Chapter 814 Foresight

I don't miss you at all!

Songtsan Gampo and Lu Dongzan both shrank their pupils, and while they were screaming wildly in their hearts, they felt puzzled by this.

Judging from Tang Jun's appearance, it seems that he has been in ambush here for a long time - but why?How did Tang Jun accurately predict their whereabouts? !

Although I can't figure it out, since I have already met Tang Jun, I can only fight -!

"The whole army obeys..."

Lu Dongzan just opened his head, and Li You said succinctly: "_Fight!"

The soldiers of Datang received orders in an instant, and a brutal war was fought here every second!

The Tang army, which had been prepared for a long time, could be said to have taken the lead, so it was faster to follow Li You's command, and the Tubo army was caught off guard.

The tragic fight did not last long, and finally, after paying the price of thousands of people, Songtsan Gampo and others took the army to get rid of Li You in embarrassment.

"Damn, how on earth did he find out our exact location!?"

Lu Dongzan also had the same doubts as Songtsen Gampo, so he could only shake his head in confusion.

"I don't know, but... it can't be a traitor, right? Even if there is a traitor, they don't have any way or channel to spread the news?"

Songtsan Gampo also thought so, and because of this, Li You's foresight made him extremely puzzled.

"All in all, this time it is considered a success to get rid of them again, and we strive to keep getting rid of them all the way!"

Songtsen Gampo and Lu Dongzan were much more careful this time, and they no longer dared to take it lightly.

In the following time, they gave full play to their memory and knowledge, relying on their familiarity with the terrain of Tubo to go around in the east and west, just hoping that Tang Jun would not be able to keep up anyway.

"Hu... hu... In this way, those bastards Tang Jun can't do anything, right?"

Originally, I had accumulated a lot of tiredness in Nyingchi City. Now, no matter how frantic the march is, even Songtsen Gampo can't bear it, so he asked out of breath.

Lu Dongzan said confidently: "Please don't worry, Your Majesty, we are all like this, forgive Tang Jun..."

Before Lu Dongzan's words were finished, behind the next corner, the situation gradually became clear, and there were dense figures that made their hearts cool.

"And... it's Tang Jun again!?"

Lu Dongzan was so surprised that he even stammered, no, it was not so simple anymore, he was completely shocked!

I rely on!How the hell did this catch up!

"And looking at how they have been in ambush for a long time, it is obvious that they arrived one step earlier than us... How did they do it?"

Songtsan Gampo was also shocked, so he couldn't react immediately.

However, Songtsan Gampo and Lu Dongzan were stunned, which did not mean that Li You would also accompany them in a daze.

"Hello, how are you, let's meet again~"

"Hello, how are you, let's meet again~"

After Li You greeted happily, he immediately waved his hand.


"Oh oh oh oh oh--!"

Tang Jun's soldiers rushed forward one by one roaring, and once again beat the Tubo soldiers who were completely stunned!

How familiar this situation is, and the ending is very similar - although under the command of Songtsan Gampo and Lu Dongzan, they once again got rid of the Tang army, but they still paid the exact same thousands of casualties!

After this time, Songtsan Gampo and Lu Dongzan were already exhausted, but no matter how hard they tried, Tang Jun and Li You were still haunted and appeared in front of them again and again!

In today's Songtsan Gampo and Lu Dongzan's feelings, Tang Jun is like a cowhide candy, he can't shake it off no matter what, just thinking about it makes him almost faint.

However, even so, the army of Tubo and Datang still did not fight on a large scale, which stemmed from the mutual understanding of the two sides.

One is anxious to return to some cities, so it is absolutely impossible to stay and fight for a long time.

The only difference is that Li You was a tactical high-frequency small-scale war, while Songtsan Gampo and Lu Dongzan had to choose to do this because the domestic turmoil in Tubo became more and more tense!

One was active and the other was forced, and the gap in the period was suddenly highlighted. The army of Tubo was chased by the army of the Tang Dynasty!

"His Royal Highness has been hit again! How many times has this been mentioned by His Royal Highness?"

Seeing that the Tubo army who had just finished fighting fled again, looking at their dusty backs, Niu Jinda said with emotion.

This chase was definitely the most amazing chase that Niu Jinda had ever fought in his life.


During almost the whole chase, there is no need to think about it at all. All you need to do is to follow the instructions of His Royal Highness, and you can always arrive at the destination just a little earlier than the Tubo army and ambushed.

However, after the first two or three wars, Li You had already given up his command and instead left it to Li Xiaogong, Niu Jinda and Liu Lan to fight Zhisili, and he was only responsible for guiding the way.

This is because Li You has more important things to do, so he doesn't want to waste time on it for the time being.

But even just pointing the way, has already made Niu Jinda, Li Xiaogong and others feel extremely surprised - they really want to ask His Royal Highness, how on earth did such a thing happen?

Could it be that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince can do fortune-telling?Or does His Royal Highness actually have the protection of immortals and gods, and it is right to give any directions?

It's a pity that Li You had long expected that they would definitely be curious to ask this and that. In order to save the trouble of explaining the stage, Li You disappeared from the army early, so that they couldn't ask any questions.

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