Qing Xuan Weisit Qi Qi nodded.

Leon said again: "Also, you must remember that your purpose this time is not to help Prince Saale win the war at all. Your purpose is only to gain an experience."

"Okay, father, don't worry, I understand."

"Leon big brother, I know that I will definitely put my own safety and Weisit's safety first, those humble groups The human beings do not deserve the help of the great giant dragon."

"In addition, I always feel that this war is not that simple."

Leon expressed his worry:" King Saale used to dominate the northern part of the Zichuan Empire. His territory occupies a large tract of fertile land. He did not listen to the King Zichuan. He was completely a country within a country, and he did not need to launch it lightly. Rebellion. Even if you want to initiate a rebellion, this time period is not the best time. The best time should be when King Zichuan is seriously ill and dying. When the new king changes, it is the best time for him to send troops."

"So, father, do you mean that there is a conspiracy in this?"

The green little mother Long Leiya uses spirit strength to pronounce: "Actually, I also think there is a conspiracy here, but I don’t know the specifics. It’s hard to judge the situation."

Liya lived in the Frozen Cloud God Sect for a long time, and she has a deep understanding of the intrigue between humans.

"Yakos senior, now I need your help."

"What do I need to do?"

"On the scene, only your strength The strongest, reaching the Sacred Domain realm, it is safer to travel to the depths of the human empire, so I hope you can pretend to go to the Zichuan Empire to help me find out the real reason why Prince Sacred and King Zichuan fought."

Leon stated his purpose: "Moreover, we only have a general understanding of the forces of both sides and the high-level battle strength, without a clear understanding, which will make us very passive. Since we have decided to participate in this event During the war, then you must make all the preparations."

"Okay, that's okay."

Yakos nodded: "You don't let the army out, also Don't let Weisit and Qingxuan leave. Try to delay for a few days. I will find out first. After I find out the specific news, I will proceed to the next step."



Leon knew that this method of Yacos was the most reliable, and it was really the old way, so he did not refuse.

Anyway, it's just a few days of delaying the dispatch of troops. He has already received the reward. What is he afraid of?

"Weisit, go and inform King Saale, just say...just say..."

Leon couldn't find any good reason for a while.

Qingxuan immediately said: "Let’s say that Leon big brother has received two new goddaughters and needs to hold a grand coronation ceremony for the two Princesses, so the kingdom cannot mobilize the army at will during this period. You must wait for the coronation ceremony before you can officially send troops."

Leon couldn't help but give Qing Xuan a thumbs up. This reason is really very good.



Prince Saale browses tightly knit: "We can't send troops, why can we not send troops?"

Weisit remain unmoved, and the tone is flat: "Because I have two more younger sisters and need a coronation ceremony for them, naturally I can't dispatch the army at this time."

"But Beloket Your Majesty is not Have you talked to us?"

Prince Saale looked more and more excited, and couldn't help making a gesture: "You can send troops in five days!"

Weisit remains the same It’s a matter of no concern to oneself, with a high-hanging attitude: “Anyway, you’ve been waiting for five days, and after a few more days, what’s the worst?”

Anxious: ""His Highness the Prince, you know that the battlefield is changing rapidly. The longer the delay, the smaller our chance of victory! "

"Don't worry, the coronation ceremony will not take long. "

Seeing this, Weisit calmed down a few words: "And when the time comes, my Uncle and I will help you with the army, even if your army has failed, it doesn’t matter. With us Xinghui Kingdom help, you will surely turn defeat into victory. "

"His Highness the Prince, what you said is true, will you really go on the battlefield with your Uncle?" "

Weisit solemnly nodded: "Nature is true. "

Prince Saale's eyes flashed with a strange brilliance.

Unfortunately, this thing in his eyes is so subtle that Weisit didn't pay attention at all: "True Dragon must do what it says!" "

Prince Saale calmed down: "Okay, then I will wait a few more days, hope Beloket Your Majesty will stop breaking my promise. "

Weisit's dragon wings opened and cast a large shadow: "Human, please remember that my father did not break his promise, but encountered force majeure. "

Prince Sall scolded Weisit all over in his heart, but thinking that it won’t take long for Weisit to be arrogant anymore, he forced a smile on his face: "It’s me who made a mistake, please His Highness the Prince forgive me. "

Weisit gave Prince Thaler a disdainful look, stretched his dragon wings, and flew away arrogantly.

"Lord Prince, are we really going to wait here forever?" Without you on the battlefield, we would only lose faster! "

"Your Excellency, don't worry, I have a clever plan. "


"What did Prince Salle say? "

"He was a little unhappy at first, but he compromised when he heard that Qingxuan and I would help together. "


"Father, what's wrong?"

"It's a bit wrong, but I will wait for Yacos senior to come back. I haven't got the exact news now, so I can't make it. Judgment."

"Father, are the coronations of the two younger sisters really going to be held?"

"Of course."

Leon nodded: "Although Said that the main purpose of the coronation ceremony was to hold down Prince Saale, but also took the opportunity to hold a ceremony for the two of them. One is to let the people of the kingdom know them, and the other is to enhance their sense of belonging. "

After all, Léa and Lucy are not Leon’s biological daughters, and they don’t have bloodline fetters. If you want to cultivate emotions, you need to spend more time and effort.

Only because Weisit is not Leon's biological son, Leon did not say the latter sentence.

"Then I'll leave it to Dali to do it, what do you think?"

"Let him prepare first, but don’t rush to hold it, and wait for Yacos senior to return. ."



Six days later, Yacos returned.

"How about, senior, have you inquired about useful news?"

"I have really discovered important news at this time."


"Do you know why Prince Thaler rebelled?"

Leon said his guess: "I thought it was for power, but I I’m sure now, it’s definitely not that simple."

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