After taking down the purple robe Sacred Domain, Leon casually recalled her mirror Avatar to the Silver Demon Realm, and at the same time included the Divine Item in the Silver Demon Mirror. Inside.

Then he looked at Da Huitan who was still battling his mirror Avatar, thought for a while, and quickly summoned the silver ghost mirror, and a vortex appeared on the back mirror. Da Huitan felt a strong suction and was involuntarily absorbed by the Mirror of Immigrants.

This is also a major ability of the Silver Nether Magic Mirror after the upgrade. After releasing a mirror Avatar, the body of the mirror Avatar can be directly absorbed into the magic mirror space.

Equivalent to uses the mirror Avatar as a medium to apply an active control skill to the ontology.

If there is no special means, it is basically impossible to resist.

The reason why Leon wanted Da Huitan into the Mirror of Silver Netherworld was also because he was going to go back and study the devil in the abyss.

He had this idea before, but there was no chance and no experimental materials. Now that such a good living material appears in front of him, he must not let it go.

Just now Da Hui has revealed his demon True Form. Such a strong demonic energy must have been discovered by the Holy Shield Alliance. If they wait until the Holy Shield Alliance sends someone over, they will either The demon beheaded on the spot, either to take the devil away from imprisonment. Basically, like Leon, the devil needs to be researched.

When the time comes, although Leon discovered this demon, it is difficult for him to force the demon to stay behind.

But now he has captured this demon, even if the Divine Shield Alliance comes over later, it is difficult to pass it directly from his hand.

In this way, the demon can stay in his hands and let him study at will.

A powerful wizard must first be a profound scholar, secondly a tireless scientist, and then a curious biologist.

Leon is also a mage, and he also aspires to become a powerful mage, so it is impossible to escape the basic arguments inherent in the mage.

The more you study this thing of magic, the more you will find that you know too little, so you can't help but study desperately.

Leon couldn't understand this feeling before he became a mage, but after he became a mage, he understood why.

Because the essence of magic is truth.

The essence of cultivation magic is the process of seeking truth.

And research is an inherent means of pursuing truth.

So, magician can also be called the scholar of truth.

The existence of truth is really very special. When you don’t touch it, you will only feel that it is dispensable, but when you really touch it, you will feel that it is in this world. The most interesting thing.

As Leon's research on magic gets deeper, he has this feeling more and more.

"Father, what should we do now?"

Weisit suddenly flew forward and interrupted Leon’s thinking: "Should we go back to Congshan Great Lake first, or just kill Zichuan King City?"

Leon glanced around and found that no matter the sky or the ground, it was a mess.

The clouds above the sky were torn apart, leaving only a deep gloom and gray blue.

There are thick smoke and blood everywhere on the ground, stumped limbs and broken arms, rotten swords and blades, only a few lively mouths.

Leon pointed out the spirit strength, swept it away suddenly, and found a surprise.

His first servant, Rowan, is still alive.

"Now let’s refurbish it first, and then go directly to Wangcheng. There is nothing important in Congshan Great Lake. On the contrary, there are so many major events in the Zichuan Empire. We must be the first to enter. Lord King City, master the core of the empire."

Leon’s thoughts are very clear: "Although we are giant dragons, impossible really forcibly occupy the human empire, but we can launch a human puppet, so that we can indirectly control it. The human empire. When my strength can push the people of Bach Plane in the future, it will be the day when the entire Bach Plane is unified."

Weisit looked forward to: "I really hope that this day can come sooner... …"

Before he could finish speaking, a huge hole suddenly opened in the sky, and several beautiful and alluring witches wearing purple robes flew out of it.

The first person is a middle-aged woman with blond hair.

Several young women followed her.

The blonde woman was holding a pocket-sized five-star wand, and when she came out, she placed her hand on her shoulder, slightly lowered her head, and faced Yacos gave a salute: "I have seen this powerful white Dragon. Under the Pavilion, hello, introduce myself, my name is Lislu, and I am the contemporary pope of the purple pupil wizard church."

Yakos did not answer, he retreated directly behind Leon, showing that Leon was only talented. Is the principal.

The blonde woman reacted quickly, and she was not surprised. She obviously did her homework before coming and knew Leon’s identity: "Great Silver Dragon Beloket Your Majesty, please allow me to replace The entire purple pupil wizard church sends you its most sincere greetings."

"Teach Sect Pavilion, what can I do to help you?"

"Now There is indeed one thing you need Your Majesty to be magnanimous, and help me."

"You said."

"Please let us go High Priest of our church. "

Leon suddenly understood, but wanting him to let go so easily, it was a delusion: "She has offended a great True Dragon. Now she has been captured, and she is getting the great True Dragon. Before the justice trial, even the Spiritual God cannot take her away."

The blonde woman glanced at Leon, apparently prepared for this result: "The High Priest has offended the great True Dragon. He really deserves to be punished, but the Divine Item in his hand is a treasure belonging to the entire purple pupil wizard church. Please return it to us."

"Divine Item?"

Leon showed a puzzled expression: "What Divine Item? Yacos senior, do you see any Divine Item?"

Yakos: "No."

"Teach Sect Pavilion, Yacos senior who has just fought High Priest did not see the Divine Item of your sect club."

"Beloket Your Majesty! This Divine Item is for us The church is very important. Please return it to us as soon as possible."

The blonde woman was in a hurry.

The Divine Item held in the hands of the purple robe Sacred Domain is simply not a Divine Item of the church, but a treasure obtained through nine deaths and still alive by chance. It is usually hidden and tucked, but But the blonde woman got the news.

She has always coveted this Divine Item, but the purple-robed Sacred Domain is the same as her Sacred Domain, and under normal circumstances, she can't take it forcibly.

Fortunately, this time she followed the purple robe Sacred Domain to the Zichuan Empire, and she had such a good chance to capture the Divine Item, even if she faced a silver dragon with a background and a white dragon at the Sacred Domain level. , She is also impossible to give up easily.

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