
Yuangaisuwen opened his mouth to say something, but Gao Baozang didn't give him a chance. With a flash of cold light, the long sword had already pierced through Yuangaisuwen's chest!


Gao Baozang twisted the long sword fiercely, causing the long sword to cause a bigger wound on Yuan Gaisuwen's body.

Yuan Gai Suwen's blood spurted out along the blood groove of the long sword, spraying Gao Baozang all over his body, staining his plain white clothes with blood red.

Yuan Gai Suwen's pupils began to slowly expand, he was dead and could no longer die.Gao Baozang released his hand and took two steps back.

"Sir, it's over!"

Gao Baozang knelt down in front of Li You's horse and said respectfully.

"Okay, then pick up Yuangaishuwen's head and accompany His Majesty to stroll around Pyongyang City!"

Li You laughed loudly, and the head of Yuan Gai Suwen, a general of the army, was cut off and stuffed into Gao Baozang's hands.

"I obey my orders!"

Tang Jun and his party slowly followed the figure of Gao Baozang to the direction of Pyongyang City. At this time, the sun was setting, and the sky was also stained with blood red.

A group of autumn geese screamed and flew in the direction of Pyongyang City. The sharp neighing sound seemed to bid farewell to this ancient country-from now on, this land will be forever named in the name of Tang Dynasty!


Seven days later, the civil servants who took over from the DPRK and China to handle the affairs of Goryeo were in place.

And the tens of thousands of Tang troops led by Li Shimin also took over the defense work of all the castles in Goguryeo. From this day on, the real Goguryeo country no longer exists, but only a brand-new Goryeo Road.

Su Peiwen also got a half-official position after the Tang Dynasty took over Goryeo because of his meritorious deeds to the Tang Emperor, so he was also qualified to send off Li Shimin and Li You and others in Pyongyang City to return to Chang'an.

"His Royal Highness, please have a safe journey!"

Because of his outstanding military exploits, Xu Lin has been named the Governor of Goryeo, and supervises all Tang troops in Goryeo.He naturally knew that without Li You, he would never have achieved what he is today.

Li You stretched out his hand and pressed Xu Lin's helmet, and said softly, "When you are stationed here, you must guard against Baekje. Although Baekje has been frightened by the Tang army, they will not be reconciled. You have to be more careful. Don't give them the slightest chance!"

"Yes, this subordinate respectfully follows His Highness's teachings!" Xu Lin said respectfully.

"Gu is no longer your main general, but Gu believes in your ability very much, so I strongly recommend you to become the military governor of Goryeo. After Gu leaves, if the Baekje army dares to invade, you can act cheaply!"

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness, but the last commander knows that it is entirely up to His Royal Highness to give advice to the last commander! No matter what happens in the future, the crown prince, you will always be the commander of the last commander!"

Li You nodded, knowing that Xu Lin was a man of kindness and repayment, and it was not in vain for his efforts.

"Gone alone."

Li You turned on his war horse and chased after Li Shimin, who had left Pyongyang first.

"Finally, it's time to go home!"

Desperate to return home, the same applies to Li Shimin and Li You.

After crossing the Liaoshui, they rushed all the way to Chang'an. At this time, Li You had already taken off his military uniform and changed into a brocade robe.

At this time, it has entered the late autumn season, the grass and trees are withered and yellow, and the world is full of desolation.

The young man was dressed in a splendid robe with flowers, with a long sword hanging from his waist. His eyebrows and eyes were delicate. horizon.

Li Shimin looked at Li You's proud and heroic figure, and he couldn't help but see the shadow of his youth in front of him.

"The only thing that can really kill a hero is time..."

Li Shimin let out a long sigh, and hurriedly followed Li You's direction.

Chang'an City is close at hand!

Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng and others led 320 officials in the court and went out of Chang'an thirty miles to greet their emperor and prince.

Seeing the smoke billowing up ahead, Fang Xuanling knew that the one who dared to gallop on the road at this time must be their emperor.

"The ministers welcome His Majesty's victory and return to the court, long live my emperor, long live!"

Under the leadership of Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng, the court officials fell to their knees one after another, roaring loudly like a tsunami.

Yes, they are about to roar!

Taking the territory of Goguryeo into the territory of the Tang Dynasty, pacifying Baekje, and saving the kingdom of Silla, each of which is a great feat!

Li Shimin came quickly, and he felt extremely comfortable watching the ministers kneeling before the saddle.

"All the Qing families, hurry up and calm down!"

"Your Majesty has suffered, can you still be happy along the way?" Fang Xuanling asked softly.

"Hey, with His Royal Highness following, what else could happen on the road?"

A big man was squeezed out beside Fang Xuanling, and his voice was as thick as a bull's. Who was it if it wasn't Cheng Yaojin?

"Indeed, to win this expedition, the first credit must belong to Yang Jie!"

Li Shimin smiled helplessly. Although he failed to put any force in front of Li You during the expedition to Goguryeo, he was not someone who took credit.

Chapter 891 Obstructing Tian's Listening, Be Audacious!

And Li Shimin knew that the Tang Dynasty was awarded the title by military merit, and once he took the lead as the emperor, the bureaucratic system of the Tang Dynasty was very likely to be messed up!

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