Although Li Shimin also knew that conquering Goguryeo this time was not a great achievement, what was the harm in that?Li You is the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, and he, Li Shimin, can be regarded as a commander in chief.

Li You smiled lightly: "This time not only will we conquer Goguryeo, but we must also incorporate Goguryeo into the territory of our Tang Dynasty.

Li Shimin said excitedly: "It should be like this, there is no king in the world!"

"Speaking of this... Yang Jie, do you think Gao Baozang will accept our conditions?" Li Shimin asked again with great interest.

"In my son's opinion, I think he will agree."

Li You said confidently: "Think about it, Yuangaisuwen has been in control of Chaogang for many years as the regent, and Gao Baozang has no rights, but he has endured it for so many years, which means that he is either a mediocre person with little ability; or He's a very forgiving person."

"And no matter what kind of person he is, he will never fight against the Tang Dynasty! Because he should know that fighting against the Tang Dynasty is much harder than fighting against Yuan Gaisuwen! I want to talk about peace.”

Li You slowly analyzed, Li Shimin nodded after listening, saying that he thought what Li You said was very reasonable.


"Your Majesty, the Tang army has already marched to a place less than fifty miles away from Pyongyang, what should we do?" A general asked in fear as he knelt on the knee of the treasure king Gao Baozang.

"How? How about King Gu will send you all the Goguryeo troops and see if you can resist the Tang army?"

The Treasure King sat cross-legged on the throne, lowered his head and played with the ring in his hand, and said without raising his eyes.


The cold sweat on the general's head, what is the difference between letting him lead the army to resist the Tang army and letting him die?

"I'm not good at marching and fighting!"

In order not to want to die, even as a military general, he even said such nonsense.

Hearing this, Gao Baozang snorted lightly, but didn't reprimand, but sighed: "Alas... that Nichen Yuangai Suwen is a good warfighter, it's a pity!"

The general's eyes lit up, and he knelt down and kowtowed: "I think that the Great Tang Heavenly Army is unstoppable, and Prince Li Tang is in charge of immortality. We might as well submit to Great Tang and be a vassal!"

Treasure King's pupils shrank when he heard it, and just as he was about to speak, he heard that Su Peiwen had returned.


"Oh? There will be results so soon?"

Treasure King's eyes lit up and quickly announced that Su Peiwen came in.

After Su Peiwen reported the whole process of meeting Li You to the Treasure King truthfully, he buried his head deeply on the ground, because he found that the Treasure King Gao Baozang's face became very ugly.

"I originally thought that if Yuangaisuwen was exhausted, I would be able to truly take charge of the Goguryeo Kingdom, even if I lost some rights..."

Gao Baozang tightly squeezed the hilt of the sword in his hand, and said word by word, "But, everyone must insult the orphan! Everyone must insult the orphan!"

Gao Baozang stood up abruptly, and with a sound of "Shuh," the sword came out of its sheath, turned over the table in front of him with one foot, cut off a corner of the table with a long sword, and roared in a low voice, "When will I be able to control myself? life?!"

Su Peiwen lay on the ground, not daring to make a sound. He found that he had just left the tiger's den and entered the wolf's den.

"What do you think, let's hear it!"

After Gao Baozang vented the anger in his heart, he threw the long sword to the ground, and sat back on the throne weakly, panting heavily.

"Chen...I think that the power of the Tang Heavenly Army is unstoppable, and the current Goguryeo country is really powerless to resist." Su Peiwen said tremblingly.

He didn't know what was going on in this world. A few months ago, he was still in the courtroom with ease, but now he seems to be in danger of death every day!


Gao Baozang sighed, closed his eyes, and tapped his fingers on the handle of the throne.

This is a difficult decision to make. The reputation of the monarch of the subjugated country is always bad. After all, the centuries-old foundation of the royal family was finally destroyed in his hands, which made it difficult for him to accept it for a while.

"Your Majesty, if we can surrender before the Tang Dynasty moves, maybe the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty will make you a prince... Although it's not as good as the king of Goguryeo, it's better than dying with hatred, right?" Su Peiwen hesitated. Yu expressed his thoughts.

Chapter 889 Completely conquer Goguryeo!

"... Peiwen, what you said makes sense!"

Gao Baozang opened his eyes, there was no sadness in those eyes, only the endless darkness, this darkness had always existed when Yuan Gaisuwen stood above the court and commanded the ministers.

"Preparing a pen and ink for Gu is not just being a prisoner of human beings? What is this? That's how Gu spent the first half of his life!"

Gao Baozang sighed and leaned back on the chair as if appointed.

"Chen, Gao Baozang, please make atonement for the Emperor of Tang and the Prince of Tang..."

Gao Baozang held the pen and wrote gently, and two lines of clear tears flowed out of his black and white eyes.

"Father, brother, I failed to defend the country of Goguryeo!"

After writing the letter, the Treasure King put the pen aside and looked up at the frescoes on the main hall that he had already mastered by heart.

Now the Treasure King suddenly felt that it was so beautiful, he sighed and muttered to himself, only to feel that in those murals, the souls of his countless predecessors were hidden.

"I'm sorry, I still can't hold the throne!" Treasure King closed his eyes in pain, "Peiwen, take the letter and send it to the Prince of the Tang Dynasty's account, don't ask for anything else, just hope to be able to do it in the future. Live in this palace!"

Su Peiwen took the letter carefully, sealed it with varnish, and sent it to Gao Baozang for inspection.

"go Go!"

Gao Baozang was too lazy to check, he closed his eyes and said softly.

For some reason, he felt very tired and wanted to sleep like this.

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