But at any rate it is also a Legendary equipment, and if the age is not enough, and there is no plug-in like Silverlight, it is basically impossible to see that the Silver Prince’s Kay has strong side effects, when the Time comes can be used as a normal Legendary equipment to sell to those wealthy powerhouses. You can definitely make a fortune. You can even use this silver Prince armor to exchange for a Legendary equipment that is not suitable for humanoid races.

Think of this, Leon is also very happy to put the silver Prince armor into his bag.

Anyway, as long as it is Legendary equipment, you are not afraid of not being able to sell it at a good price.

It is more valuable than gold.

The fourth piece of Legendary equipment with defects, called the Terminator of War, is a blue medal with a golden pattern.

Only half a human palm-size, but the shape is very delicate, and there is a strange magic around it, which can make people feel at ease, as if returning to the embrace of mother.

"Silverlight, identify the terminator of the war."

[Name: Terminator of the war]

[Level: Legendary]

[ Introduction: A group assisted Legendary equipment with side effects can increase morale in a wide range, and at the same time generate a magic shield for each soldier, greatly improve the soldiers' blood recovery effect, and can also transmit orders in an instant In the mind of each soldier, carry out the most precise command. The side effect is that every time you use the war terminator, the happy mood will be consumed. The more war terminator you use, the faster the happy mood will decrease. Until the end, there is no ability to be happy again, and you can’t Use the war terminator again]

It is said that there was a Princess of Mermaid Race 700 years ago. She was born beautiful and kind, advocating peace. On her birthday, her Royal Father used the most beautiful in the deep sea. The gem for her to create a medal exclusive to her.

She wears the medal on her body every day, and then she came to the continent, and saw war and plunder everywhere on the continent, she couldn't bear it.

From then on, she started her road of persuading war, all the way from the south of the continent to the north of the continent, helping many people and quelling many wars.

Until the last time she met the devil who smuggled from the abyss to Bach Plane, under the bewitching of the devil, she actually provoked a war.

When she woke up and found all this, she was sorrowful and sad. In the end she died of guilt alive and disappeared into a bubble, leaving only this war terminator.

The side effects of the Terminator of War are indeed great. If Leon had not possessed the Holy Grail of Destiny and the Flower of Epic Admiration, he would probably not dare to use this Legendary equipment.

But who made this Legendary equipment's ability really make him jealous, so even if the side effects are serious, he is impossible to give up.

But this side effect is really too big, even if there is the Holy Grail of Destiny and the Flower of Epic Admiration, he is a little scared.

Just as he hesitated, suddenly divine light flashed.

The biggest role of this Legendary equipment lies in the combat command on the battlefield. As a monarch, why should he go on the battlefield himself? Even if you are on the battlefield, why bother to be a commander?

He only needs to give the commander an order.

So of course this piece of equipment must be used, but it is not for him to use, but for the coach of the Star Kingdom on the battlefield in the future.

When the time comes, the equipment will be confiscated directly, not for a certain person alone, but for everyone to use it in turn, so that the side effects will be reduced infinitely.

And this can be considered a kind of welfare, it can appear that his monarch is generous and generous, unlike other miserly kings.

The last piece of defective Legendary equipment called Goddess’s hair is a black thread. Looking at nothing unusual, Leon stretched out the dragon claw fiercely, but couldn’t pull it at all. The ripped off.

Where can ordinary silk thread be so strong?

"Silverlight, identify Goddess's hair."

[Name: Goddess's hair]

[Level: Legendary]

[Introduction: A defective Legendary equipment, which seems to be just a thread, is very tenacious. It can easily pierce hard armor and strong shields. At the same time, it can be myriad transformations, and it can also be woven into a big net to trap people, which is very effective. In the battle, it can suppress most opponents, making it difficult to exert their strength. Moreover, it has a regeneration function, even if it is cut off by powerful equipment, it can be regenerated instantly, unless it is completely obliterated. The only downside is that the use of Goddess hair needs to consume lifespan, the normal spiritual root can not be consumed at all, this defect can be avoided unless it reaches the Divine Grade]

The legend is three thousand years ago in the northwest. A handsome and stalwart man appeared in the Great Wilderness Plain. He was extremely handsome and handsome, and his body was extremely strong and tall, as if a statue had life.

At that time, a female Spiritual God saw this man, and she was immediately attracted by this man. He descended from God World to the main material plane at any cost, and fell in love with this man.

Finally, after they spent several decades of happiness, the man's face gradually ages, Goddess is also tired of the man, so he wants to return to God World.

The man pleaded bitterly, Goddess also remained unmoved, and finally the man cried over and over again about their good life. Goddess barely had a little compassion, so he pulled out one of his hair and gave it to the man. , Let the man think about it, and then return to God World without the slightest hesitation.

Since then, the man has washed his face with tears every day, draining his life deeply, and holding onto this hair after death.

When a passing Sacred Domain powerhouse learned of this, he got Goddess hair and refined it into a Legendary equipment.

It was only after refining it that this Legendary equipment was found to have great defects. Sacred Domain powerhouse gave it to his dísciple in desperation, and finally fell into the hands of the semi-yellow sand giant.

Goddess' hair is a good piece of equipment for catching and trapping people. Unfortunately, the source of energy is not magic or Battle Qi at all, but lifespan.

Lifespan is very cherished for the existence below Divine Grade. Who wants to consume their lifespan to support a piece of equipment?

So this Legendary equipment is very tasteless, and it is only useful if Spiritual God is in your hand.

Consumption of lifespan is not within the jurisdiction of Holy Grail of God's Compassion, but it is a kind of curse magic, within the scope of the epic flower of praise, so Leon can still use this equipment without Affected by side effects.

It’s just that Leon, as True Dragon, is so fast that most people can’t escape in front of True Dragon. This piece of equipment can only be regarded as the icing on the cake when placed in Leon’s hands. It has little effect on battle strength. .

Five pieces of Legendary equipment are left: Ice Barrier, Flame Nightmare, Glory Heavy Sword, Devilish Dagger, and Queen’s Sweatshirt.

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