He looked at Lu Dongzan who was on the side, and found that Lu Dongzan's eyes were also widened in disbelief.

"Actually! The city walls have all been restored?!"

They saw that in their field of vision, the cracked Songzhou city walls had turned back to white concrete!

How is this going! ?

For a while, they all wanted to pinch themselves to see if they were still dreaming.

However, before they had time to do so, the entire Tubo military camp also recovered under the urging of the Get Up, and then countless people saw the brand-new Songzhou City Wall.


Everyone fell into a prolonged silence, and they looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

This... how did this come back?

How is this done!

"In this way, we were busy yesterday, didn't we..."

Some Tubo soldiers muttered to themselves, but more people felt a strong sense of powerlessness in their hearts!

"It's been a whole day of hard work, but the cracks were repaired in one night! It's impossible to break through the city walls of Songzhou!"

Seeing this incomprehensible miracle, even Songtsan Gampo and Lu Dongzan were filled with deep frustration, not to mention the ordinary Tubo soldiers.

"Damn it! Did everything you do yesterday turn out to be useless!...ˇ?"

"The city wall was repaired in just one night... How did this happen?!"

After Songtsan Gampo and Lu Dongzan woke up like a dream, their expressions changed several times, and they couldn't even fix one expression.

Because this matter is beyond their comprehension!

"Huh...Wait, I remembered it!"

Lu Dongzan took a deep breath and finally recalled something.

"Thinking about it carefully, the gray-white thing before appeared suddenly within a day or two, which means that Tang Guo really has the technology to build these gray-white walls in a short period of time!"

Songtsen Gampo's face sank when he heard it, what should I do?

What they didn't know was that Li You actually took less time to repair the concrete wall than they thought.

After all, all Li You needs to do is to use the cover of the night to re-coat a layer of concrete at night, which is far smaller than the volume that needs to be air-dried when it was built. Basically, it only takes a few hours. !

And this is the real despair that Li You wants to show the Tubo army!


In the parliamentary hall of Songzhou, Niu Jinda's hearty laughter came.

"I really didn't expect His Royal Highness to use this trick, it's amazing!"

"I never thought of it," Li Xiaogong smiled and shook his head, "Although it is very simple, it is wicked enough!"

Han Wei tutted his tongue even more: "As expected of His Royal Highness, I guess they will all be forced to collapse by His Highness?"

Li You sat across from them for a moment in silence, are you sure you are complimenting me?Why does it sound full of derogatory terms?

After a long time, Li Youcai sighed: "In short, Songzhou's guarding battle has reached the end so far."

"The only thing left to see is whether they break through the concrete first, or whether we should exhaust them first. As for the disadvantage of the number of soldiers and horses, it can be completely ignored in this special offensive and defensive battle!"

The three generals all agreed with Li You's statement, but they were still a little worried in their hearts.

"But... no matter what the other party says, there is an army of [-] people. Is it so easy to wear them to death?"

Li You sneered and said, "You should think about it the other way around - it's because they have an army of [-] people, so the consumption is especially huge!"

"." Think about it, if the [-]-strong army can't have the advantage of the number of troops, isn't it just a burden of simply consuming supplies? Every extra day of offensive and defensive warfare is double the logistics of Tubo. huge pressure!"

"Furthermore, the supplies of Tubo itself are not enough." Li You stretched out his finger and clicked on the military map in front of him, "After all, they are now invading our Tang Dynasty, in other words, they have left their own country! "

"Then Tubo went to fight in a foreign country, and the supply line was stretched to the limit. When it comes to the logistical ability of supplying supplies, it is far inferior to the defenders here in Songzhou, and the consumption rate is double ours. The exhaustion of death is almost inevitable!"

Similar to Tubo, which developed in nomadic or tribal nation-states, the general routine of expeditions and wars is to fight while robbing, and use locally plundered grain to relieve their logistical pressure.

However, now that they can't even attack Songzhou, they can't grab anything at all, and they can only sit and eat!

Therefore, in order to break through this predicament, the only way out for Tubo is to conquer Songzhou as soon as possible, but with the concrete defending the city, Li You's first hypothesis of "they break the concrete first" simply does not hold true!

Although it is said that too heavy concrete is not good in terms of durability over time, at least in a short period of time, the defensive power of Songzhou's city walls and gates is unmatched in the world!

Chapter 797 Destroy the Tubo, and never have future troubles!

Outside Songzhou, Songtsen Gampo had been attacking for ten days without believing in evil.

During this period, Songtsen Gampo had used various means, but the siege was inseparable from it, and it was always inseparable from the same central theme, so no matter how it was fought, the result was the same.

——Even a changeable strategy will become useless in the face of the extremely hard concrete!

As long as the damn concrete is not solved, there is absolutely no possibility of Songzhou being laid!

"Your Majesty, we can't go on like this anymore."

Even Lu Dongzan, who initially advocated continuing the attack, began to persuade Songtsen Gampo to give up.

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