Finally, in addition to these introductions, there is a special note.

【Special note: In addition, due to the special power on the bone of hard work, different races see the valley of hard work differently, such as humans see the bone of hard work When I saw a human-like skeleton, when a giant dragon saw a skeleton of industriousness, what I saw was a skeleton similar to a giant dragon, so the skeleton of industriousness could easily be ignored by creatures]

Looking at the introduction of Silverlight densely packed, Leon knew that this so-called hardworking bone is probably a very precious treasure.

Especially this is the first time Leon has seen a treasure with special remarks. Other treasures generally only have a name, a level, and an introduction. There is simply no remarks.

It can be seen that this treasure should be very special, otherwise Silverlight will not be so aggressive.

I just told Leon perfectly clear that this treasure is really important, and must take it in his hands.

If Silverlight hadn't had spiritual wisdom, I'm afraid it would have done so long ago.

Because he has been using Silverlight for so long, he actually found a rule, that is, the longer the introduction of Silverlight, the more powerful this baby is. The shorter the introduction, the more general it is. .

Although this is not necessarily the case, it is highly probable.

The fact that the bone of industriousness can get such a long introduction to Silverlight is enough to show that this special treasure must be of extraordinary value.

The laziness mentioned in it alone makes people feel unclear.

Although the word laziness is not very pleasant, its formidable power is extremely powerful.

Countless people and countless things in the world have been defeated by these two words. If they can really prove the god of the lazy god, I am afraid that the future achievements will be at least the middle god, and even It is God.

Moreover, he always has a feeling that the god of laziness is not the end, there should be several similar gods, and they should be matched.

However, the situation is urgent now. Prince Thaler and the Zichuan royal family are fighting. Leon must now finish the war before thinking about other things.

So although he knew that the bone of industriousness was very important, and wanted to obtain the bone of laziness, but there was a priority, so he directly put the bone of industriousness into the chest of the holy angel, Put it aside.

The treasure in the Sacred Domain treasury is not finished. Leon has taken up his old business. He directly put the topaz fragments from the broken Sacred Domain treasury into the chest of the holy angel. middle.

Topaz is also a very precious material, especially the appearance of such a large piece of such a large piece, it is very precious.

Although it has been blasted into fragments by Yacos, each fragment is also huge. It is no problem to take it back to repair the house and make decorations.

Swept away all the valuable things in Huang Sha Mi within the realm, he went around in Huang Sha Mi within the realm again, and carefully checked, afraid that he might miss something, and finally Leaving the Yellow Sand Secret Realm.

And Legendary Knight had already been waiting for him outside.

"pay respects to Your Majesty."

"How is it? The news that the city was broken hasn't been spread yet?"

Legendary Knight slightly hesitated : "It shouldn't."

Leon looked coldly: "What does it mean to have it? Is it there or not? Can't you make it clear? You think you are playing a house, you can come '?"

Legendary Knight immediately said in fear: "reporting to Your Majesty, on the surface there is indeed no, but these ministers are closely watched by me, but who knows what they have special? Means, maybe the news has already spread. It's not that I didn't use my intentions, but that I am only one person. There are too many of them. I can't manage to maintain the overall situation. I have already tried my best. Unless they are all killed. Otherwise, there is no way."

"Forget it, I had expected it a long time ago. In this way, you can find a way to get them to send the news to the front line quickly."

Legendary Knight startled: "Your Majesty, I heard it right?"

"Of course, I heard it right, I said that I asked you to find a way to quickly get those ministers to send the news of the fall of the royal city to the front line."


"Your Majesty, can I know why this is?"

Leon glanced at him and did not shy away from him: "Anyway, you are also my slave, how could it be impossible to betray me and tell you It doesn’t matter, it’s a very simple reason. The loss of the King City will make the great worship flustered. On the battlefield, facing the powerhouse of the same level, once the restlessness, what will be the effect, don’t you know? The second is that I don’t believe it. The king and ministers of the royal city are all loyal to the Zichuan royal family. After Prince Saale rebelled, he was able to like a hot knife through butter. There was definitely an internal response in the royal city. Therefore, Prince Saale would also get the news. After he got the news, he only I would think that I followed the agreement and came to help him, so that I would relax my vigilance and carry out his conspiracy without any hesitation."

Legendary Knight was surprised again: "Prince Saler has a conspiracy?"

Leon ignored him, each minding their own business's sermon: "When is the most terrifying time for a conspiracy? Before it broke out, once the conspiracy broke out, then he No longer terrifying, I just want to stimulate the Royal Gener pro Royal Gener al His conspiracy broke out, and then when he thought he was about to succeed, he jumped out and stepped him into the mud, so that he could never turn over. "

"It turns out that this is Your Majesty's strategy, which really opened my eyes. "

"Okay, don’t say these compliments. Before I come back, there can be disturbances in the royal city, but it cannot affect the overall situation. This empire is already in my bag and must be To ensure the order and stability, you, as the Legendary Knight, should be able to do it, right? "

"Under normal circumstances, I can indeed do it, but I am afraid that the Red King will step in. "

"It’s okay. They come here, at most, they just stabilize the people. When the time comes, you just throw them away, mainly to protect yourself, and wait for them to stabilize. , I have almost finished dealing with the Prince Saale and the Zichuan royal family. By then, I will kill another sudden thrust and pick their fruits. What do you think? "

"Your Majesty's wisdom is like the sun's rays illuminating the earth, making me suddenly enlightened. "


On the battlefield where Prince Saale and the Zichuan royal family are fighting.

The black smoke rises into the sky, and the blood energy is pervasive.

But the entire battlefield did not appear to be very fierce, because now both sides know that it is not the soldiers at the bottom that determines the outcome of the war, but the powerhouse at the highest level.

So Many small soldiers began to draw water.

Anyway, no matter who wins or loses, they are still citizens of the empire.

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