"This..." The guest hesitated.

As the merchants said, since the Li's Chamber of Commerce was banned, the people of Xue Yantuo have used the things they are used to and no new ones have been shipped in.

And the most popular among them is the refined salt produced by Li's Chamber of Commerce. The previous price was much lower than that of Wu Ya's salt cubes, but it was countless times more delicious!

"Bought it!"

The guest was cruel, took out a money bag from his arms and handed it to the merchant.

At the same price, he is more willing to buy refined salt from Li's Chamber of Commerce. After all, Wu Ya's salt cubes are not for people to eat.

"How much salt do you have here?" the guest asked, "I want to bring some for (ajae) my friends and relatives. After all, Wu Ya's stuff does have the effect of salt, but it tastes too bad. Terrible!"

"There are probably dozens of packs left. If you want me, I'll sell it to you for a cheaper price. Ninety-three bucks a pack!"

"make a deal!"

In this way, once all the refined salts appear in the black market, they will be snapped up frantically, and sometimes things like books, kerosene lamps, and grass paper are basically snapped up.


On the dark and windy night, a group of people quickly came from the direction of Xiazhou City. Each of them was carrying a huge luggage, which was obviously filled with a lot of goods.

"Brother, will we take too much risk?" the younger brother beside him asked.

"You can't do it if you don't take risks! Haven't you noticed that Xue Yantuo's prices have skyrocketed recently? It used to cost twenty-three dollars for a pound of grain, but now it costs more than two hundred and three dollars to buy a kilo!"

The leader looked at the dark sky with worry in his eyes.

"We Qiu Ba are inferior to those who used to work in the factory. I heard that when Prince Li Tang withdrew in the end, all the money in the warehouse was distributed to them."

"If prices continue to skyrocket like this, those of us who are from poor families can't find any way to make some quick money. I'm afraid that our wives and children will not be able to eat!"

Thinking of Xue Yantuo's recent soaring prices, the leader became even more worried.

No one wants to live the days of licking blood with a knife. If there is a choice in life, then no one will dare to do this kind of smuggling business that is caught and lost.

But there is nothing they can do. They are all from poor families. If they don't do it, the family may starve to death because they can't eat!

"These goddamn dog officials!"

One of the attendants scolded viciously: "It must be that they want to extort levies, so they deliberately raise prices, and they simply don't let people live!"

For ordinary Xue Yantuo people, they don't understand the economic and market aspects at all, so naturally they all threw the mistakes to Xue Yantuo's government according to their appearance.

After he finished speaking, he sighed again and said, "I really envy the people of the Tang Dynasty. They live happily and well, and they earn their money in an upright manner. They are not like us..."

Some of the entourage's words made these smugglers fall into silence. They didn't know what "inflation" was, and they didn't even know that if Li You hadn't deliberately scattered all the money in the factory at one time, prices would not have changed. Soaring fast.

"It's all those high-ranking officials and aristocrats who want to exploit us by raising prices! Bastards!"

Basically when prices started to rise, this idea appeared to every citizen of Xue Yantuo.

"Okay, stop chatting, we're about to cross the border, be careful!"

The leader suddenly felt uneasy in his heart and made a gesture of silence.

Although it was not the first time that he crossed the border under the moonlight, but this time, he was so frightened that he only felt that something bad was about to happen.

"Everyone stop and don't move!"

Suddenly, a cold voice suddenly rang in the wilderness!

Countless Xue Yantuo soldiers rushed out of the woods, holding long spears and striving to form a circle to surround the smuggling gang of about [-] to [-] people. The leading one was Su Lie.

Under the moonlight, Su Lie's eyes were like lightning, staring at the packages that the smugglers carried on their backs.

He didn't have to think about it, he knew what was in there.

"Bastard, someone really does this kind of thing!"

Su Lie scolded, showed the spear in his hand, and said, "Capture all these thieves!"

Seeing something bad, the leader threw the package behind him on the ground, and then with a "swoosh", an iron-clad sword carefully crafted by the Tang Dynasty was unsheathed!

And the followers behind him also followed his example, threw down the package, drew out the sword, and the scene was tense and ready to go! .

Chapter 937 The country is destroyed!

Su Lie's eyes flashed a frightening cold light under the moonlight.

"You are so courageous! Not only do you dare to disobey the strict orders of the imperial court, but openly introduce prohibited things into the territory, only for personal gain, and completely disregarding the imperial court's government and society, and now you dare to resist arrest with weapons after the incident!?" Su Lie angrily denounced road.

The leader sneered and scolded: "The imperial court is tyrannical, the prices are soaring, and the people are struggling to survive. How can we ordinary people survive when we don't make some huge profits?! The imperial court has already disregarded my life and life, but let us maintain the Chaogang society. This is simply heavenly. joke!"

"You are so brave!"

Taking advantage of Su Lie's rage, the leader quietly said to the followers around him: "We will break through to Xiazhou City at full speed in a while, and if we can run out, it will be great luck, but don't put down your weapons easily, they won't want us to live. !"

In fact, everyone understands that if you do this kind of thing, you must be caught - there is no escape.

Now it is better to fight to the death, as if it is good to get out, if you can't get out, it is not a loss to cut off the heads of a few lackeys with the sword in your hand.


The leader suddenly attacked, only pounced on the nearest soldier in front of him. He slashed with a long knife in his hand, and saw a flash of cold light, and the soldier was cut off before he could react!

In an instant, there was a mess on the field. Although the smuggling gang was well equipped, it couldn't resist these dozens of times and their soldiers.

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