Lu Dongzan was puzzled, why did Li You appear in front of thousands of troops, is he dying?Still want to commit suicide?

I saw Li You pick up a branch under his incredible gaze and draw a long line in front of him.

"Don't blame Gu for not reminding you," Li You smiled, "Whoever crosses this line, die!"

Chapter 828 One husband is in charge, and ten thousand people don't open it!

Although Li You spoke with a smile on his face, his voice was incomparably cold, as if he had come from hell, and it was chilling to the bone!

"What... what?"

And this situation is so surreal that it made all the Tubo soldiers stunned, and even subconsciously stopped the charge!

What does he mean?Want to stop thousands of troops with just one person?

Is this Prince Tang's brain normal? ?

Even Lu Dongzan was speechless for a while. He couldn't believe it. Could it be that he and His Majesty were defeated by such a lunatic before?

"It seems that you don't believe it..." Li You spread his hands and said, "Welcome to try it yourself~"

These words made the Tubo soldiers look at each other, and immediately a daring squad leader shouted angrily: "Don't believe what he says! It's just him, how could he be able to stop us?"

"Then you go." Li You pointed to the line in front of him, "The loneliness didn't stop you."

The team leader was stunned for a while, and said with anger: "Don't underestimate me! Just leave!"

While talking, the team leader rode across the line, and sure enough, Li You didn't stop him in the slightest.

The squad leader was still safe and sound until he crossed the line, and immediately laughed wildly.

"Hahahahaha! I'll say it's bluffing, right? Go ahead, let me cut off this bastard's head first..."

Before he could finish his words, there was a screeching sound of "whoosh" in the air, causing a blood flower to explode in the head of the squad leader!


The squad leader's corpse with a wildly laughing expression fell to the ground, and the death came too suddenly.

And beside his body, a blood-red arrow was inserted brightly on the ground, and it was impossible to tell whether it was stained red with blood, or the arrow was originally blood-red.


This scene made everyone swallow their saliva subconsciously, and looked at the arrow in horror.

"Where did it come from!?"

Lu Dongzan was equally horrified. He and a group of Tubo soldiers looked around, but couldn't see who the shooter was!

"It's impossible!" Lu Dongzan swallowed, "Could this person really be so skilled?"

When he realized that he could not find Yang Youji at all, Lu Dongzan realized this reality.

You must know that as a country composed of nomadic people, Tubo has no shortage of archery experts in his army, but if they are unable to guard against their skills, and they cannot even tell where the arrows come from, then it shows that the means of the archers are: How superb!

"I can't go on like this anymore...!"

Seeing that his morale began to shake, Lu Dongzan immediately shouted: "Don't be afraid! With so many of us rushing over together, I don't believe he can kill them all!"

The rest of the Tubo soldiers also gritted their teeth and continued to shout and charged.

However, the gap released by Tang Jun was deliberately calculated by Li You, so how could there be such omissions?

Even if they rushed over together, each batch of people who could get out of this gap would only be a dozen or so people.

And the number of more than ten people, for Yang Yuji, who is known as the first arrow god in ancient times, it is just that the number of arrows on the bow has increased a little!

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The whistling sound of breaking the air was almost continuous. At the moment when the dozen people crossed the boundary, more than a dozen arrows broke through the sky at the same time, neatly piercing their heads!

"how can that be!?"

Lu Dongzan was shocked when he saw this, and the rest of the Tubo soldiers were also shocked and speechless!

This... this is not an arrow shot by a human at all, right?

This is a miracle that only the god of arrows has the ability to shoot!

"Surrender, Lu Dongzan."

Li You looked at Lu Dongzan with a smile, and said lightly: "As long as you give up, you won't die so many people today, or you would rather the Tubo people sacrifice a little more, but what you do is useless struggle. Woolen cloth?"

Lu Dongzan gritted his teeth, and after a moment of trembling, he shouted sharply, "Don't be too complacent! I don't believe that these thousands of troops can really be blocked by you alone!"

"Then just try it."

Li Youpi repeated without laughing: "As long as anyone who crosses this line - there is only one dead end!"

"You are all huddled and covered with shields as much as possible, so that although you may be shot through the shield, at least you won't be killed."

Lu Dongzan thought about it for a while, and then ordered a dozen people to charge towards Li You for the third time in the way he said.

"... Now you can't do anything about it!" Lu Dong looked at them angrily as they crossed the line.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The sound of breaking the air came as expected, but this time it was slightly different. Those arrows actually turned a corner in the air, bypassing the shield and shooting through the heads of all those who crossed the line!

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