"Humans, acknowledge allegiance or death!"

"acknowledge allegiance! We acknowledge allegiance!"

"True Dragon Your Majesty! We all acknowledge allegiance! All acknowledge allegiance!"


In order to save their lives, which ministers dare to have any meaning not to acknowledge allegiance, they dare to be in front of the king Chacha hu hu because they knew that the king did not dare to move them.

And a giant dragon is definitely more terrifying than a king. The king may need a reason to kill a person, but the giant dragon simply does not need a reason to kill, so they are naturally better than the other.

This is human nature.

To bully the soft and be afraid of the hard, follow the red top and the white, step on high and worship low.

Of course, this is not only the case with humans, but also with all wise creatures, even giant dragons.

So, as long as you are strong enough, even as long as you appear strong enough, others will respect you and admire you.

And if you can make people feel that you are very cruel on this basis, then they will be afraid of you, fear you, and acknowledge allegiance to you.

Of course, Leon also knows that the main reason why these ministers kneel so quickly is because they want to save their lives. The giant dragon will leave one day and wait until the half-yellow sand giant. They will be saved when they come back.

So Leon wants to destroy their beliefs and destroy their beliefs by himself.

"Are you really willing to submit to me?"

Leon just asked a little, but his voice sounded like a thunder, which shook the ears of many ministers faintly deaf.

"Yes, yes, we are of course willing to acknowledge allegiance to you, a great lineup Your Majesty!"

"You are the sun in the sky, you are the moon in the sky, you hang high In the sky, you are brighter than the stars. You are the god resident in the world. The humble ants offer you the most heartfelt prayers!"

"You are the incarnation of the beauty of the world, and you are the most satisfying of the Creator Masterpiece, our acknowledge allegiance is to you, just as the humble ant acknowledge allegiance to the mighty gods should be!"


Don’t say anything else, This group of human beings are all savvy, and speaking of which compliments even makes Leon inevitably feel extra comfortable.

Fortunately, he has not forgotten business affairs.

"Okay, don’t I know you humans? What you say and what you think in your heart are completely different. No need to explain, I know you must have hope. I think that half-yellow sand giant will definitely come back to save you, but you don’t think about it. If I’m not absolutely sure, dare I say that I want to change the Zichuan Empire to a king?"

Many ministers After hearing Leon's words, he fell silent immediately.

Many people reacted quickly, and even got scared into a cold sweat.

If the half-yellow sand giant is gone, then their last expectation will be gone. When the time comes, I am afraid that it will take a lifetime to acknowledge allegiance to the giant dragon and become the slave of the giant dragon!

Looking at their appearance, Leon knew that they hadn't given up their hearts completely. He immediately waved the dragon claw, summon out the silver ghost mirror, and then the silver light flashed on the mirror, and it was half huge. The body fell out.

The whole body is yellowish, five or six meters long, which is exactly the half of the yellow sand giant.

"Great worship!"

"The sky has fallen!"


Look at the half With the yellow body still twitching, all the ministers only felt their heads dizzy, and couldn't help but want to fall to the ground.

The big offering is gone!

Their hope is so gone!

The most important pillar of the Zichuan royal family is gone!

Then what else can they do?

Rebelling, and then being slapped to death by the giant dragon in front of you?

Or completely acknowledge allegiance, pray that the giant dragon will not swallow them alive?

Survival or death is a choice and a difficult problem.

Of course, for most people, this is just a choice, but not a problem.

Many ministers quickly reacted. They immediately buried their heads lower, and then they threw out the compliments and compliments for no money in their mouths like running water, hoping to "smash Leon".

Unfortunately, Leon has long been able to resist after listening to these beautiful words.

"Now you already know that the half-yellow sand giant that you placed hope in has long since become my defeated. I can tell you perfectly and clearly that he is not dead, but his body is broken. Two halves, I was suppressed in this magic mirror. If you still don’t give up, you can try to rescue him."

Leon smiled jokingly: "In case it's like As the fairy tales say, have you succeeded? After all, aren’t all the righteous warriors defeating the evil giant dragons in fairy tales?"

"Fairy tales are fairy tales because they are fairy tales. It will always be a fairy tale, and it will always be impossible to become a reality."

A minister who looks very old said calmly: "True Dragon Your Majesty, we will fully acknowledge allegiance to you, from From now on, you are our true new master."

"Fairy tales are not necessarily unrealistic, but most people who read fairy tales are not wise enough to read fairy tales at all."

Leon slowly said amidst the puzzled expressions of many ministers: "Take the story of the gray boy and the princess as an example. Many worthless people like to compare themselves to the gray boy and feel that they are ashamed. Like the kid, it means to show that he is living in a difficult situation, and the second is to a certain extent hope that he can meet the Princess who saves them. Equivalent to is to give himself a psychological comfort. But in fact, the gray kid seems to live a very miserable life, but He is the son of the Duchess. It’s just that the father died early. The Duchess married another man, which made Grey Boy an extra stepfather and brought two stepbrothers. Grey Boy’s mother was away all year round before letting him Being bullied by his stepfather and two elder brothers, he looks very miserable, but in fact, he is the son of the duke after all. If he is not the child of the duke, how could his family be invited to the royal banquet? How could he have Sacred? Domain godfather? I don’t know how to dance the aristocratic special talents, nor can I exchange ideas with Princess. It’s even more impossible to have the opportunity to maintain that handsome face and make Princess fall in love at first sight. Most importantly, why Princess ordered Looking for the man at the dance party across the country, the minister came first to the gray boy’s house?"

"Because the gray boy’s father is a duke and belongs to the most noble group of people besides the royal family. , Naturally should be the first to go to the Duke’s house."

This time, it was the minister again: "Am I right? Your Majesty."

"Very correct. "

Leon couldn't help but glanced at the minister twice, and saw that although he was old, he was still tall and straight, and his face was firm, his eyes were clear, and he was wearing an unspeakable Light of Wisdom.

At first glance, they are not simple characters.

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