and the boss, Xiao Zhu almost shoved his head into the crack of the ground like an ostrich. Fortunately, a little eunuch came from outside the door at this time, which stopped such an embarrassing situation.

"His Royal Highness King Chu, Your Majesty has a request!"

As soon as he heard their polite voices, Li You knew what was going on.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, not only the common people are so festive, but even the imperial court is no exception.

They were also full of 530 festive atmosphere. On this day, Li Shimin would have a feast for the officials and enjoy the snow together. By the way, they would also reward the officials, officials, and generals with silk, satin, and colorful silks.

As for why he held a banquet to invite the civil servants and officials to dinner, and also held it several times during the New Year... Li You can only say that this is because there are too few entertainment activities in the Tang Dynasty, right?

After all, if there was no appearance of Li You, as well as those new things such as theaters and newspapers that he brought, then if the ancients wanted entertainment in this era, they would have to eat in addition to eating.

"I know, let's go now."

Li You nodded casually, and after instructing Xiaozhu and Niu Xiaoer, he also set foot on the road to the banquet.

After Li You arrived at the venue, he was immediately baptized by the eyes of the audience - these officials only took a few days off during the New Year. I didn't expect His Royal Highness King Chu to do so many earth-shattering things!

As for the prestige issue of Buddhism, they originally thought that it could not be solved, or that it was difficult to solve, and they had to fight a long and hard battle.

But when this confrontation really unfolded, Buddhism was basically in a passive state of being beaten all the time. .

Chapter 740 The Works of the First Writer of the Tang Dynasty (First Update)

This result alone is enough to make everyone amazed at Li You!

It can be said that among the three provinces and the six ministries, only the punishment bureau has to work overtime during the Chinese New Year because of Li You, so except for a little dissatisfaction, the rest are convinced.

Amidst the attention-grabbing ceremony, Li You sat down gracefully.

Soon, the royal feast begins.

Looking at the snow scene outside the yard, everyone ate and drank while enjoying the snow.

Immediately came the part of reciting poetry and writing fu. In addition to the imperial literati under Li Shimin, many officials and officials also made great poetry, and they were moved by this beautiful scenery.

It is true that in the past nine years of Zhenguan, the Tang Dynasty has had too many ups and downs, and with so many ups and downs, how can it not be emotional?

Therefore, this year's theme can be said to be more than any year in the past, and naturally there are frequent good works.

After a while, it was Li You's turn to write poetry, and all of the audience's eyes were focused on it!

Li You's reputation as a poet is now known to even three-year-old children. Although he has not clearly named why he is a poet, he is well-deserved as one of the most powerful writers in the Tang Dynasty!

So, what amazing works will His Royal Highness King Chu make?Really looking forward to it!

Even Li Shimin looked at the past with great interest. It is a common problem for literati in this era to like good poetry. For them, it is like a wonderful piece of music, and any good work is enough to have an endless aftertaste.

In front of countless people, Li You pondered for two seconds in the seat.

Then he took a deep breath and spoke.

"O sea, you are all water! Horse, you have four legs! Haruyuki, you are all white! Beauty, you..."

"Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop--!"

Li Shimin called for an emergency stop, and the chopsticks fell on the table in shock.

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