"If he is at this level, then the position of my prince is basically stable! Once I ascend the throne of the prince, the first thing is to seal the Li's Chamber of Commerce and break all Li You's wings!"

"I want him to taste, all the money he has accumulated over the years has become the taste of other people's wedding clothes!" Li Ke said viciously.

At this moment, there is not a trace of light in his eyes, only dark greed!

"Li You, Li You, then you won't be able to blame me! This king will definitely let you lose your power and money together! After all, if you don't have the power to protect the jade, you don't deserve such a beautiful treasure!"

Li Ke raised his head and laughed, the gloomy color on his face was swept away, only the full of greed and ferocity flickered in his black and white eyes!


At the same time, Li Shimin also had the "Datang Daily" in front of him.

"What the hell is Yang Jie doing! Could it be that he really doesn't want the crown prince?!"

After Li Shimin flipped through the headlines of the "Datang Daily", he was no longer interested in reading it.

Recently, he has been thinking about how to wipe Li You's buttocks, but Li You is good, he has never been in a hurry, and he even did such an unrelated thing.

"Your Majesty calm down and accidentally hurt the dragon."

Attendant Zhao had just stepped into the imperial study at this time, raised his hand and brought a cup of tea, and said respectfully: "His Royal Highness has always been smart and has rules in every word and deed. Your Majesty doesn't have to worry too much about His Highness!"

"Okay, don't say good things to him in front of me."

Li Shimin took a sip of tea, calmed down and felt less angry, but still said angrily: "By the way, how are you doing with your task?"


Attendant Zhao hesitated for a moment, then said softly, "I have been guarding the East Palace for the past few days as per His Majesty's order, but His Royal Highness the Prince's martial arts are on par with me, or even better than me, so I didn't dare to observe it more closely. It's just that I've been staring at the East Palace from a distance these days..."

"Although there are people and horses coming and going, it's normal. I really didn't find any action from His Royal Highness..."

"What?!" Li Shimin's face darkened again, and his eyebrows were wrinkled together, "You mean that Yang Jie did not act at all during this period of time?"

Attendant Zhao frowned for a moment, nodded and said: "Report to Your Majesty, so to speak. If there is any action, it is the sale of kerosene lamps planned by His Highness, and now all Chang'an is on the rise. A wave of buying lights!"

"It's ridiculous! I'm worried about his future here, but he doesn't respond at all? It's really outrageous!"

When Li Shimin heard that he was worried about him, but Li You was making money, he couldn't help but get angry.

After Li Shimin lost his temper, he took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and ordered the servant of Zhao: "Okay, you will pass my will to the East Palace later, and let Li You come to see me tonight. Ask me in person!"


It was night, the moon was in the middle of the sky, in the Chengfu.

Cheng Yaojin's study was illuminated by countless kinds of exquisite kerosene lamps, and there was a large lighthouse stacked with kerosene lamps in the middle, which only illuminated the entire study as if it were 2.9 in the same day.

"Old Cheng, did you call us here just to see so many kerosene lamps you bought?!"

Li Xiaogong twitched the corners of his mouth and looked around at these kerosene lamps.

Naturally, his family also purchased a batch, but just looking at the quantity, he was far less than Cheng Yaojin.

"Haha, I invited the civil and military officials in the court who are close to us to come to my house for a party. This banquet is called the Lantern Festival!"

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Chapter 909 When His Highness is here, there must be a big event! (first update)

Cheng Yaojin picked up a kerosene lamp engraved with a general riding a horse, and praised: "It's really a good thing, it's beautiful and bright!"

"I only know when you, Lord Cheng, have become literate? But I don't want it to be a kerosene lamp!"

Wei Zheng, who has always been a bit uneasy with Cheng Yaojin, was invited. Although he himself thought it was incredible, he couldn't bear his curiosity and rushed over, but he didn't expect to see this scene.

"Oh...you all say kerosene lamps are good, but I'm the only one who doesn't think so!"

However, Li Jing walked in with a frown and a sullen face, and sighed when he saw the kerosene lamps all over the room.

"Although this thing is good, I would rather never see these things, and I also want His Royal Highness to hold the position of the lord of the Eastern Palace! Mingjun is hard to find!"

After speaking, he let out another long sigh.

Fang Xuanling and several civil and military ministers happened to walk in at this time, and their faces sank after hearing Li Ji's words, and they all sat in the banquet with shaking their heads and sighing.


Li You followed behind Zhao Nei Shi and walked 09 steps to the outside of Li Shimin's study.

"Yang Jie, if you really don't want to be the crown prince, then tell your father and emperor that it's not necessary!"

As soon as he walked into the study, Li You saw Li Shimin turn his back to him, and said these words coldly.

"I don't know why the father said this? Is there a king in the world? The most honorable person in this world is the emperor, and the second honorary is the prince. Have you taken the position of the unintentional prince in the mouth of the father?"

Li Shimin turned around slowly and said, "How dare you ask me? Look at what you are doing now? Do you know that I worry about you every day!"

"If you are really defeated in the gambling battle, then this gambling contract in front of all the ministers and officials will be difficult for a gentleman to follow! Besides, the emperor's words are golden words, and the prince's words are naturally the same. I'm afraid Your crown prince position will really be lost!"

Li You chuckled lightly and said, "A few days ago, Erchen was a little worried about whether he would lose, but at this time, Erchen is completely victorious!"


Li Shimin looked at Li You with a confident look, not like a fake, and couldn't help showing a look of doubt on his face.

"Then come and tell me, how did you win?"

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