But Li You's vision has already surpassed this era. What people in this era can't do doesn't mean Li You can't do it either!

It is very unfeasible to build the reputation of the Yin-Yang religion in a very short period of time... Then Li You simply will not directly shape the reputation of the Yin-Yang religion, he will use the huge reputation he already has to pass on directly. past!

For example, it is like a domestic mobile phone brand, which is not well-known in China, but if Apple mentions this brand at the press conference and says that this is the most difficult competitor for Apple to deal with, then this brand will be sold overnight. will be famous!

Chapter 753 Blindly making money! (first update)

The key point is to link with something that has long been famous, and this kind of behavior is also called "touching porcelain marketing".

When JD.com first started, Lao Liu often used this method. He often criticized Taobao and Lao Ma in public. Over time, the media would report that "JD.com is openly targeting Taobao again today" and so on.

What is the effect of this?

That is, JD.com, which was originally not very big, was directly shaped in the minds of the people into an evenly matched opponent who fights with Taobao every day!

This can bring a lot of popularity and fame to JD.com, which is the so-called "touching porcelain marketing". Li You's method has the same effect!

"Several masters, don't panic, the little monk "May [-]" has another opinion."

Just when everyone sighed, the debate machine suddenly said.

"Oh? Why don't you talk about it?"

Daoyue looked at him expectantly after hearing this. His apprentice has always been smart and clever, which is why Daoyue accepted him as his apprentice.

Although the real famous place of the debate machine lies in the fornicating princesses in later generations, it is undeniable that the debate machine itself is also very intelligent.

"Master, several masters, the little monk thinks that the fast-growing reputation of the Yin-Yang Sect is not the real reputation!"

Facing the gazes of several eminent monks at the scene, Defen Ji said nervously.

Defen Ji's heart is pounding right now, because he not only faces these famous monks across the country, but there are also many representatives of various temples in the audience staring at him, one or two of them are at least one big temple. the abbot.

In other words, the debate machine is now speaking in front of the backbone of Buddhism across the country!

"What's the meaning of this statement?" asked the abbot of White Bull Temple.

He had been to the event site of the Yin-Yang Divine Religion in person before, and it was crowded with people, and it seemed that [-] or [-] percent of the people at the scene had joined the teaching on the spot!

Bian Ji replied, "Master, please think about it carefully, what are those laypeople who are devout and faithful to the Buddha? Isn't it just a kind of heart that does good every day and accumulates merit?"

Hearing what the defense machine said, the faces of several eminent monks present were all clear.

Soon, the abbots of many Buddhist temples in the audience followed closely, all of them showed a sudden realization, obviously they also wanted to understand.

"So that's the case, are you trying to say that the yin and yang gods are now only just fame, not real fame?"

"Exactly," said Defen Ji, nodding. "If you think about it carefully, compared to my Buddhist reputation for accumulating good deeds, isn't the reputation of Yin-Yang God sect reliant on stardom? It's impossible to impress those who are dedicated to good deeds. donor!"

According to the human pyramid needs theory, when material needs are met, spiritual needs will be met.

This is also the reason why among those who live affluent lives, the proportion of devout believers is larger - because they no longer need to work hard to fight for life, and have more time and energy to pursue spiritual Satisfy!

In their view, these acts of donating statues and buying incense to Buddhist temples are all great good deeds that can accumulate merit, and this is the core reason that really moved them to believe in religion!

And these people who have already achieved material satisfaction are undoubtedly all wealthy people, so they are the core believers who truly support Buddhism!

As for those poor working people who believe in Buddhism, are there other benefits besides increasing their popularity and dissemination?there is none left!

On the contrary, these dignitaries believe in Buddhism, and the money spent by one person can at least be worth thousands of civilians!

Therefore, this is the foundation of Buddhism's standing. As long as these foundations are not shaken by the yin and yang religion, Buddhism can sit back and relax!

"This is a great remark!" Daoyue nodded in relief.

The debate machine was recognized by Daoyue, and he scratched his bald head proudly. At this moment, he only felt that he had come to the peak of his life, because not only Daoyue, but also several other well-known eminent monks also looked at him with admiration. look at him!

Even the abbots in the audience nodded their heads one after another. This feeling of being recognized by countless people with extremely high status made Defen Ji flush with excitement!

"This statement makes sense. Although the Yin-Yang God Cult seems to be very powerful at present, it attracts irrelevant believers. The core members of our Buddhist sect cannot reach them at all!"

The abbot of Bainiu Temple said with a red face, sweeping away the scorching situation before, and the scene suddenly returned to a relaxed atmosphere 0  …

"Abbot! Not good!"

At this moment, a monk suddenly rushed in outside the door, breaking the current atmosphere.

"What's the matter, calm down!"

The abbot who was called was the host of the Dajing Temple, where the Dharma conference was held this time. He frowned and scolded: "What happened to make you panic?"

The monk swallowed his saliva before saying, "The Yin-Yang Sect has started to carry out activities again, and the invitations have been sent to the hands of dignitaries from all walks of life. All the wealthy business families who rank first have one!"

"Ha... I thought it was something. I don't know how many events the Yin-Yang Sect has held in the past. What's the point of panic this time?"

The chairperson of Dajing Temple was even more dissatisfied. Such a trivial matter should have been accustomed to make a big move on 2.9. Isn't it disgraceful in front of the virtuous monks all over the country?

"No! No!"

The monk argued: "This event is completely different from the previous events. It is no longer asking stars to be the one-day altar masters, but collecting donations from the powerful families of the Tang Dynasty!"

"What did you say!?"

The scene was suddenly drowned out by the huge noise, and all the monks, nuns, and monks were surprised. Even the most virtuous and respected monks on the stage couldn't hide the shock on their faces at this moment!

What exactly is this activity of the Yin-Yang Sect doing? !

Isn't this blatant money grabbing! .

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