There are less than 100,000 Spiritual God in the entire multiverse, but Sacred Domain has tens of millions.

It seems that there is a one-percent chance. In fact, the lifespan of Sacred Domain is limited, but the lifespan of gods is almost unlimited. As a result, as the timeline is elongated, the number of Sacred Domains is actually more. , The odds become even lower.

Among a hundred Sacred Domains, it is absolutely difficult to have one that can break through to Divine Grade.

True speaking of which, I am afraid that only 1,000 Sacred Domains from 10,000 Sacred Domains can have a breakthrough to Divine Grade, but before that, more than half of the Sacred Domains have been defeated in the years. Under the power, in this way, the probability can be maintained at about one percent.

So from here we can see why Divine Grade is so noble.

"In this case, have you never thought about other methods breakthrough Divine Grade?"

"What else can be done?"

"I am Alien Dragon, you should know that the future achievement is at least God, when the time comes, if I am willing to pull you from Sacred Domain breakthrough to Demi-God, it shouldn’t be difficult, what do you think?"

"Why does Your Majesty think of me for such a good thing?"

"Because I got a Divine Item from Vosshappier, and that Divine Item was suffering untold. Treasure obtained through hardships, unless I can return the Divine Item to her, she will always be impossible to return to her heart."

Leon always likes to be straightforward and doesn’t like to bluff: "In that case, I Why bother to spend time on her?"

Worth Sapi is the purple robe Sacred Domain and the High Priest of the purple pupil wizard church.

"Then How does Your Majesty determine that I will go home?"

"In addition to this, I can also see that Vossapi is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, while you are the outside Mei Nei Rou, you two have different personalities, and you have a better grasp of them. At the same time, you are definitely more willing to depend on other powerhouses."

Leon is confident: "Of course you can choose not to go, but I'm afraid In your life, there is only one opportunity for a breakthrough to Divine Grade and it will slip away from you. When the time comes, you will regret it for a lifetime."

"I do want to break through to Divine Grade, but I want more A safe and secure breakthrough to Divine Grade. If Your Majesty asks me to do something that I can’t do, when the time comes is gone before my breakthrough to Divine Grade, what's the point? "

The blond woman has already moved her heart, but she is afraid to agree to Leon at will, she will not be able to jump off on the thief ship in the future, and when Leon is great, she kicks her away again, when the time She is simply having given away a bride, to lose one's army on top of it.

After all, she lived in this environment since she was a child.

His mother was originally a pink Saintess, aptitude is not bad, and later married a powerful nobleman.

This nobleman has a very high rank, better than the pink Saintess who has been trained since he was a child.

Her mother fell directly, and in the end she helped the aristocrat without hesitation, and even used her own taboo magic for years of painstaking cultivation, at the cost of damaging herself, making this aristocratic breakthrough to Legendary.

Such magic formidable power is enormous, and the damage is also extremely serious. From then on, her mother cannot maintain her youthful appearance, and can only gradually age like an ordinary woman.

I thought her mother did so many things for this nobleman. The nobleman would be very grateful to his mother. Even if his mother looks old, he will at least respect and love him, but didn't expect This nobleman is actually inferior to a dog. After her mother was old and decayed, he kicked her away and married the daughter of a powerful king.

Her mother is not only old and declining, but also has a great decline in strength. In the end, she took her back to the Rainbow Tower with difficulty, and was rejected by the people of the Rainbow Tower. If it weren't for her good luck, she had a wizard innate talent. , Was accepted as a dísciple by the previous pope of the Zitong wizard church, where is the glory now?

So she has been deeply wary of men since then.

Although Leon is a dragon, he is also a man.

As long as it is a man, it is unreliable in her eyes.

"Anyway, what I asked you to do is just a small thing. If you don’t want it, let’s forget it. As a one-piece dragon that is more noble than the normal True Dragon, do I have to lie to you? Are you worthy? Let me lie?"

If Leon said some rhetoric, the blonde woman would definitely not believe it, but it was Leon who said so bluntly and almost humiliatingly that the blonde woman was very at ease.

"So, what exactly does Your Majesty want me to do?"

"There is no need for you to do anything. You only need to return to the Zitong wizard church and try to win a high position. A pope is not enough. You can try to become a pope, and then I will help you secretly, let your strength grow as soon as possible, it is best to break through to Divine Grade."

Leon’s cake, drawing It’s very big and fragrant: "And after you have won the power of the Zitong wizard church, you must use the Zitong wizard church as the foundation, develop the intelligence network as my tentacle, and open up the situation in Rega continent for my future plans. Be prepared."

"Speaking of which is not difficult. It is helping Your Majesty and myself, but what is Your Majesty's plan?"

"It's actually very cliché, it's nothing more than ruling this plane."

The blonde woman showed a bright smile: "Although it is very cliché, it is also very magnificent."

"Worth Sapi and you will not deal with you?"

"I am the Pope, she is the High Priest, the power between us is difficult to distinguish between high and low, the key is who can overwhelm who is the disadvantage , She naturally doesn’t deal with me."

"People who don’t deal with can just find a way to kill, don’t care."

"She is Sacred Domain, which is equivalent to me. ."

"There is only a thousand days to be a thief. There is no reason for a thousand days to guard against thieves. If you have the heart, how about she is equal to your strength?"

"many thanks Your Majesty Point it."

With a wave of Leon dragon claw, the silver chain that locked the blonde woman retracted into the magic mirror void.

"Be prepared, I will let you go back in three days."

"Your Majesty just let me go. I am not afraid that I will not keep my promise, when the time comes Your Majesty wants to come. I can't catch it either."

"First, I want to catch you. It doesn't matter where you go, because I will definitely become God in the future, and the multiverse will allow me to travel. Second, What do I catch you for? I will only become stronger and stronger in the future. When the time comes, there are countless people under my feet who want to acknowledge allegiance. If you don’t do more work now, you will have more sense of existence in front of me. In the future, I won’t even have the qualifications to lick my toes under my claws."

Although Leon’s words are arrogant, they are true.

The blonde woman also reacted quickly. Leon is destined to board the True Dragon of Peak. Sacred Domain realm is simply nothing to him. If he doesn’t take advantage of Leon now, when the I am afraid that time comes, as Leon said, just because she is a Sacred Domain, I am afraid it is not worth even to meet Leon.

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