"Three-bow crossbow! Shoot arrows!"

Chen Jun waved his spear and ordered loudly.

At this time, it had just entered the range of the three-bow crossbow, and the power could not be fully displayed. The bow and crossbow shot out aggressively, but in the end, only four or five out of ten, loosely set on the tower.

"Iron Tower Army, go out of the city to intercept and kill! The rest of the soldiers are all armed and ready to support the Iron Tower Army!" Yuan Gaisuwen also ordered loudly.

The city gate opened wide, and the Iron Tower Army approached from a distance like a black giant tank.

Liang Fan and Chen Jun immediately put the spear in his hand on the ground and picked up the warhammer on the horse. The cavalry alternated to form a hook, sickle and spear formation.

"Ha! Shot!"

A general of the iron tower army rushed over, and the long spear in his hand slammed like a battering ram with the help of horsepower.

Liang Fan didn't dare to underestimate, and swung the warhammer in his hand at the long spear as thick as a thigh of the Iron Tower Army.

With a loud bang, the two of them felt their arms numb at the same time, and the weapons almost came out of their hands!

After all, the spear is still more flexible than the warhammer. Before Liang Fan's warhammer had lost its strength, the spear stabbed again.

Liang Fan, who was under the visor, was shocked. He had seen what it was like to be wounded by the spear. The last time the soldier who survived under the spear returned to the barracks, the medical officer just touched his chest. He sighed and said that all the bones on his chest were broken, and the soldier died a few days later!

"Liang Fan, don't panic, I'll help you!"

Just when Liang Fan fell into despair, he suddenly heard Chen Jun's roar in his ear.

Then I saw Chen Jun throw a warhammer over and smashed it directly on the chest of the general of the iron tower army. Hearing a loud "bang", the general of the iron tower army flew like a kite with a broken line.

"Thank you..."

Liang Fan quickly wanted to thank Chen Jun. At this time, on the battlefield, the improved Iron Tower Army was threatening to kill. Liang Fan and Chen Jun looked at each other and shouted: "Withdraw the army!"


Yuan Gai Suwen's eyes narrowed slightly, seeing that the iron tower army under his tent easily destroyed the attack of the Tang army in front of him.

"Is the improved Iron Tower Army actually so powerful?!" Yuangai Suwen thought thoughtfully while stroking his chin.

Gao Renwu saw it clearly and said loudly to Yuan Gai Suwen: "This is a sign of great defeat. The last general is willing to lead a cavalry to cover up the past behind the Iron Tower Army, and the Tang Army will be defeated!"

Yuangai Suwen nodded, only feeling that his iron tower army has become powerful. If he does not take advantage of the good situation to cover up the past, it will be difficult to find a good opportunity like today in the future.

"You lead [-] cavalry to follow closely, and use the iron tower army as the main force to cover and kill the past, and the Tang army will be defeated!" Yuan Gai Suwen ordered loudly.

"You wait for [-] infantry to follow closely behind the cavalry, and you must not fall behind! There is only one chance. If you defeat the Tang army this time, you may be able to force the Tang army to retreat!"

After instructing Gao Renwu, Yuangaisuwen turned his head and said to the other generals.

"I hope you wait for the battle to succeed!"


Under the leadership of Gao Renwu, the generals saluted solemnly and respectfully, and then quickly descended the city wall to prepare for battle.

"It must be successful!"

Yuan Gai Suwen gritted his teeth, patted the city wall and said fiercely.


Li You crossed the horse and stood in the Tang army, and saw Xuan Dou City from a distance.

Suddenly, all the city gates opened wide, and countless cavalrymen rushed out with billowing smoke and dust.Although the armament of the Goguryeo cavalry is backward, the momentum of thousands of war horses galloping together is also extremely amazing.

Li You looked at the cavalry with cold eyes, because he knew that once he ordered a fire attack, the cavalry who rushed out would turn into ashes in an instant!

War is so cruel, if you are soft-hearted towards the enemy, maybe in the next second those enemies who are let go because of their good thoughts will cut off your head with the long knives in their hands.

"This is the time!"

Li You shouted and cut off the sympathy in his heart.

Following Li You's order, the small catapult hidden in the Tang army finally exerted its power. With the sound of "bang bang bang", barrels of oil were thrown into the sky. Fly to the army of Goguryeo!

After Gao Renwu rushed to kill the Iron Tower Army, he immediately noticed something flying over.

"What is this?"

Because he not only found something flying over, but also found that the commander of those things turned out to be Li You, the Prince of Li Tang, Gao Renwu suddenly felt uneasy in his heart.

"Defense, defend!"

Gao Renwu roared loudly, but the round wooden barrels suddenly left in mid-air, and the black liquid splashed out like rain, and Gao Renwu and countless soldiers were immediately drenched!

Gao Renwu frowned, instinctively thinking it was venom, and quickly tore off the cloth strips from his body to cover his nose and mouth.

"Cover your mouth and nose, cover your mouth and nose, don't stop and continue to charge!"

Countless people in the Koryo army followed the appearance of Gao Renwu, covering their mouths and noses with cloth strips after oil stained their bodies.

"Your Highness, are you shooting arrows now?"

Seeing that the Gao Li army had already charged to the Tang army nearly a mile away, Xu Lin quickly asked Li You, because he was someone who had seen the power of this "oil" with his own eyes, and he could definitely make a comeback in one fell swoop! .

Chapter 883 Are you ready to kneel and lick?

Because of this, he knew that this thing was too powerful. If the Koryo army got too close to the army, it might cause some accidents.

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