"Presumably this princess's marriage is just an excuse. Songtsan Gampo's ambition must have been on the Tang Dynasty for a long time!"

"What's the difference between such measures and taking the initiative to seek reconciliation? It's a shame throughout the ages!"

All of a sudden, the officials of the two factions in the East Palace quarreled. On the one hand, they argued that if they were with their relatives, they might not be able to fight, so as to avoid even greater losses.

In the face of such a noisy scene, Li Shimin surprisingly did not let them quiet down, but turned his attention to Li You, who was always silent.

In the past, although Li You always made amazing moves, the facts all proved that many of Li You's decisions were right, so this time Li Shimin also wanted to ask Li You's opinion.

Li You felt Li Shimin's gaze and smiled lightly.

"."Father, did you forget what my son said to you on New Year's Eve?"

Li Shimin's body was shocked, and Li You's words seemed to be wrong, but it suddenly aroused his thoughts.

"...From now on, I, Tang Dynasty, will never have the humiliation of paying tribute and begging for peace. I want to become the most dignified country in the world!"

Li You's words at that time were loud, and they still echo in Li Shimin's ears for a long time now!

This sentence seemed to give Li Shimin strength and made Li Shimin make up his mind. He took a deep breath and suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Silence!"

All of a sudden, the noisy East Palace subsided, and the civil and military officials all looked at Li Shimin. They understood that His Majesty should have made a decision at this moment!

"What the Crown Prince said reminded me..." Li Shimin said slowly, "Datang is the strongest country in the world right now, so what's the difference between Datang and the rest of the surrounding small countries (Wang's)?"

Before waiting for the ministers and officials to answer, or in other words, Li Shimin did not intend to wait for them to answer at all, he said word by word: "The difference is that the Tang Dynasty has enough strength to guarantee its own dignity!"

"Today's Great Tang has returned to its normal state after repeated measures, so the Great Tang, which is not empty, needs to seek peace with relatives to survive?!"

Li Shimin questioned loudly, causing many people who advocated marrying the princess to bow their heads in shame.

"No!" Li Shimin said decisively, "Today's Tang Dynasty has enough confidence and strength to not be afraid to fight anyone! There is no need to do such condescending humiliation!"

"The dignity of the country depends on fighting! If the Tang Dynasty can't do it so far, what's the use of this national strength!?"

Chapter 776 This battle must be won!

As Li Shimin said, if the Tang Dynasty is already one of the most powerful countries in the world, and it still cannot maintain its own dignity, and it must rely on harmony to achieve peace, what is the difference between it and the surrounding poor and weak countries?

What is the significance of the development of Datang? !

"Therefore, when Songtsen Gampo wants to fight, I will fight!"

Li Shimin said coldly, the next moment has already begun to announce the battle list.

"The prince-in-law is obsessed with listening to orders!"

As the concubine of Princess Jiujiang, Li Shimin's younger sister, he immediately led the order out of the crowd and said respectfully, "This minister is here!"

Li Shimin ordered: "I now order you to be the head of the Bailan Road march! Liu Lan, the general of the left leading army, obeys the order!"

"Chen is here!"

Liu Lan, who succeeded Qi Bi He Li who had been promoted to the left, also took a step forward. Li Shimin looked at him and said, "I have ordered you to be the marching commander of Taohe Road! At the same time, you also have a task to send to the next appointment. Go to Hanjiang House."

"Hanjiang Mansion?"

Liu Lan was stunned for a moment, and then understood.

"That's right," Li Shimin nodded. "I will appoint Niu Jinda, the commander of Hanjiang Prefecture, as the commander-in-chief of the Kuoshuidao marching! It's time for him to make a move. Don't be bored to be the commander in Hanjiang Prefecture, it's really overkill."

No one raised any objection to the order to transfer someone outside of Chang'an to the commander of the march, because they all knew who Niu Jinda was.

In today's era, Niu Jinda is as famous as Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong, and he is Li Shimin's confidant!

The degree of his ability to conquer and fight is not inferior to any famous generals of the Tang Dynasty.

In this way, the lineup this time is really a gathering of stars.

In addition to Niu Jinda, Zhishili has also fought with the army many times in history, and successively defeated famous Tang Dynasty generals such as Tuyuhun, Tubo, Xue Yantuo, etc. Liu Lan is a famous official who likes to read the scriptures and good words.

It's just that after Li Shimin appointed these three people, he fell into silence for a while, his eyes full of thoughtful expressions.

In the current vast lineup, there is still a lack of one of the most critical positions - that is, the marching commander who leads the entire army!

"It seems that the royal father is worrying about the candidate..."

Li You thought silently, only he knew what Li Shimin was worried about.

After all, although the war was advanced by two years, the generals chosen by Li Shimin were basically the same as those in history. However, there is a problem, that is, the chief marching officer of the Battle of Songzhou in history was already taken by Li Shimin. You killed Hou Junji.

Although Hou Junji's character is extremely poor, he has to say that his talent for conquering and fighting should not be underestimated. Li Shimin likes to appoint him very much, but now Hou Junji's absence has also made it difficult for Li Shimin to find a replacement.

"Who should I use?"

Li Shimin's eyes swept across the faces of Li Ji, Yue Fei, Li Jing, Cheng Yaojin, and others. Each of them currently has their own positions, and it is not easy to call them out to fight.

As for Qin Qiong and Chai Shao, don't even think about them. Their current health is extremely poor, and it is really difficult for them to withstand the long journey.

"Your Majesty, since you can appoint Niu Jinda Niu, the commander of Hanjiang Prefecture outside Chang'an, why can't you find another person outside Chang'an?"

Seeing Li Shimin's embarrassed look, Fang Xuanling immediately reminded him.

"Oh? Or Fang Aiqing has an idea," Li Shimin asked, "I wonder who Aiqing can choose?"

Those who work outside Chang'an are usually more leisurely than the officials in the Chang'an court, and their positions are not very heavy, so they can be spared.

Fang Xuanling smiled slightly and said, "As for the famous Tang generals who are now outside Chang'an, how can there be another person, Your Majesty, who can forget?"

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