"I ask you, do you know why I want to save you?"

"Because Your Majesty is as kind as the sea, inclusive of all things, nourishing countless creatures, and compassion like The sun is like the sun, shining all over the earth, shining thousands of lives!" At first glance, Luo Wen is an old gentleman, and opening his mouth is flattery. This is probably the reason why he is very spoiled in front of Da Huitan. Even a devil would not dislike people who are good at charming.

"No, you are wrong."

"I beg Your Majesty to show the villain."

"I save you only because you are still useful "

"The villain is willing to be used by Your Majesty, even if it climbs a mountain of swords or plunge into a sea of ​​fire, the liver and the brain are smeared on the ground, and I will not give up."

"I don't need it You do this for me, I just need you to remember, because you are useful now, so I will save you, if you are useless one day, I will be the first to abandon you, and what is the slave abandoned by the master You should be clear about the end."

"Your Majesty, I am loyal to you. I will never dare to have any nausea. You are my god, you are my god, and you are my lord! "

"Don’t talk about loyalty in front of me, because loyalty is never something that counts with words. If you really regard me as a god as you say, then Why haven’t you come to visit me in the previous several decades?"

"Your Majesty, I..."

"Okay, I understand, but It's because you are the son of the duke, and the prince as the backer, like a fish back in water living in the human empire, how are you willing to come and serve my'cruel and tyrannical' giant dragon?"

"The villain has absolutely no such thoughts! Your Majesty..."

"Needless to say, I don't care about these."

Leon interrupted Rowan directly and didn't want to listen. He said those nonsense: "I am still willing to give you a chance, this time I will let you sit on the throne of the Zichuan Empire and become the king of the Zichuan Empire, gaining greater power and higher status than before, but, If I find that you are inconsistent and disrespectful to me, I will send you directly to the underworld to meet the Pluto."

"Your Majesty, rest assured, the villain will always be your most loyal The dog, the humblest servant, will always be loyal to you only!"


Zichuan Empire, in the royal city.

Many ministers gathered in the palace.

"What should I do now?"

"Is there any news from the frontline?"

"The king and Prince Saale had a bad relationship, now what? What's the point of it?"

"The king's city has been smashed by giant dragons, and is still fighting people outside. What's the point of this?"

"The four worshippers are dead Three, surrendered one, where did the great worship go?"

"And the Holy See, there are a few red-clothed bishops, not even an Archbishop!"

"What should I do now?"

"We can only wait, waiting for King Your Majesty to return victoriously, and everything will be fine."

After discussion, many ministers all agreed. A consensus.

Don't look at them normally blowing beards and staring in front of the king, rather disrespectful, but this is just for their status.

At the critical moment, they will always stand with the king.

Because the king represents the empire, their power can only be meaningful if the empire is stable and prosperous.

Otherwise, no matter how arrogant and arrogant they are in front of the king, what is the use of regardless of the law and of natural morality?

Although the royal power and the vassal power restrict each other, they are also interdependent. If the royal power is unstable, what can the vassal power be?

If a courtier wants to gain greater rights, the first thing he must do is not to overthrow the king, but to stabilize the king and stabilize the country. Only in this way is the real way to be a minister.

Otherwise, if you want to overthrow the king, want a cholera country, and only know your selfish desires, but you don't have a long-term vision and don't make long-term plans, you can only be a foolish minister and a treacherous minister.

Even if they are not loyal ministers, they will not be stupid and treacherous ministers, they just want to be powerful ministers.

As for being a king, I basically don't have this idea.

Because there is an old saying in Leon’s previous life called "A century of dynasty, Aristocratic family of a thousand years", which is also very applicable in this world.

Being a king is not that simple. It seems to be very beautiful and majestic. In fact, there are too many factors to consider. I worry about the instability of my royal power at all times. Instead, it is better to be a minister. , Develop your own family power, so as to have a long inheritance.

The more important thing is that in this world, you can't get to the top if you have talent. The key is to have strength.

Like the Zichuan royal family, how can the throne be inherited for thousands of years if there is no Sacred Domain-level worship behind it?

As for these ministers, it can be said bluntly that many of their families do not even have a Legendary powerhouse. How can they fight for the throne?

Don't think that Legendary powerhouse is very common. In fact, Legendary powerhouse is powerhouse everywhere, it is very rare.

It’s just that Leon’s starting point is too high, and the level of the circle he usually contacts is too high, so he thinks Legendary powerhouse is very common.

In fact, Legendary powerhouse is really a lifetime pursuit and dream of countless people.

The point is that they may not be able to achieve their goals in their entire lives, and their dreams will only be trapped under Legendary for the rest of their lives.

Otherwise, why is the worship of an empire only the Legendary powerhouse?

In human society, Master Level can already be an empire general, not to mention the Legendary powerhouse, which is simply a strategic weapon of mass destruction.

Normally, I can't give up.

Because once it is dispatched, it will inevitably be a scene of blood flowing into a river.

Legendary powerhouse casually comes with a super big move, a forbidden spell, to destroy a large city without defense, it is simply not a joke.

On average, a Legendary powerhouse can only be produced out of hundreds of millions of people.

This has to be a situation that takes full advantage of the time and place. If it fails to meet the target a little bit, Legendary is dreaming.

You must know that many people can't reach the low-level transcendents in their entire lives, and can only serve as transcendent apprentices.

even more how is Legendary realm?

Legendary, to put it bluntly, for ordinary people, they are the real "Legendary" in their entire life, the kind that can be written in a book.

Existence that the kings of the empire must personally welcome.

Many smaller primary material planes, even Legendary powerhouses cannot be born.

Because these ministers have no intention of rebelliousness.

So they are naturally looking forward to the victory of King Zichuan's return, and then solve the giant dragon invasion.

Unfortunately, fate is like this, and I often like to make people go against their wishes.

When they hadn't lost the king before, they were like enemies of life and death with the king.

Now that the king has left the royal city, they seem to have lost their backbone, and they hope that the king will return.

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