The entire long sword was covered in gray, and the steward forbade the thought of ridicule in his heart, because even the saber around his waist was much better than this sword.

In today's Tang Dynasty, where iron and iron have been completely popularized, people with higher knowledge and vision, of course, have long disdained the magic weapon that they once admired in the past.

"Yes, I will report it to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince truthfully!"

However, the steward took the sword and hurried away after salute.

"General Su, you know, I don't like the light when I come quickly, so it's dusty to put such treasures with me... Give these treasures to the worthy family lords."

Watching the steward go away, Yi Nan put the kerosene lamp back in the box and never looked again.

"By the way, General Assassin was severely punished that day. I gave him two to express my concern for him on my behalf."

"It seems that the business affairs are already correct," Su Lie asked, "but I don't know if we have any scruples in this trade?"

"Concern?" Yi Nan snorted coldly, "There are no taboos!"

Yi Nan knew that some of the lords under his command were already quite rich, and even some of them were so rich that they had lost their fighting spirit, so it would be better for Li Youlai to trade with each other. it is good.

Because Yi Nan knew very well that a prosperous life would flatten a hero's lofty aspirations, he had always lived a very simple, even poor life.

It is precisely because of this that he has never been complacent about being the khan of Xue Yantuo. He yearns to live in Chang'an City and become the richest, most powerful and most respected khan in the world!


Thinking of his dream, Yi Nan took a long breath, closed his eyes again and meditated. He seemed to hear a faint cold voice coming from the void, like some kind of mantra.


Thirty-year-old Alechen is one of the biggest lords of Xue Yantuo clan, and the most powerful Tiele clan in Xue Yantuo clan.

Although Xue Yantuo's khan was a Yi Nan, in terms of power, his Alechen was not inferior to Yi Nan.

Compared with the ascetic life of Yi Nan, Alechen is like a golden king. The luxurious and sluggish life has accompanied him since he was born, and he has never wanted to change.

"."Lord, this is a gift from Tang to Khan, and the Khan passed it on to you!"

The guards lit two luxurious kerosene lamps and gently placed them on the agarwood table in the dust tent.

Ale Chen frowned and stared at the kerosene lamp for a while, then suddenly burst out laughing, then took the graceful Hu Nuo into his arms.

"Get those garbage out for me and throw it away!" Alechen looked at the candlesticks with the base made of gold with disgust, and then looked at the kerosene lamp, "If you don't see it, this is called '' lamp'!"

"I persuaded Khan to do business with Tang before..." Alechen hugged Hu Nu and changed his posture on the tiger skin he bought from an Arab businessman with a lot of money, "Li Tang has a lot of treasures, if Bring in more, then our days will be more comfortable!"

"Come, come, bring me some tea!"

Alechen drank the tea in one gulp, and then loudly ordered the maid to add tea for him: "Since my Alechen's tent is called a golden tent, it must be worthy of the name!"

"After the official start of trade with the Tang Kingdom, I bought a lot of this kind of kerosene lamps, and I also told me that this golden account will not fall into the prestige!"

Alechen picked up the jug on the wooden table again, and said to another noble lord of Xue Yantuo's department: "Look, do you know where the good wine that got you drunk came from?"

Chapter 916 The mirror that kills thousands of women! (fourth more)

"It's Tang country! It's Tang country's Li's wine business! Although the price is a bit expensive, it's not good enough to drink, but it's too hard to buy... This is good, as soon as the bilateral trade starts, our brothers' good day will come soon. It's gone!"

The noble lord's eyes lit up and said, "That is, we can drink this 'burning knife' at will in the future?"

"Yes!" Alechen laughed and said, "I also heard that Li Tang has a treasure that is hard on the outside but visible on both sides like ice!"

"Hey, did you see it? My tent is a little dark in the daytime. I will cut off the top of the tent and replace it with the treasure called glass. Needless to say, I know it will be very comfortable!"

Alechen took a sip of tea and a sip of wine, and began to think of his happy life after the development of bilateral trade.

"It is said that Li Tang also has a treasure, called the toilet, and you can sit on the toilet! This thing is good, I don't know how much trouble it will save, when the trade is opened, if nothing else, I will definitely use this thing. Let them make me a...813..."


When the scout handed the sword to Li You, Li You glanced at it casually and threw it behind him like throwing garbage.

Behind Li You, hundreds of craftsmen are trying their best to build all the facilities of a factory.

Now the factory has a prototype, and within three days, the Xiazhou and Xue Yantuo branch of the Tang Academy of Sciences assembly line will be able to operate normally.

Li You walked towards a tent on the side of the factory, and saw a few craftsmen blowing glass, and at the entrance of the tent, several glass products of various shapes were reflecting the sunlight.

Among them are the appearance of a wolf, a tiger, and even a snake. Under the training of Li You, the craftsmen have already been able to skillfully make glass to their heart's content.

However, there are still some flaws in the firing of this batch of glass. If you look closely, there are still some bubbles left in it.

"Caomin has seen His Royal Highness the Prince!"

The leading craftsman, Lao He, saw Li You (ajfg) come in, and quickly put down the work in his hands, and bowed to pay homage to Li You with a few craftsmen behind him.

"Be flat."

Li You waved his hand, and said without any pretense: "The thing is blowing well, but there are some flaws, just pay more attention to it later."

"Yes! This journey is a bit exhausting. We'll just have to rest and rest!" Lao He said quickly.

"Well, think about whether you can combine glass and kerosene lamps to make a better-looking lamp? Those Xue Yantuo people who have never seen the market will definitely pay a high price for these things." Li You touched it. He touched his chin and said.

Several craftsmen glanced at each other and saw joy in their eyes.

For craftsmen, it can provide them with a new idea of ​​development and creation, which is like rewarding them with a craft of eating!

Li You smiled again and said: "If you can combine the two things, there will be rewards here too!"

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