Gong Shuzan looked around, and an elder said: "Since the patriarch has made a decision, this decision is for the sake of the whole family. There is nothing wrong with it. I don't think you need to say more."

The elder looked at Gongzu Shangyuan and Gongzuxiu when he spoke, obviously he didn't like them and objected again.

"We have nothing to say!"

The Gongshu family then chose a good day, and let them both set out on the road to meet His Royal Highness the long-awaited Prince!

Chapter 846 Know everything without leaving home (Second)

Li You sent Cheng Chumo away, and when he turned around, he called for Duan Lun, Minister of Works, and the important person in charge of the Li's Chamber of Commerce.

In the East Palace, Li You held a meeting and first declared that no one could object to the construction of the Chang'an New District this time, only suggestions on how to complete it.

At the meeting, Li You ordered Duan Lun to hand over all the affairs of the Ministry of Industry to the Minister of the Ministry of Engineering, and was solely responsible for the construction of Chang'an New District.

This Chang'an New District was officially named Nancheng at the meeting, and administratively it is directly under the jurisdiction of the East Palace.

All the construction costs should be paid by the Li's Chamber of Commerce, and will not use a penny of the national treasury.

The houses and streets built in the city are all built according to the pattern that they have thought of in advance, and a lot of cement, glass, steel, etc. are used.

After the task is set, the action begins on the same day.

There are also several villages in Nancheng, all of which have been relocated, and all losses caused by the Li's Chamber of Commerce will be doubled.

Because of the relocation of the village, it is a matter of time to create a group of rich people. Many Chang'an people regret that they did not live in the southern suburbs village.

That money seemed to fall from the sky, and it became a gossip on the streets of Chang'an for a while.

The topic of Nancheng has become the most eye-catching major project in Chang'an and the entire Tang Dynasty. The money invested by the East Palace is even more astronomical, and no other project can compare!

On the issue of recruiting fortification workers, Li You did not introduce labor, and all those who came to work were paid in the form of wages, which was quite considerable, and supported countless families for a while.

A few days before the start of construction in Nancheng, people from around Datang came to ask for things to do, and it was even more crowded with large and small inns in Chang'an, and Chang'an was expensive for a while.

In order to cope with the living problems of tens of thousands of workers, all prices in Chang'an are more expensive than usual, and Nancheng has undoubtedly become the hottest topic in Datang.

Some people in the imperial court reported the influence of Nancheng, causing chaos in Chang'an. Li Shimin secretly ordered to strengthen the security, and casually dealt with it with a haha.

Because the court issued a self-discipline order, many officials guessed that the future was not guaranteed, and Lun's house became the most lively place in Chang'an for a while.

Not to mention that the officials in charge of the old Nancheng kept coming and going, and there were many officials who wanted to find a project in Nancheng through Duan Lun before they lost office.

Duan Lun has thus become the hottest figure in Chang'an, and it is more difficult than usual for many people to meet.

Of course, there are many people who want to find His Royal Highness directly, but recently, the guards of the East Palace are stricter than usual. It is impossible to see people without prior appointment. It is not a chief official above the fifth rank. It is a dream to want to see His Royal Highness.

Gong Shuzi and Gong Shumu were suffering. They spent several hours outside the imperial city, but couldn't find a way.

When the guard asked such ordinary people to see His Royal Highness, there was only one sentence: "You dream big! You have reached the gate of the palace". "Then he didn't even look at them.

Gong Shuzi and Gong Shumu had no choice but to squat outside the palace wall, staring straight at the tall scarlet gate, and lost their minds for a while.

Before coming back, they never thought about how they could see the prince.

Now that there is no one in the court, let alone no one to introduce them, thinking that this is a major event related to the family, and they dare not relax a little, the two can only squat aside and ask for the blessing of the ancestors.

"I beg me to see His Royal Highness! Later Duke Sun loses Zi and wishes to lose ten years of his life!"


Li You is writing some scientific knowledge in his study. This is written by his own memorabilia. It is all the modern scientific knowledge he learned before crossing the road. Now it is time to re-record it all.

After several days of hard records, Li You has completed the four subjects of mathematics, biology, physics, and chemistry. For the time being, it is only junior high school knowledge.

Each subject is made into a book, and the title of the book is taken as elementary mathematics, elementary physics and so on.

Li You thought about everything, and before Nancheng was formed, a Tang Academy of Sciences was established to specialize in these disciplines and cultivate talents in this area for the development of scientific undertakings.

Since a Tang Academy of Sciences is to be established, someone has to preside over this scientific institution. Li You thought about it and found a candidate in his heart, the one who sent the gossip lock.

Thinking of this, Li You suddenly thought of something and shouted: "By the way, this needs to be arranged."

Li You shouted in the study, "Little cow!"

Niu Xiaoer heard the voice of His Royal Highness, and hurried over: "His Royal Highness, are you calling me?"

"." Go outside and see, but someone dressed as a commoner came to see me? If there is one, bring him to my study."

Niu Xiaoer was also surprised to hear that, why did His Royal Highness even meet the common people in person?

While he was thinking about rushing to the gate of the imperial city, the gate guard hurriedly bowed his hands when he saw Niu Xiaoer.

"Can someone want to see His Royal Highness?"

The guard was stunned when he heard the words, wasn't that two people squatting nearby all the time?

"Do those two count?"

Niu Xiaoer looked over, and it turned out to be two young people dressed up as ordinary people, and couldn't help but be amazed.

Sitting in the room, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince knew that someone was looking for him outside. It was really amazing. With such a calculation, Zhuge Liang could only be an apprentice, right?

Niu Xiaoer walked over and asked a little, and he really came to look for His Royal Highness, but the guards refused to let him go. He glared at several guards, and brought Gongshuzi and Gongshumu into the emperor. palace.

"My mother... Are these two buns really the guests of His Royal Highness?"

A few guards also looked embarrassed, but fortunately, Boss Niu didn't teach others a lesson, otherwise he would be punished again.

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