Li You's pragmatic attitude made Li Shimin very satisfied, thinking that this is the person who does the real thing, he couldn't help but look at Li Youlai with more admiration, but when he looked at it, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Um?Why does this seem to be not only not arrogant or impetuous, but also not happy or sad?

After thinking for a few seconds, Li Shimin's cheeks twitched and he figured it out - Damn, after daring to praise this kid, this kid is so calm because he doesn't really value my praise!

Of course, this is a bit exaggerated, but compared to other civil and military officials who wanted to fly into the sky after receiving the emperor's praise, Li You was indeed extremely indifferent.

Isn't it just a verbal compliment from the father, and it's not a power reward for practical benefits, so what's so exciting?

After he figured it out, Li Shimin only felt a stomachache, and his tone became a bit harsh.

(Nord's) "."Then, Prince, tell me first, what do you plan to do with Buddhism?"

Listening to Li Shimin's remarks, all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty perked up their ears.

Originally this time, the action of destroying Buddhism was carried out by His Royal Highness, and the people who fought against Buddhism all the way were basically His Royal Highness. In the end, it was His Royal Highness who went out to beat Buddhism to the ground in person. .

So about the handling of Buddhism, it can be said that no one is more qualified to speak than His Royal Highness the Prince!

"According to the son-in-law..."

Li You said slowly and leisurely: "You can continue to practice Buddhism, and you don't have to completely ban it."


Li Shimin was taken aback. You've been working so hard to destroy Buddhism, how can you still leave seeds for Buddhism after doing it for a long time? .

Chapter 766

"No! Don't even think about it!"

Li Shimin rejected it on the spot. What a joke, he has gone to this point with all his strength. How could he give any signs of a re-emergence to Buddhism?

"Yes, please think twice about His Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness, this idea is unacceptable!"

"The minister also absolutely disagrees!"

There was also a voice of opposition in the Tai Chi Palace. Every minister and official was shaking his head wildly, and he really couldn't understand Li You's crazy proposal.

"Fortunately, Your Majesty is still very awake..."

They thought happily.

"Don't be in such a hurry to reject it, Royal Father," Li You smiled easily, "If you don't completely destroy Buddhism, it will be a huge money-making business, and it will add a lot of income to the national treasury every year!"


Above the quiet hall, there was a clear and audible sound of swallowing.

The civil and military capitals of the Manchu Dynasty stared at the source of the voice - 753 - and saw Li Shimin on the dragon chair, showing a very uncomfortable look for a moment.

"Cough... Then, can you tell me in detail?"

Your Majesty aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

When all the officials and officials heard the words, they all wailed in their hearts, Your Majesty, you are too greedy for money, right? !

Li You smiled and took the initiative to explain: "After all, when Erchen destroyed the Buddha, the reason why he used all the means to grind Buddhism to death was because he didn't want to use extreme means, which would create countless turmoil out of thin air. It’s really worth it.”

Li Shimin nodded understandingly. It is actually necessary to take the route of peacefully destroying Buddhas like Li You.

At first glance, if the imperial court is really determined to destroy the Buddha, then it only needs to use the power of the state apparatus to destroy countless Buddhist temples very quickly by violent means.

But in the long run, it will do more harm than good. After all, those Buddhists and believers are not all good men and women, and it is impossible for you to slaughter them.

Buddhism was out of control at first, and its development was too large and bloated, which seriously affected the national economy and people's livelihood, so Li Shimin and Li You needed to destroy the Buddha.

But this does not mean that it is best to be completely extinct. Li Shimin is not a sloppy emperor, so he can see this clearly after calming down.

After all, it has been nearly a thousand years since Buddhism was introduced to China from the Han Dynasty. There are still many people who believe in Buddhism sincerely, so it is not realistic to forcibly ban it.

What Li You has to do now is to control, not to completely eradicate it. As long as Buddhism is under Li You's control and the scale is still permitted, then there is no problem at all.

Seeing that Li Shimin understood, Li You nodded in satisfaction and continued.

"The first is the scale. Since the Buddhas have already been destroyed, the scale left for them should not be too large."

Li You said slowly: "In the Tang Dynasty, each county is allowed to keep only one temple and one nunnery, each state can retain one more temple and one nunnery, each road can also retain one more temple and one nunnery, and Chang'an can retain three temples and three temples. The nunnery, the rest of the monasteries and nunneries will be destroyed!"

Li Shimin frowned. Regarding a similar plan, he remembered that Li Yuan had also proposed it. Although it was not successfully implemented in the end, Li You was far more relaxed than Li Yuan.

The rest of the civil and military officials, including many elderly people, still remember that when Li Yuan asked for only one temple and one nunnery in one state, he did not refine it to the county seat like Li You did.

"His Royal Highness, are you being too kind?" Tang Jian asked, "As a result, the whole country should keep [-] temples!"

As the minister of households, Tang Jian has also been strengthened by Li You's previously developed arithmetic, so naturally the numbers in it were calculated in an instant.

And after hearing this number, there was also a dissatisfied noise in the Tai Chi Palace. Just hearing the number of [-] seats made them feel as if they had never destroyed the Buddha!

"Yeah, that's too much!"

"His Royal Highness, don't be soft at the last minute!"

"According to my opinion, this number must be cut by at least [-]% to [-]%!"

Hearing the dissenting voices of the civil servants and military generals in his ears, and seeing Li Shimin's unhappy expression on his face, Li You sneered in his heart.

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