The messenger who rushed in was a messed-up messenger, apparently also from Songzhou, who had come from Songzhou. Hearing his words, the audience was shocked!

"What did you say!?"

The civil and military officials all widened their eyes, and a bad premonition surged in their hearts.

This second urgent report from Songzhou, how long has it been since the first urgent report Li Ji received earlier?

Even if there is something, why can't it be said in the first urgent newspaper?

"Could it be... what's the secret behind it?"

Many conspiracy theorists have begun to secretly guess in their hearts. In fact, the current situation is also in line with the premise of the conspiracy theory. For example, in the first battle report, the credit of His Royal Highness the Prince occupies half of the sky. Normally, the credit of one person It's not going to be such an exaggeration.

So maybe this second urgent report is a document to impeach His Royal Highness the Crown Prince for robbing merit?

Many officials who are not too serious about the fun have become excited, but Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng and others have thought more than these cranky guys.

"Judging from the time when the emergency reports were sent, the things described in the two emergency reports probably happened on the same day! So what is the drastic change that made Songzhou have to issue the second letter on the same day? What about the emergency report?"

Li Jing and Xiao Yu also pondered. Obviously, the situation at the time was that the first urgent report had already been sent, and then there was another urgent matter that had to be reported, so the second urgent report was sent. .

"Could it be that Tubo suddenly killed another carbine?" Zhang Liang secretly guessed.

It's just that no matter how much you think, there is no evidence at present. You only need to open the envelope to know the truth directly.

With a gloomy face, Li Shimin ordered someone to open the letter, and he was also nervous for a while, hoping that it wouldn't be a bad thing.

Soon, all the ministers and officials pricked up their ears and listened to the contents of the letter - what this second emergency report said was completely beyond their expectations.

It's not a conspiracy theory, it's not that Tubo killed a carbine, and it's not a very bad thing...because this thing is not very bad anymore, but very special bad!


Just from Li Shimin's uncontrollable roar, you can fully judge this, which is also a result that no one expected before.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince actually rushed into Tibet with [-] soldiers and horses, and threatened to take this opportunity to directly destroy Tibet!

"That kid Li You...isn't he crazy!"

Li Shimin was so angry that he called Li You's name directly. He wanted to destroy a Tubo with only [-] troops. Even the self-proclaimed Li Shimin would not dare to boast about this Haikou!

And such a whimsical thing from the Arabian Nights, did Li You think that he could do it only because his mind was flooded? ! .

Chapter 803 The biggest gamble in history!

How arrogant is this?How stupid is it?

Even the ministers and officials who were accustomed to the genius of Li Youzhi were speechless at the moment, because they could not understand what Li You thought at all.

This kind of decision is simply a death sentence, is it really made by His Royal Highness, who has always been intelligent?

"Your Majesty, don't be in a hurry," Fang Xuanling said calmly, "I believe that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will definitely not make this judgment without any reason. Please listen to your Majesty patiently. Maybe there is a reason behind it."

Li Shimin finally calmed down, rubbed his eyebrows and waved, "Continue reading."

As the follow-up parts of the letter were read out, Li You must pick the reason and necessity of attacking Tubo at this time, which was also brought together by Li You in the letter.

It can be said that Li You's motivation is very sufficient, and his judgment of the timing is extremely accurate. Even in the process, many generals were persuaded by _Li You.

"His Royal Highness is right! At this time, we should continue to fight Tubo, otherwise it would be a pity!"

Cheng Yaojin is a typical case, nodding his head and agreeing very much.

Li Jing, Li Ji and the others all looked at him helplessly, but it seemed that they and Li Daozong and other famous generals also felt that His Royal Highness was right - of course, this does not mean that His Royal Highness's decision was also right. !

"Even so, can he directly take [-] people to Tibet!? What's the difference between this and delivering food?"

Li Shimin's temples were bulging, and at this moment he was caught in a huge tangled state.

As a former general of Tiance, of course, he also understood Li You's thoughts, and understood that if he did not hurry up to fight Tubo now, it would not only cause endless troubles, but also would be a pity.

However, it is right to need to fight immediately, but it is not right to fight with only [-] people!

Because even if you start the fight at the most suitable time, but in the end you can't win, then everything is still meaningless.

And Datang will pay a huge and painful price for this - not only has it lost [-] soldiers and horses in vain, but also has a promising prince!

"Hey... His Royal Highness is still young and energetic, and it's too impulsive."

Even Wen Yanbo, who was a civil servant, shook his head. In his opinion, this was a regrettable opportunity that he had to give up.

Because as it stands, there are only three options.

The first option is not to fight, then you will miss this opportunity, which is a pity while raising tigers. It takes a long time, and the opportunity will still be missed.

The third option is to act decisively even when the manpower is insufficient, so that although the opportunity will not be missed at all, the odds of winning will drop to an unprecedented low!It can even be said that there is no chance of winning!

That is to say, no matter which choice is perfect, all of them have drawbacks and drawbacks, then of course, it is the safest to choose the first two.

But His Royal Highness chose the third option!

"Your Majesty, there's more..."

When Li Shimin was so angry that he almost wanted to leave with a swipe of his sleeves, the minister who recited the urgent report reminded tremblingly.

"Read it!" Li Shimin waved his hand irritably.

With the end of the second half of the letter, the entire court fell into silence.

In the second half of the letter, Li You explained in detail his judgment on Tubo's available troops, as he explained to Li Xiaogong and Niu Jinda, and finally deduced the conclusion that the odds of victory are extremely high!

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