Leon is speechless: "I'm just taking a look first. If it's really a good treasure, I won't be greedy for you. I will naturally send troops. If it doesn't work, you just take it back. is it possible that you are still afraid that I will eat you?"

Leon is already a bright threat at the end.

Prince Thaler is also a big boss, and he is very sensitive to some aspects. When Leon said that, in order to save his life, he even took out a blue jade box.

As soon as Leon dragon claw stretched out, the jade box reached his claws and was directly shattered by him with spirit strength, revealing an ice blue heart-shaped gem inside.

"Is this the heart of Bingappa?"


Leon carefully appreciated the heart of Bingappa and found Bingappa The heart is only palm-size, but there is a strong ice blue brilliance on it. Especially in the center, the ice blue light spot is too condensed, and it has begun to emit a cool white brilliance, which is very eye-catching.

"Shallowly chant, identify the heart of the ice soul."

[Name: Heart of the ice soul]

[Level: Legendary]

[Introduction: A special Legendary equipment can be used as a Legendary equipment to defend against enemies, or it can be refined into oneself to forcibly enhance its strength. If the attributes are the same, there are no major side effects of improving strength, but it is quite taken. A large number of ice element crystals, if the attributes are not compatible, the first is that the attributes will conflict, and the difficulty of refining will be doubled. The second is that even if the strength of refining is successfully improved, there will be great side effects and hidden dangers. In the body, when the breakthrough comes to the higher realm in the future, there will be obstacles. In addition, it is especially not recommended to refining the heart of ice among similar races such as human elves, because the chance of success is extremely low. The most likely possibility is to be blown into powder by the violent power. It is recommended to refining a powerful race such as Dragon Titans. This way, there is no danger of being backlashed]

According to the Silverlight appraisal results, the Heart of Ice Soul is similar to what Prince Saale said, and it does help the Legendary powerhouse improve its strength.

Similarly, the Heart of Ice Soul is not very friendly to the weaker races like Human Race, and simply cannot refining it, but can only refining for the powerful race like giant dragon. .

No wonder Ice Soul has been able to inherit the family of Prince Saale for thousands of years, but if the requirements for refining are lower, Ice Soul Heart may not have inheritance for so many years.

But even so, this Legendary equipment fell into Leon's hands, and I'm afraid that its lifespan will end.

"This baby is very good, not much different from what you said."

"If you like it, Beloket Your Majesty."

Leon will The heart of the ice soul is in the chest of the holy angel: "I like it very much."

"In this case, look at the dispatch of soldiers, should we discuss it?"

"Send troops? What kind of troops? Did I say to send troops?"

Prince Saale was immediately anxious: "Beroket Your Majesty, what do you mean? You are a Silver Dragon! Don’t your promise count?"


Leon: "Your prince, why are you so anxious? I just made a joke with you and sent troops here. This kind of thing can't be solved in a day or two. You must at least give me time for me to dispatch troops, right?"

"Beloket Your Majesty, treasure has already been given to you, please be sure Keep your promise."

"Don’t worry, I like the treasure you offered very much. I will definitely keep the promise. After all, you said that I am a Silver Dragon, not those five-colored dragons. , Keeping promises is a good habit for our Silver Dragon until now."

"Then how long will it take you to officially send troops?"

"In five days, I will be able to assemble a team Army."

"Specific number?"

"Ten thousand."

"What? Only ten thousand!"

Prince Saale looked very excited: "Beloket Your Majesty, are you talking to me? What can 10,000 people do? You can't resist the iron-blooded master of King Zichuan at all!"

"OK No, don't yell in front of me."

Leon suddenly raised his head and glanced at Prince Saale coldly.

Prince Saale's heart tightened, and he lowered his head quickly, hating and afraid, fearing and angry.

I scolded Leon in my heart.

"Do you think that I don’t know the situation on the front line? The biggest reason why you are being held down by King Zichuan’s army is not the problem of strength, but the problem of insufficient high-end battle strength. I will give What about your one million army? As long as Peak’s troops are insufficient, you will never be able to beat King Zichuan."

Leon tilted his head: "Or, you simply don’t care about the life and death of my soldiers. Do you just want them to be cannon fodder for you?"

"Beloket Your Majesty, please don't get me wrong."

Prince Saale has not spoken yet, Shapy behind him The Duke stood up: "Our prince has no formal combat experience at all, so he doesn't know much about things on the battlefield. He only thinks that as long as the number of people is large, he will be able to win, so please forgive him for his ignorance."

Prince Thaler, even if he has never been to the battlefield, is a Legendary powerhouse, how could he not know the specific situation, and he is the leader of the rebels, he naturally knows that the rebels will fall into a disadvantage Where is the key issue.

It’s just that Duke Shapy’s words didn’t really make Leon believe in this matter.

Leon has just accepted the treasures of others, so he can't tear his face directly, so he walks down the steps: "It turns out that it is, no wonder Prince Sall seems to be very pampered."

"Beloket Your Majesty, I don’t know what level of powerhouse are these ten thousand soldiers in the army you gave to our prince?"

"Don’t worry, these ten thousand soldiers are It is the elite powerhouse in my Star Kingdom. The most important thing is that I will send a number of Legendary-level powerhouses to help."

Prince Saale finally raised his head, his eyes full of expectation. : "Beloket Your Majesty, you didn't kid me?"

"As the saying goes Good, help people to the end, since I have promised to send troops, naturally I will help you win this war completely Victory."

Leon smiled deeply, making people wonder what he was thinking: "What's the use if it's just 10,000 ordinary soldiers? On such a battlefield, it really decides victory. The negative is Legendary-level powerhouse."

"Many thanks to you, great Your Majesty!"

Prince Saale's salute at this time seems to be much more sincere.

"Okay, let’s stop here today, three, you guys will rest here for a while, and when the army is assembled 5 days later, you can take my 10,000 elite army to the battlefield. , Kill the troops of King Zichuan."

"May God bless you, noble Beloket Your Majesty!"


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