"It should be said, if you trust Erchen... Please believe that Erchen can handle this matter well, and Erchen will definitely not get into sewage because of this matter!"

Seeing that Li You had made up his mind, Li Shimin only felt a little moved in his heart.

He Li Shimin has such a sensible son, and Tang Dynasty has such a sensible prince. If it weren't for the anxiety at the moment, Li Shimin would even want to applaud.

"Okay, now that you have made up your mind, the royal father will no longer discourage you... Whether or not you can turn the tide in the end, just give it a shot!"

Li Shimin immediately said: "But I hope you can know the advance and retreat. If it is difficult for you to deal with this matter and get out of it, then you must stop immediately!"

"it is good."

Li You nodded, then bowed his hands to Li Shimin, Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng and the others, and said, "Please go to the guest room of the East Palace with you and the adults to rest for a while, the state affairs of the court still need you all. "

Everyone heard a warm expression on their faces, looked at Li You very emotionally, and then heard Li You's next sentence.

"If you all fall, wouldn't it be impossible for Gu to continue to skip work and strike?"

A few seconds later, the East Palace was filled with the chaotic noise of the guards.

"Master Xiao! Master Xiao, calm down!"

"Master Wen, put down the weapon in your hand!"

"Your Majesty's anger! Your Majesty's anger!"

"Forget it, forget it, Master Li, please forget it..."

Although no one shouted it out, there was a roar in their hearts that made me feel moved back ah ah ah!


After the turmoil of Li You's search... oh no, after Li You settled Li Shimin and others, he returned to the study alone.

Leaning on the Taishi chair in the study, Li You let out a long breath.

"Finally, I took this matter into my hands..."

Li You knew that what Li Shimin was worried about was that his involvement in this matter would lead to the destruction of the good reputation he had finally built up.

But what Li Shimin didn't know was that Li You was very confident that he could handle this matter perfectly!

After all, he came with countless advanced thinking of later generations. For such incidents as dealing with scandals, Li You does not know how many god-level public relations he has seen. There are a lot of lively solutions and cases in modern times. !

You must know that there are countless public entertainment stars in the future who have fallen into various scandal storms because of their own indiscretions, but they can rely on the advanced public relations technology of their teams to get themselves out of the scandal storm in most cases. center of.

After the incident, they can quietly whitewash it, and even when people forget about the scandal, they can continue to talk about etiquette and morality in the public eye!

After all, ordinary people are like this. Most people lack long-term solid memories of these things. After watching the excitement, they will soon forget about it.

This is not a habit that only ancients have, and this habit will become more and more serious in future generations!

And this huge scandal of the Li royal family is not even a scandal in Li You's thinking, but a bonus point for experiencing the brilliance of human nature!

Thinking about it carefully, even though he knew that these princesses were not his own daughters, the sage still loves them and treats them like real princesses. Doesn't this show the emperor's broad mind to tolerate the world? ?

Therefore, this matter is not only not a scandal, but a good talk!

With this in mind, Li You already has a preliminary public relations plan.

"Xiaozhu, go and call the president of the Storyteller's Association into the lonely room."

Li You decided to take advantage of the effect of popular stars first, began to shift the focus of public opinion, and quietly whitewashed the matter of Li Shimin! .

Chapter 960 I am just a poor, weak and helpless president

Xiaozhu also knew that this matter was very urgent, and after a while, he hurriedly brought Guo Ruyun, the current president of the Storytellers Association, who was in a hurry like her, to Li You's study.

"Caomin Guo Ruyun, see His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness is a thousand years old, a thousand thousand years old!"

Although Guo Ruyun was the new president of the Storytellers Association that Li You personally supported, he did not have a formal official position, so when seeing Li You, he should salute Li You as an ordinary person.

Li You waved his hand, indicating that Guo Ruyun didn't need a big gift.

"Guo Ruyun, do you know why Gu Gu suddenly invited you to see Gu today?"

Guo Ruyun said with a look of ignorance, "This is exactly what Caomin is thinking about. Recently, the work of the Storytellers Association and its storytellers has been stable. I wonder why His Highness called Caomin at this time?"

Li You raised a finger, swayed and said softly, "I asked you to come here because there is a new storytelling piece I want to tell you."

Guo Ruyun was shocked when he heard the words, and then he was overjoyed. Is His Royal Highness going to come back to write a storybook! ?

Guo Ruyun knew that Li You had written a storybook for storytellers before, and since then, the most popular storyline in Datang has changed.For some reason, he instinctively felt that Li You's next joke would still be popular in Datang!

"This is a storytelling story about the secrets in the palace..." Li You pretended to be mysterious, "Isn't it according to rumors recently that the princesses in the Tang Dynasty are not blood relatives of His Majesty the Emperor?"

"Hidden in the middle is a secret story that lasted for more than ten years! It turns out that the blood and flesh princesses of today's saints were quietly dropped by the former Sui Yu party with ulterior motives when they were first born..." ! "

"What?!" Guo Ruyun was shocked, "Could it be that those rumors are true?"

Li You smiled noncommittally, and did not answer directly, but continued: "The emperor was furious after knowing about this! As the saying goes, when the emperor is angry, he will bury millions of corpses. The emperor originally wanted to put these The child and the remnants of the former Sui were beheaded outside the Meridian Gate for public display!"

"But when His Majesty faced these children in person, he saw things and thought about his own dead blood and blood, so he couldn't do it for a while... After so many years, His Majesty still regards these children as his real life. my daughter to love her!"

Guo Ruyun listened, only to feel sweat slowly dripping from her forehead.

He had already heard on the street that Li Shimin's princesses were not born by Li Shimin. He had doubts about it at first, but now Li You suddenly told such a story in front of him, Guo Ruyun knew in his heart, I'm afraid People say things are inseparable!

"His Royal Highness, this matter involves the secrets in the palace. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to use it to entertain the public, right?"

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