The old face of Gongshuzan actually burst into tears: "My Gongshu family has been living in seclusion in the mountains and forests for hundreds of years, concentrating on researching various organ techniques, but over the past few hundred years, in addition to enriching and detailing the techniques of the organs, But it didn't go any further!"

"The teacher cried out in sorrow before dying, saying that the descendants of the next generation are not as good as the predecessors, and they are ashamed of the ancestors... But when Gongshuzan heard His Highness's words today, he suddenly understood that the reason why my Gongshuo family has not made any further progress for hundreds of years. , because we have been studying in the mountains and forests, instead of absorbing the strengths of hundreds of schools like our ancestors!"

Gong Shuzan wiped the tears from his face and put on a smile

"His Royal Highness's words today, once the knot of my Gongshu family's heart for a hundred years, please accept my worship!" After speaking, he respectfully kowtowed to Li You.

"Master, your heart knot, I finally finished it today!"

"Do not work behind closed doors, and do a good job of keeping secrets, there is no conflict," Li You nodded and said, "So Gu will make some stricter regulations for the Tang Academy of Sciences, including the recruitment of workers in the future. "

"First, the craftsmen who enter the Tang Academy of Sciences do not necessarily have to be good people, but they must not be people with bad conduct. Because workers are a unique group, they are easily encouraged and used by people with intentions. If they are used, it will be very bad for the factory!"

"Not only will the work not be able to be carried out normally, it will even involve our Tang Academy of Sciences!" Li You continued, "The second point is that craftsmen who enter the Tang Academy of Sciences do not need to sign a contract with the Tang Academy of Sciences. Instead, sign a labor agreement with them.”

"The Tang Academy of Sciences and they are not in a master-servant relationship, but an employment relationship. If he works for us for a day, we will pay him a day's wages, and we will give him a month's wages for a month."

Chapter 903 Thinking Vision Beyond the Times

Li You paused for a while, then said, "Thirdly, the craftsmen who enter our Tang Academy of Sciences can provide them with certain benefits after signing the employment agreement."

"For example, in the open space behind our Tang Academy of Sciences, we will build a single dormitory for them and a cauldron canteen to ensure that they have the most basic life without worry, so that they can maintain sufficient physical strength to work hard."

Li You raised his hand and stretched out four fingers: "Fourth, establish a sound supervision system and promotion regulations. Let the leaders of the factory know the daily production and performance of each employee, and give serious work and positive attitudes to those who work hard and have a positive attitude. Artisans can increase bonuses or raise wages on top of their basic salary.

"This allows some employees who are steadfast and hardworking and have certain management experience to upgrade upward, and let the craftsmen see the channel and possibility of promotion." Li You continued, "And the fifth thing is to change the working state and transfer the factory- It becomes an assembly line job.”

"For example, a craftsman is usually responsible for the production of an entire kerosene lamp body. Now we have changed. We require one or a few employees to only be responsible for making the wick, and then other people only make another part of the product. , good for efficiency and confidentiality!”

"There is a saying that practice makes perfect. When a person copies and makes the same thing every day, he will soon improve the efficiency of production, improve the quality of production, and can't disclose other craftsmanship to the outside world. This is the best of both worlds. Sixth..."

In front of everyone in the Tang Academy of Sciences, Li You eloquently expressed his requirements for the most modern model that the Tang Dynasty factories could achieve.

The people from the Tang Academy of Sciences in the audience were stunned. They had never heard of such a novel model, and they were so meticulous in every aspect that they couldn't accept it for a while.

Gong Shuzan only felt that countless novel ideas had entered his mind, but it was difficult for him to absorb them for a while.

"His Royal Highness, what you said makes sense, but I still don't know a bit, that's why we don't sign a body sale agreement with the craftsmen? After all, as long as we sign a body sale agreement, they will be craftsmen of my Tang Academy for life. , isn't it good to do it once and for all?"

Li You smiled. Of course, he did not do it for the Mother's reasons such as humanitarianism, but had other considerations.After all, treating working people as human beings is the status quo of the current era, and Li You does not need to force a thankless change.

"The reason why Gu didn't sign a body sale agreement with the workers is because Gu knew that the craftsmen who signed the body sale agreement were all walking dead one after another. Although they can work hard for the Tang Academy of Sciences, but they Not positive!"

Gong Zuzan asked in confusion, "Why is this?"

"Because they know that even if they work hard and work hard, it's no different from what they get in return for grinding foreign workers," Li You explained, "but if we sign an employment agreement with them, and let them know that as long as the efficiency is high, there are additional With the bonus, they'll be completely different from the walking dead before!"

"People are selfish in nature. When they know that the work they do is for themselves, and they may get better rewards, such as promotions and bonuses, then they will make [-] points of effort. , work efficiency and product quality are naturally self-evident!”

"In this way, as long as Gu only pays a little money and gives them a little hope, everything will be better, so why not do it?" Li You showed a light smile.

"This this……"

Gong Shuzan only felt dizzy for a while, Li You's words seemed to open the door to a new world for him!

Gong Shuzan can clearly feel that as long as he crosses this door, he will see the scenery he has never seen before; he will be able to climb the peak he has never climbed; he will be famous in history!

"It is clear that with just a little change and cost, the craftsmen can be full of motivation... Why can't we think of this at all? What is limiting our vision and vision?!"


The calm down Gongshu sighed in admiration and said this sentence like a low growl.

If he could figure it out a few years earlier, then with the skills of the Gongshu lineage, he must have reached a higher peak long ago.

Gong Shuzan looked at the Gongshu people around him who were shocked like stone men by Li You's words. He only felt that Li Tang's lineage was so favored by the heavens and descended such a monster... His Royal Highness is so much worse!

"What are you still doing here? Hurry up and transcribe what His Royal Highness said into an announcement and post it on the bulletin board of the Tang Academy of Sciences!" Gong Shuzan roared angrily at the disciples beside him.



Gong Shu Chang Lin, who was woken up by Gong Shu Zan's roar, hurriedly ran out, but he was still thinking about the words of His Highness the Prince in his head.

Because Gongshu Changlin himself had a strange feeling, whenever His Royal Highness said in front of him some strange ideas that he had never heard of before, he could improve a bit, and this time he certainly couldn't let go of the opportunity to improve.

Li You looked at Gongshuzan who was sad and happy because of his remarks, and nodded involuntarily, this Gongshuzan can still be used.

The reason why he said this in front of the crowd just now was not necessarily to test the crowd, he just wanted to see if these people could accept some of the concepts of the future.

If they can't accept it, it means that they still don't have the ability to think beyond the times, and their ideas are still solidified, so it is naturally difficult to innovate.

——This is in line with the future development line of the Tang Academy of Sciences, which is to form a pry bar through the method of checking materials and economic production, and lift the door to make the Tang Dynasty develop rapidly!

Only by taking the prosperous scene of the prosperous Tang to a higher level, can I truly become the first emperor of the ages in the future! .

Chapter 904 The starting point of the city that never sleeps

Shortly after the documents for recruiting craftsmen were posted on the bulletin board outside the Tang Academy of Sciences, the gatehouse of the Tang Academy of Sciences was surrounded by a group of craftsmen, and the hustle and bustle was very noisy.

"A lot of people!"

Even Gong Shuzan knew that the treatment was good, but he didn't expect so many people to come in a short period of time.

Li You nodded, this was the effect he wanted!

"Okay, Chang Lin, go out and receive him. Remember, you have to do a good job of screening, and don't let the black sheep enter the Tang Academy of Sciences' running water factory!" Li You said to Chang Lin, who was beside him.

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