"What can be worn on my head, can it be bad?"

Leon: "If it is not good-looking, how can I wear it on my head? "

"I feel that father has become really domineering."

"Leon big brother, your crown is really precious."

"You see it? "

"I think it should be."

Qingxuan also has a Divine Item, so I am quite familiar with the breath of Divine Item.

"What is it? Father, Qingxuan Uncle, what are you talking about?"

"You foodie, did you recognize that the crown on your father's head is a Divine Item? "

"What? Qingxuan Uncle, are you kidding me? It's actually a Divine Item!"

Leon slightly lifted his chin, looking very beautiful against the crown. Is proud: "You can wear Legendary equipment, I can't wear Divine Item?"

"Father, when can I have a Divine Item!"

" When I have extra Divine Item in the future, I will give you one."

"That's a deal. Don't regret it."

"Don't worry."

Too much is not superfluous and it's not all Leon's own feelings.

If he really has a lot of Divine Items in his hands in the future, it would not be the worst thing to give a cheap son one.

At this time, White Dragon Yakos also flew over.

"It's actually a Divine Item! As far as I know, even many weak Spiritual Gods can hardly own a Divine Item."

"Isn't this normal? The best Things should fall into the hands of the strongest existence."

"It really deserves to be a alien dragon, I guess even the two Your Majesty Frostwing Deathwing did not have the Divine Item when you were your age. Huh?"

"The two seniors are also alien dragons. I'm afraid they already had the Divine Item when they were born."

"This is also possible, but they are all inconclusive. The matter, the two Your Majesty are too far from our level, no matter how we guess it is not accurate."

"When you become a god, you will have the opportunity to visit those two seniors in the future."

"Then I will borrow your auspicious words."

"In a few days, I am going to return to Silversnow Secret Realm to visit my father mother. Do you want to go with me?"

"Am I not your bodyguard? I must follow you."

"Father, where do I go."

"I also want to follow Leon big brother."

"Well, when I get things done at school, let's set off."


1 month later.

"Vigorously, how about it. Has the school been built?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, according to the blueprint you gave, the school has been completed and the initial settings can at least accommodate Ten thousand students and faculty members live and study in it."

Dali: "If necessary in the future, it can be expanded on the original basis. The site we chose is 500 kilometers away from Jiwu Mountain. The largest island in the country can accommodate a large number of people."

"It's done very well."

Leon: "How are the arrangements made by the teachers?"

"According to the setting of this small official, you will be the Principal of the school, this small official will be the Vice Principal, and the other four counts are the four directors. There are a total of 500 teachers, of which two hundred are human mages and Knight, the remaining three hundred are powerhouses of other races. In addition to Four Great Races, there are also powerhouses of other races, so that you don’t discriminate and treat them equally."

Dali: "In addition to the fact that these teachers are not low in strength, I have also investigated their personalities. They are all patient and kind. In addition, I use the camp detection technique you taught me. After exploring everyone, they must be in the kind camp. Or a neutral camp can be a teacher, and the evil camp is directly excluded."

The creatures of the multiverse are roughly divided into nine camps, such as the chaotic neutrality represented by Leon and so on.

The camp is a very secret thing for a creature. Although powerhouse created the spell to detect the camp a long time ago, it became popular later, but it generally does not detect others casually. In the camp, most people don't let others detect their own camp casually. If they want to probe other people's camp indiscriminately, this would be a great provocation and insult.

There is every reason to fight for life.

Of course, if you test other people’s camp with their consent, then it’s fine.

"You did a very good job. I haven't told you about it yet. You have already thought of it. It seems that you are really suitable for this type of work."

" It's all the credit of Your Majesty."

"Has the teaching materials come out?"

"According to your instructions, the primary level magic textbook and the primary level Battle Qi textbook have been officially published ."

"Have you even made a publishing house?"

"These are all human tricks. This small official thought it was worth learning from, so I tried to get one. "

"Very good, I also wrote a textbook here. Take it and take a look."

Leon threw away a big silver book.

The result of vigorous respectfulness turned over and found that it was all about the story of praising Silver Dragon Your Majesty and the life experience of Silver Dragon Your Majesty, as well as how Silver Dragon Your Majesty established the star Hui Duchy.

In short, it focuses on describing the greatness of Silver Dragon Your Majesty and the loftyness of Silver Dragon Your Majesty.

"The textbooks written by Your Majesty are really different. They are much better than those written by the teachers."

"You are smarter now and don’t like to talk. To be honest, they wrote textbooks on magic and Battle Qi, and I wrote textbooks on ideology and morality. The two simply don’t match up. How can I tell whether it’s good or bad?"

"In the heart of this small official , Your Majesty's things must be the best things."

"Okay, you are almost the first family member who followed me. You don't need such a birth in front of me, just say what you have. "


"Well, originally I wanted to personally host the admissions, but seeing you do it so properly, I just relax , I will leave everything to you. I was just about to go out a long way. When I come back, I hope to see your results."

I made a loud noise: "This small official must not Under Your Majesty's trust."


"Father father, come and see!"

"What's wrong?"

Weisit splayed his wings, revealing two of them.

The two little things are about three meters in size and they are fluffy.

They looked at Leon with a timid look, and their big black eyes kept evasive.

"Two birds? Where did you get them?"

"Father, you forgot, didn't we get two eggs of the Eastern King giant eagle before?"

"Oh, yes, I remembered, didn’t I put those two eggs on the top of the misty mountain? They hatched so soon?"

"Yes. These are these two little fellows. Look, how cute they are!"

Leon stretched out the dragon claw and dialed two furry little fellows: "Did you name it?"

"Not yet. Why don't you get one for father?"

"Two little fellows have such fluffy fleshy hu hu, then they are called meat dumplings and velvet dumplings. "

"This name is not very nice..."

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