
Su Lie and Chi Lai led [-] soldiers and rushed to the direction of the Liushui Factory and the market built by the Li's Chamber of Commerce.

The [-] soldiers and horses were aggressive, bringing up countless smoke and dust, so the scouts of the Tang army on the road soon found that something was wrong, so they went to Li You's camp to report at a faster speed.

At the same time, the governor of Xiazhou, who found that Xue Yantuo had a different army and horses, also quickly sent troops to the direction of Liushui Factory.

After all, Li You is the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty. If the future emperor dies by his side, not only will his political life be ruined, but even the lives of him and his nine clans may be destroyed by the furious Li Shimin!

"His Royal Highness, the big thing is bad!"

The scout quickly broke into the study, knelt down in front of Li You and said out of breath, "Xue Yantuo suddenly sent five thousand troops, and Su Lie and Thorn, the generals under the tent of Yi Nan, led the troops straight to our direction! It is to do something wrong, please retreat quickly, Your Highness!"

"What?!" Gongshu Changlin exclaimed, "But the money and goods we earned haven't been shipped yet, how can this be good?"

"Huh... Did they finally react?"

Li You took a long sigh, and his eyes were full of understanding.

He had long expected that this day might come!

Otherwise, Li You would not believe that a prudent leader who had retreated immediately upon hearing that his army was still facing the war would openly use force against him under such circumstances.

Then the only reasonable explanation is that they found that bilateral trade was extremely unfavorable to Xue Yantuo. This time, they wanted to ban Li You's factory and market, and at the same time drive him out of Xue Yantuo!

In this way, Li You's life and the lives of Datang's craftsmen will not be damaged, but the gold and silver that Li You has worked so hard to exploit has not yet been transported into Datang's territory.

However, when he first designated the economic war plan, Li You envisioned two possibilities: First, Xue Yantuo was overwhelmed by this unprecedented new type of war, and he was unable to recover in the end. , was directly defeated by Li You.

The second possibility is that there have been signs of Xue Yantuo's complete collapse, and even many industries have been beaten badly, and this tragic situation and signs have attracted the attention of Xue Yantuo's senior management, then it will become today's development.

"." Sure enough, although they have no knowledge of economic warfare, there are smart and sensitive people in every country."

Li Yousa smiled. The money he had worked so hard to earn couldn't be taken away so easily, and if it was taken away, wouldn't the economic offensive he worked so hard to formulate also be rendered useless. achievement?

Fortunately, because Li You had anticipated it, he had already made preparations!

Li You can even use this incident in turn to add fire to Xue Yantuo's class struggle!

——Next, it's time for his acting skills to explode!

"The public loses to Changlin to listen to the order!"

(Qian Lihao) Li You stood up and said solemnly: "Gu Yi will go and hold Xue Yantuo's general, you immediately organize the whole factory craftsmen, and immediately transport our goods to the direction of Xiazhou City, if Gu Yi guesses If it's good, the defenders of Xiazhou should be coming here at full speed now."

"When the time comes, the goods will be handed over to them, even if it is safe... Also, how much money is there in our warehouse?"

Gongshu Changlin wiped his sweat and replied, "Reporting to Your Highness, there is so much more than one warehouse! And it's not even counting the three animals' money in production..."

"Okay, after the goods have been transported, you can tell Xue Yantuo's craftsmen that Xue Yantuo's court is desperate, and we have no way to leave here. And in order to make up for their losses, all the money of the three animals in our factory will be It's theirs, let them take as much as they can!"

Chapter 931 Li You: Fighting~ Fighting~

"This..." Gongshu Changlin thought that Li You was worried about money, so he knelt down and persuaded him, "But what are you going to do, Your Highness? My subordinates are worried that the people of Xue Yantuo will do bad things to you!"

"It's okay, Xue Yantuo, they don't dare to borrow their courage alone."

Li You said coldly: "Even if they dare - if you want to leave, who can stop it!"

At the same time as he spoke, Li Youyun rolled up the sleeves of his powerful inner strength, and the table and chairs beside him were shattered by shock!

"Subordinates obey!"

Seeing that Li You has made a decision, and Gongshu Changlin has calmed down, he also knows that Li You is extremely skilled in martial arts and has the ability to walk through the chaotic army calmly, so there is no need to worry.

And Xiazhou's soldiers and horses are expected to arrive here soon, so Li You's safety should be guaranteed.

"Call the worker representative of Xue Yantuo's department and go with Gu to see Su Lie and Tashi Lai." Li You said to the scout in a cold voice.


Alingu just got off the night shift and was meeting with Duke Zhou in the dormitory at this time to discuss his future beautiful life.


At this time, the dormitory door was suddenly opened, and there was a chaotic sound outside the door!

"Representative! Representation, wake up, wake up, wake up! Something big has happened!"

A worker ran to Alingu's bedside anxiously, shaking his arms.

Alingu rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked with a breath, "What's the matter, what happened? Did another workshop ignite the kerosene?"

Alingu didn't take the big things in the workers' mouths to heart. He thought it was a small accident in production.

After all, he is now the deputy director of a flow factory, and he deals with real big things every day, and naturally he won't panic because of the "big things" of ordinary workers.

"No!" said the worker anxiously, "It's the Khan, and the Khan sent troops to conquer us!"


Alingu sat up from the bed at once, shocked.

"You mean the Khan sent troops to conquer the factory!?"

"Yeah," the worker said anxiously, "now the factory is in a mess! The workers in Datang are transporting their goods to Xiazhou City. It may be difficult for today's affairs to end!"

"Damn, it's just been a few days of comfort...!"

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