"Lord Khan! Lord Khan! Wake up, wake up!"

Su Lie hurriedly hugged Yi Nan, and the nobles in the tent hurried to come over, all of them were very concerned on the face, but some of them were praying secretly, so that Yi Nan would never wake up again after this dizziness. it is good.

After all, the order to prohibit doing business with Tang was issued by Yi Nan. As long as Yi Nan died and his son was still young, the new khan must have been selected from among them!

They are not the same as Yi Nan. Each of them has a lot of money for the three animals. As long as any of them can become a khan, they will definitely resume trading with Li Tang!

After all, they have also seen that if there is no material flow from Li Tang into their market, then no matter how much money they have, they are just good-looking copper coins.

Now, on the one hand, Li You beats their industry with Tang products, making them hate them to the core, but on the other hand, they can't wait to invite Li You back like an immortal.

Under their earnest gazes, Yi Nan slowly woke up, and only then did they begin to feel really sad from the inside out.

"Can't you really plug the loopholes brought by the Li's Chamber of Commerce?!"

Yi Nan gasped and shouted loudly.

His hair was scattered in front of him, and his big eyes were full of bloodshots. This feeling of powerlessness... This feeling that no matter how much he did, he could not save the country from falling apart in front of him made him almost breathless!

The nobles looked at each other with sadness in their eyes.

It's not that they didn't work hard. On the contrary, they worked very hard, but they couldn't resist this wave of collapse!

Take Wu Yayun as an example. In order to regain control of Xue Yantuo's salt industry after he left the Li's Chamber of Commerce, he not only restarted the salt factory, but also spent a lot of money trying to purify the salt in the salt mine. To the level of refined salt of the Lee Chamber of Commerce.

Unfortunately, he failed!

Almost all the nobles are trying their best to fill the hole caused by Xue Yantuo's withdrawal of the Li's Chamber of Commerce. After all, this will also help them return to their former positions, but the facts tell them that they are too arrogant. !

First of all, they didn't realize that the retreat of the Li's Chamber of Commerce would leave so many holes, and secondly, they did not have the technology comparable to that of the Li's Chamber of Commerce. Commodities nourish Diao's appetite!

Wu Yayun coughed lightly, knelt in front of Yi Nan and said softly, "Lord Khan, we really have no way to make up for these holes. We are too far from the level of Li's Chamber of Commerce!"

Wu Yayun spoke in a low voice, but she was very sincere. It was not ashamed to lose to someone who was much stronger than them.

"Lord Khan, you can't blame them for that."

Su Lie also opened his mouth to persuade: "After all, the Tang Dynasty is vast and rich in resources, and their people's knowledge is far from what our people in Xue Yantuo can match, but even those people of Tang who have a lot of knowledge can't do without the products produced by the Li's Chamber of Commerce. , let alone us!"

Yi Nan let out a long sigh, and sat back on the throne with the support of his attendants and Su Lie...

"Now is the time for my Xue Yantuo's life and death. If we go further, we can still live, and if we don't move, we will die!"

Yi Nan let out a long sigh, and said in a decadent voice, "Now we can only untie the bell and still have to tie the bell. If we want to stabilize Xue Yantuo's dynasty again, we must keep them in our hands - we can only resort to external forces now. !"

In the camp, the expressions of everyone changed slightly.

When the Yi Nan said, "The bell must be tied to the bell," they knew that their khans were probably trying to subdue the Tang Dynasty, asking for help from the Tang prince Li You and the Tang emperor Li Shimin!

Although Xue Yantuo people are brave and warlike, none of them despise Yi Nan's idea of ​​asking for help, because they really can't imagine a better way now.

"Khan, is it useful to do this?" A Xungui asked worriedly.

He didn't believe that Li You would be so good. He personally helped them clean up the mess he created.

"Do you have to give it a try, or do you have a better way today?"

Yi Nan's face was pale, and he was very disappointed with the nobles who were at a loss when faced with chaos.

The chaos in his own country needs the help of others to clean up... Yi Nan closed his eyes in pain. Is there anything more humiliating than this in this world?


The city of Chang'an is full of hustle and bustle. Now it is the turn of spring and summer, and it is thriving. In this season, people's hearts are the most tumultuous.

Li Shimin was pacing in the imperial study room, his eyebrows were wrinkled tightly together, and the fierce light in his deep eyes was uncertain.

It has been a long time since Li You went to Xiazhou. Although Li You's Li's Chamber of Commerce made a lot of money a few days ago, there has been no progress in whether he can really subdue Xue Yantuo. return.

Chapter 939 What is the messenger of Xue Yantuo doing?

Especially during this time, it seems that someone deliberately instigated that Li You, the prince of the Tang Dynasty, had lost his virtue and wisdom, and that he was fascinated by the gold and silver of barbarians in Xue Yantuo!

They also said that Li You had already forgotten about the gambling contract that made Xue Yantuo surrender without a fight, and even more directly said that the prince Li You was now only thinking about making money in Xue Yantuo, and he didn't care about other things at all!

Li Shimin slightly suppressed his anger, returned to the imperial case, and picked up a memorial.

But just after opening it, his complexion sank instantly.

Li Shimin put it down silently, and picked up another one again... In this way, he opened one book after another and glanced at it. In the end, Li Shimin's face was as black as ink.

Of the [-] impeachment memorials on the censor's desk, [-] of them are all impeaching the prince Li You for his wickedness!

"These bastards with nothing to do!"

There was anger in Li Shimin's heart, but also melancholy.

Now this situation seems to have deviated from his control. Although he doesn't know what happened, Li Shimin clearly feels that many people are not optimistic about Li You since 09.

Otherwise, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty interceded for Li You last time, but now there are many people who have begged for Li You at the beginning, but they are writing to impeach him!

The servant Zhao walked in quietly. He waved to the servant and the maid, and then walked up to Li Shimin and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, it's time for the court. Yu Nian is waiting outside, I don't know if we are starting now. Driving or..."

"No need, I'm strolling in the past!"

Li Shimin felt irritable in his heart and had no idea how to deal with the situation in front of him, so he waved his hand and walked out of the imperial study.


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