"Yeah, His Royal Highness the King of Chu has made countless achievements. If he doesn't become the prince, who will be the prince?"

If someone else became the prince, then they would be very unconvinced. Why?

Only His Royal Highness the King of Chu is the old friend they are most familiar with, and who is the most kind to them. The rest of them have never even heard of it.

They are just ordinary people, and they don't care about the distinction between direct sons and concubines. They only know who does a good job and can make them live a good life, and they support whoever.

As for the original Prince of Chu, before he became a prince, his quality of life had already improved a lot with the naked eye. If His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu really inherits the throne in the future, wouldn’t it be every day a day? Can you live like heaven?

It's just that compared to the celebration of the people, there is a huge hidden power between the government and the opposition, and the mood is extremely bad.

"It's really a wrong step, a wrong step!"

Yin Hongzhi's face was gloomy, thinking about his own mistakes in pain.

Unexpectedly, Li You actually became the prince!

Thinking of this, Yin Hongzhi closed his eyes in pain.

It's not that they didn't react, or they were too slack with Li You, but because Li You's speed was so fast, he became a prince by leaps and bounds!

Originally, the old forces of the Sui Dynasty who had decided to wait and see Li You had never dreamed of it. In the blink of an eye, Li You suddenly became a prince!


In the palace of the King of Shu, the sound of smashing things resounded.

"Damn! Damn!"

Li Ke, who had always been calm, already had a grim expression on his face, causing the maids and servants to shiver.

This is the first time in Li Ke's life that he feels that nothing is in his control. The panic caused by this knowledge completely drowns Li Ke's heart!

Why... why did he, Li You, win the crown of the prince? !

Obviously, the identity of this king should be more noble. I am a person who bears the blood of the royal family of the two dynasties. It is indescribably precious!

No matter how he looked at it, Li Ke felt that he was more qualified than Li You to be the crown prince. Otherwise, what was the painstaking management of him and the old forces of the Sui Dynasty in the past?

Therefore, Li Ke now hates Li You to the extreme. He feels that what belongs to him has been forcibly taken away by Li You!


"It's only been a long time... The fifth emperor suddenly became the prince and the emperor."

When the senior leaders of the old forces of the Sui Dynasty were angry or remorseful, only Baling was leaning against the window in a daze.

Looking at the clouds in the sky, she felt incredible, and she didn't know what she was thinking about in her little head.

"Speaking of which, the reason why none of the old forces of the Sui Dynasty could deal with it in time is because the emperor's brother is taking every step of the way, and the plan is really thorough and terrifying, right?"

Baling was the one who had the most contact with Li You among the remnants of the Sui Dynasty, so she knew more about the closeness of Li You's plan and how terrifying it was.

Thinking about it carefully, it was not at all that Li You became the prince so fast that the old forces of the Sui Dynasty failed to react.

This is simply because Li You made himself a prince as a general trend, which made people overwhelmed without any resistance at all, and went straight to the sky in one step, so that the old forces of the Sui Dynasty had the illusion that Li You had become a prince in the blink of an eye!


In addition to the old forces of the Sui Dynasty, the news of Li You becoming the prince really made the entire Buddhist community jump.


"That Chu King Li You... now he has become a prince?!"

Almost every monk, nun, and monk felt complicated, because they all knew that Li You was the biggest promoter of this era of Buddha eradication!

And when he was just a prince, it was already difficult enough to deal with, and now Li You has even become a prince, how can he play?


The disturbance from the outside world has nothing to do with Li You at the moment.

Because Li You is currently busy with moving things.

"Hey... I've been living in the Chu Palace for so long, and it's a bit reluctant to say goodbye all of a sudden."


Li You looked at the Chu palace, shook his head and sighed.

Now that he has become a prince, he will move to the East Palace. Speaking of which, Li You's impression of the East Palace is really not very good.

You can see that Li Chengqian's rebellion happened in the East Palace, and there was a big war. Li You even killed countless people in it himself. No matter what you think, it is not very lucky.

And even if we put this aside, Li You personally sneaked into the East Palace to let go of people's heads. I didn't expect that Li You would go to live in the East Palace in the blink of an eye.

"Apart from the need to move to the East Palace, I feel that the rest of the changes have also changed a lot... For example, I used to be able to call myself the king, but now I'm going to call myself 'gu', and I'm not very used to it for a while."

Li You looked at the servants who were working hard to carry the furniture in front of him, and sat on the rocking chair like an uncle, groaning without a problem.

Compared with "solitary", Li You feels that "this king" is more imposing, but this is something you need to get used to early, otherwise, if you really become emperor in the future, wouldn't it be more difficult to change your name to "zhen" already?

Chapter 748 The body of the crown prince (fourth more)

However, after becoming a prince, it is equivalent to getting Li Shimin's approval, and finally can turn the yin and yang religion into a positive!

After all, Li You knew very well that Li Shimin named him the crown prince because he wanted Li You to become the orthodox heir to the throne, so as to firmly grasp the yin and yang religion in the hands of the Tang Dynasty.

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