"You also know that the Legendary Silver Dragon has a pair of Divine Grade parents, who can get a Sacred Domain level giant dragon guarantee and protect, which is also as it should be by rights. So there is indeed a Sacred Domain giant dragon in Congshan Great Lake, and this Sacred Domain giant dragon is under the command of Silver Dragon Leon Beloket."

"If you want the Sacred Domain giant dragon to take action, you need it. Wealth is simply unimaginable. Where did the rebels get so much wealth?"

"It is said that the rebels took out the Legendary equipment that their family has always cherished-the heart of ice, because of this ice The heart can help the creatures directly break through one small realm under the high-level Legendary. The Silver Dragon is now under the high-level Legendary, so it agreed to the rebels to send troops."

Leon continued to hint: "In addition, it is said that the rebels also gave Sacred Domain giant dragon a lot of treasures, but I don't know the specifics."

Semi-yellow sand giant gnashing teeth: "They really dare to pay for it!"

"Great worship, now is not the time to talk about this. The key now is to prevent them from getting help from the Sacred Domain giant dragon. Otherwise, we have no chance of winning."

" How can I stop it?"

Leon directly took out the set of words that had just deceived King Zichuan: "giant dragons are giant dragons after all. They are not humans at all, and they have no human morality at all, so whoever If the price is higher, they will help whoever. Our only way now is to take a bigger bargaining chip than the rebels in order to make the giant dragons in the Great Lake of Congshan face each other."

" You mean, we are going to take out a more precious treasure to buy the giant dragon?"


The half-yellow sand giant's face became very ugly.

Because the yellow sand giant is a descendant of the Titan, he also owns the Titan bloodline. The Titan and the giant dragon have always been enemies, so his perception of the giant dragon is not very good, but now he asks him to show himself His baby went to bribe the giant dragon, and it’s weird that he feels refreshed in his heart.

"How much treasure do I need?"

"I can't judge the details, but it must not be too small, otherwise the giant dragon cannot be bought, and the trouble will be big."

"Hateful! These treasures are accumulated by my Zichuan royal family bit by bit over the years, and I actually want to give it to the giant dragon!"

"Great worship! There is no way, if not If you do this, once the Sacred Domain giant dragon is killed, none of us can stop it. When we destroy the rebel first, you will have enough time to crack the secret of becoming a god and become a god. Wait until you become a god, Congshan Great No matter how many treasures Lake takes, we have to spit it out."

"Didn’t you just say it? There is a Divine Grade giant dragon behind the Silver Dragon in Congshan Great Lake, so I’m a god again. How? It’s not that you still have to suffer."

"Even if you can’t extract treasure from that Silver Dragon, as long as you become a god, the national power of our Zichuan Empire will rise, and it will expand. After a while, are you afraid that you won’t be able to get enough wealth?"

"It’s reasonable.

The half-yellow sand giant thinks a little, and then reacts: "You and I come. "

I saw him pull up the golden heavy sword, wave his hand, and a stone platform similar to his feet rose on the ground in front of him.

There is a yellow light gate on the stone platform up ahead.

The semi-yellow sand giant bent over and walked in. Leon saw it and followed closely from behind also walked in.

Wait for them to enter Afterwards, Leon discovered that this was actually a large treasure house containing space. In this treasure house were piled up countless gold coin Silver Coins, various precious mineral gems, and some of the Zichuan royal family accumulated for thousands of years. Precious documents, magic books, alchemy secret records, and even some continent history are countless and dazzling.

Even Leon, who owns more than one Divine Item, can’t bear it. Keep your eyes on the green light.

This treasure house may not have the level of treasure of Divine Item, but the number is extremely large. After all, it is the accumulation of the Zichuan royal family for thousands of years. It is simply unimaginable.

The semi-yellow sand giant led Leon to the inside of the treasure house, and didn’t stop until he reached the deepest point.

At a glance, the treasure appeared in the deepest part of the treasure house. The pieces are all fine pieces of the finest pieces.

There are seven pieces of Legendary equipment alone.

"There are seven pieces of Legendary equipment, namely the bride weeping, the black king cheering, Silver Prince's armor, war terminator, Goddess's hair, ice ditch, flame nightmare. "

Semi-yellow sand giant: "In addition, there are several Legendary materials, even a Divine Grade magic heart gem. You can impress the greedy ones in Congshan Great Lake as much as you think you need. giant dragon? "

Leon said, of course, all can be impressed, but he also knows that if he says that, no matter how dull the brain of the half-yellow sand giant is, he will be suspicious.

So he had no choice but to consider: "How much do you think is appropriate? "

"Since the rebels only gave him one piece of Legendary equipment, it is enough for us to give him two pieces. "


Without waiting for Leon to finish, the semi-yellow sand giant interrupted directly: "In addition, give the Sacred Domain giant dragon three pieces of Legendary. What do you think of equipping the past? "

"I think it's almost done, but to be on the safe side, it's better to..."

"No, don't worry, no matter how strong the rebels are, they are no better than our royal family. Thousands of years of accumulation, even our royal family can only come up with five Legendary equipment, how many treasures can they come up with? "

The semi-yellow sand giant is quite arrogant: "The reason why the giant dragon in Congshan is so greedy is probably because Congshan Great Lake is too barren. He has simply never seen anything good. Baby, just bought him one or two pieces of Legendary equipment. Let's directly give him five pieces of Legendary equipment this time. I don't believe he won't be tempted. "

Look at the tone of the half-yellow sand giant. He is determined. Leon doesn't say much to avoid self-defeating: "This is also true." "

"And if it doesn’t work, tell them, as long as they are willing to send out the Sacred Domain powerhouse to help us, these five Legendary equipment is just a deposit. After the event is completed, we will send him five Legendary materials or the same Divine Material. "

Divine Material is extremely precious, but it depends on whether it is suitable or not.

This devil's heart gem looks brilliant and brilliant, but it is actually made by the efforts of Abyss Demon. It contains a large amount of abyssal demonic energy and cursing power, which cannot be used at all under normal circumstances.

Otherwise, the semi-yellow sand giant will not take it out.

" In this case, without further ado, I will take the treasure and go to Congshan Great Lake to lobby the group of greedy giant dragons. "

The semi-yellow sand giant picked up the Ice Graft and Yan Nightmare: "Take these pieces. Although these five Legendary equipment are all Legendary, they are of average quality. The most important thing is they Each has its shortcomings and each has its own curse. The longer the user uses it, the stronger the backlash, the happier it uses, and the quicker it will die. "

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