That’s why he doesn’t casually use the ceremony to transform his subordinates.

Only because Peter himself has reached the twenty sixth rank Knight, and he can become Legendary high-rank Knight with just one shot, so he will make an exception and hold a family transformation ceremony for Peter.

"How do you feel?"

Peter looked very excited: "reporting to Your Majesty, I feel very good now, I have never been better, I think I am better than before. It’s a hundred times stronger."

Leon slowly shook the head: "It's just an illusion. At most, it's only a few times stronger."

He said this was really a bit Versailles is out.

For Legendary powerhouse, let alone several times, the ability to increase the strength by one point is not a small improvement.

Peter touched the scales on his neck: "Your most loyal servant is grateful for your reward!"

Because True Dragon family members will get True Dragon bloodline to a certain extent , So the appearance will also produce transformation, such as dragon scales like Peter.

This change is actually a kind of evolution, because dragon scales are very hard, and have high magic resistance and material resistance. It grows on the human body, which is equivalent to helping humans strengthen A series of comprehensive qualities such as defensive power.

And this is only the external manifestation, the internal increase is even greater and more insidious.

"If you really want to thank me, protect the Zichuan Empire for me, and don’t let the Zichuan Empire have any turmoil, because I don’t like the back garden of disordered and in a mess. I hope my back garden The garden can bloom with a hundred flowers and fruitful fruits."

"Your Majesty rest assured, from now on, I will be your shepherd dog, and I will do my best to protect your flock."

" Now that I understand what I mean, I won’t say much."

Leon gave a final word: "From then on, you will be the new consecration of the Zichuan Empire, and the post of Sacred Beast will be established. My eldest son Weisit."

"Divine Beast? This is the first time I heard the term, but I feel very majestic and heavy, and it matches the great True Dragon very well."


"Find a way to publicize, let Rowan revise all the teaching materials of the major Academy of Zichuan Empire, and vigorously promote the positive deeds of Divine Beast."

"Yes. "


"What else?"

Leon suddenly reacted: "Academy can only be afforded by nobles How can civilians afford to go to school? Even if the textbooks are modified, it will only affect the nobles. What impact can it have on the civilians?"

"Your Majesty, you laughed, the civilians are just humble grassroots, as long as they can If it affects the nobles, what are the civilians?"

"No, your pattern is still too small. A single spark can start a prairie fire. The world is a circle, a reincarnation. Today is a commoner, tomorrow may be It will be a nobleman, today is a nobleman, and tomorrow may not be a commoner."

"How is this possible? Nobles are a hereditary system, nobles will always be nobles, and common people will always be common people."

"Wasn’t Rowan originally just the son of the Duke? How did he ascend to the throne?"


"So not just fundamentally To change the minds of the nobles, we must also pay attention to the minds of the civilians. We must let everyone know the positive deeds of Divine Beast."

As for Weisit, there is no positive deeds, the only thing is on the battlefield. Eat a lot of soldiers, this is certainly not a positive deed.

But, can't we create deeds without deeds?

Aren't all history books written by victors?

The reason why Leon cares so much about ordinary people's ideas is that he is not essentially a dragon. He conquered the Zichuan Empire for neither destruction nor killing.

What he wants is a rich and stable empire, so that he can better obtain resources and wealth.

Killing and destruction can only obtain temporary wealth, not long-term wealth.

Leek can’t cut the roots at once, it must be harvested little by little. In order to make the leeks grow better, a little fertilizer can be applied whenever necessary.

Furthermore, for civilians in this world, they are already living in dire straits. They are either oppressed by this or by that. When facing the nobles, they are just like slaves. With Leon's arrival, they might be liberated!

After all, Leon just wants a bit of treasure. The nobleman wants to eat all the common people, dismantle the bones and skin them, and then wait until all the remaining value is drained before discarding them like a shoe. .

Suddenly, Leon’s mind was divine light flashed: "Popular people cannot be educated like aristocrats, they cannot read words, and they cannot read books, but as long as they can understand the story, they will also like to listen. Story."

The text of this world is completely different from the text of Leon's previous life. It is neither Chinese nor English, let alone other texts. It is a very complex text.

The most important thing is.

There are different texts between different races.

The only thing that is the same is that continent speaks the same language, but only the spoken language is the same, and there is no communication between the words.

At the same time, even languages ​​must be divided into different levels. For example, Dragon Clan’s Dragon Language is the highest achievement among languages.

There are also things like Elvish language. They borrowed part of Dragon Language and pirated part of human language. The new school language they produced also has strong power, but it is not as good as Dragon Language.

There is also the language of the mermaid family, which has the magic of the deep sea.

After that, the language of Human Race is unremarkable.

After that, there will be some particularly low-level races, such as Goblin Slime, which basically have no systematic language, and they use the language of other races.

So they are extremely weak.

After all, there is not even a system of civilization, how can it be developed?

Because language represents the level of civilization to a certain extent.

For example, Chinese and English in the previous life each ruled half the sky. This is the truth.

Actually, there are many kinds of languages ​​in previous lives, but besides Chinese and English, how many people will learn other languages?

Great Accomplishment people who are not Chinese and English are particularly powerful.

The biggest reason why Dragon Language is the most high level other language but not popular is because Dragon Language has a strong power, so Dragon Clan deliberately controlled the popularity of Dragon Language.

Otherwise, if anyone can learn the language of Dragon Clan, wouldn't Dragon Clan lose one advantage?

Be aware that there are many categories of magicians, and the most powerful one is Dragon Language magician.

All True Dragons are born Dragon Language magicians, and other races can become Dragon Language magicians if they can obtain certain achievements in the research of Dragon Language, relying on Dragon Language to cast spells.

The same spell can bring out a more powerful formidable power.

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