
I don't know who threw a boulder over, and it just hit the head of a soldier Xue Yantuo who didn't pay attention to avoid it.

See blood!

In the army formation, even the well-trained Tang army would lose their minds due to rage when a friendly army was injured, not to mention these sparsely trained Xue Yantuo army?

In an instant, Xue Yantuo's army was in chaos, and the sound of horses' hooves sounded everywhere, and there was a faint intention to rush over to fight!

"Don't move, don't move, calm down!"

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Su Lie hurriedly shouted loudly, but it was still to no avail. Several horses that had lost control rushed over and trampled the seriously injured and unconscious Thorn Lai into a mass of mud!

"Stab General!"

When Su Lie found out, it was already too late, so he could only shout in grief, and then continued to shout at the soldiers who were out of control.

"Can't you even control your own army? What an insult to the name 'Su Lie', the Tang Su Lie I know is a hundred times stronger than you!"

Li You snorted coldly, waved his sleeve robe, and said coldly: "If that's the case, then let Gu come to control it for you! Dare to make trouble in front of Gu, kill without mercy! Shoot arrows!"

Li You's Youguo Regiment are all military generals who have been carefully selected. When they heard Li You's order, they immediately drew arrows to attract fibers without hesitation, and were ready to go!

"No! It is absolutely impossible for His Royal Highness!"

Su Lie saw that the icy crossbow had been aimed at their Xue Yantuo's army formation, but he felt as cold as falling into an ice cave.

"Fire arrows!"

Li You ignored Su Lie's plea and ordered coldly.

In an instant, the rain of arrows broke out from the phalanx of the Youguo regiment, which was also mixed with various debris such as forks, stones, and copper blocks.

At this time, Su Lie finally controlled his soldiers and horses, but that was after hundreds of soldiers were shot off their horses!

Su Lie's face became extremely pale, and his wallet was soaked with his sweat—because he knew that no matter whether the water factory and the market were successfully banned this time, he would be severely punished when he returned to Yi Nan. punishment!

Not even a single hair of the enemy was injured, and hundreds of cavalrymen and an admiral died. Although their direct cause of death could not be blamed on themselves, who made him the only general present at this time?

0 0

At this moment, Gongshu Changlin came quietly. He approached Li You and said softly, "Your Highness, all the goods have been shipped out, we can retreat!"

Li You nodded. At this moment, Su Lie jumped off the battle horse and walked over trembling, his voice full of pleading: "Your Highness, please don't make it difficult for me to wait any longer! Banning factories and markets, both It's the Khan's order, we're just the executors!"

"And if it goes on like this, even if your army can win in the end, the untrained workers who are present will surely die in the chaos! Even for them, please raise your hand!"



Li You heard the words with a helpless look, and sighed pitifully.

He turned his head and said with a sad face: "Everyone, Gu is really helpless. After all, Gu doesn't want to see you die alone!"

After speaking, Li You didn't speak anymore.

"Ah ah ah ah! Thief God!"

Suddenly I don't know which craftsman shouted, and Li You burst into tears.

"Why am I so miserable?! Outsiders still hope that we can live well, but my relatives want me to wait for life rather than death!"

With these words, countless Xue Yantuo workers burst into tears.

Alingu even knelt on the ground, covering his face with his hands, his sleeve robe was soaked with tears, and he didn't know it, only the sorrowful wailing resounded through the field.

The soldiers behind Su Lie stayed where they were. Yi Nan's judgment was that they didn't know if they were right or not. At this moment, they only felt guilty in their hearts!

PS: Ask for a reward and a full order~.

Chapter 933 The perfect and chic ending

Many people even began to doubt whether what they were doing was right. In the name of protecting the people, they dragged the people who had lived a good life back into the darkness. !

"Everyone, don't cry," Li You said in a loud voice, "There are still a lot of three animal money in the warehouses of many factories. I can't keep your homeland, so the three animal money in there is yours. You can take it. How much is how much!"

"Changlin, give everyone the key."

Gongshu Changlin heard the words, took out the keys of several locks on the warehouse and put them on the ground.

"Gu, I'm sorry you guys." Li You sighed and walked in the other direction.

Alingu suddenly knelt down towards Li You's and shouted loudly, "I'm waiting to see the Crown Prince, His Royal Highness, the "five two three" blessing!"

The surrounding craftsmen also knelt down one after another, shouting loudly, "I'm waiting to see the Crown Prince congratulations, and the Crown Prince is blessed!"

As Li You passed by, countless Xue Yantuo workers fell to their knees and sent him away respectfully.

At this moment, no one blamed Li You, they were always grateful to Li You!

When Li You left, the flowing water factory was quiet.

Alingu and a few people who had been leaders among the workers in Xueyantuo opened up the warehouses of each warehouse and distributed the three animal money to the workers according to the number.

At this moment, in the face of money, no worker can laugh out loud.

Because they understand that this will be the last time in their lives that they can take money so comfortably.

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