And in Leon's Star Kingdom, nothing else, because it has just been established, and there are not many lords.

If you talk about aristocrats, anyway, as long as the aristocrats do not occupy a large amount of land, it will not have much impact, just like the previous life.

No matter how much wealth you have, as long as you don’t seize the core production resources, everyone is essentially equal.

But once the core production resources are captured by the nobles, it will be over. The gap between the nobles and the common people will be opened immediately, and they will suddenly become two worlds.

But the core production resources in the Star Kingdom are not in the hands of the nobles, nor in the hands of the civilians, but in the hands of Leon.

In other words, as long as Leon is committed to the public, the core resources are confiscated.

Leon certainly cannot be completely fair and just, but he can be relatively fair and just.

Although his resources must be skewed, as long as the civilians cannot feel it.

Because the common people and his king are actually equivalent to living in two lives within the realm, although he has returned a large amount of resources in the Star Kingdom to his own use, he actually did not Knowing the proper measures left enough resources for civilians to at least allow them to eat, wear warm clothes, and have a house to live in.

In this way, most of these civilians were originally aboriginals in the Great Lake of Congshan. They used to want to get a bite. They had to experience nine deaths and still alive. Now they can get it so easily. Basically necessary for survival, it will naturally be deeply grateful to Leon.

So, the desire of intelligent creatures will never stop, but after waiting, he naturally has a way to alleviate the contradiction between the constant desire of civilians and the material basis.

Of course, there are some humans who have joined the Star Kingdom. Originally, when humans joined the Star Kingdom, they were half pushed and half pushed, which is equivalent to being half-forced by Leon, but they can wait for them to stay in the Star Kingdom for a long time. Later, I discovered that the Star Kingdom is really much better than the human world to a certain extent.

Some nobles may not be used to it yet, but because the Star Kingdom has gained a reputation, these years have attracted many desperate ordinary commoners.

Humans have a strong ability to reproduce, and the number of humans in the Star Kingdom has now increased a lot.

They live and work in the Star Kingdom, and simply do not want to return to the human world, because in their eyes, the Star Kingdom is just like heaven.

It is fundamentally different from the propaganda of the human empire.

The human empire is afraid of Leon, and is unwilling to believe that Leon, as a brutal giant dragon, can govern the kingdom well, so naturally it has poured a lot of dirty water on Leon, but as long as the facts show Here, everything is clay chickens and pottery dogs.

"Since the people are very satisfied with my king, then you, as my right-hand man, must also maintain my image in the mind of the people."

Leon exclaimed: "Body To provide for the nobles and the kingdom, try not to compete with the civilians for profit, and treat the civilians as your own children, because they are the foundation of the empire. Now we have only obtained the preliminary results, which can make the civilians eat and wear It’s just warm clothes. Next, we will continue to work hard to let the people live a better life. I hope that one day, there are no civilians in the Star Kingdom, and everyone is a noble."

"Your Majesty, How can there be no civilians? If everyone is a nobleman, wouldn’t it be a mess?"

"What's the worst thing about this?"

Leon had a clever plan:" There are no civilians in our kingdom, but most of the human kingdoms are civilians."

After Vigorously became the Prophet of the Earth Strike, the IQ became much higher, and he instantly comprehended Leon.

"Your Majesty is really wise."

As for the other four chiefs, simply didn’t understand what Leon meant, and they didn’t normally like to discuss business matters, so Dali and Leon say whatever they want, and they just follow along.

"Besides, apart from civilians, there should be no slaves in our kingdom?"

"Naturally there are some, but they are not native residents of the kingdom. They are all from other The place is bought back."

"That's fine, the residents of the kingdom can easily not be demoted to slaves. In addition, nobles must use slaves for approval. If the slaves die at will, they will be fined. , After all, a slave is also a life."

Leon can only arrange as much as he can: "And if some slave has merit, or has done some good deeds, such as saving people, you can give him a The identity of a civilian."

"Your Majesty is really a first-class merciful monarch!"

Very exaggerated and shouted: "Xinghui Kingdom can welcome Your Majesty. This kind of sage is really Spiritual God bless!"

Among the five chiefs, apart from Dali who really feels Leon is very compassionate, the other four don't actually think so.

They only think that the slave is the slave. Why do you need to manage so much?

But seeing that Dali had already knelt down and looked so excited, they had to kneel down together and exclaimed Leon's compassion.

"Okay, well, as a monarch, this is what I should do."

The development of various planes in the multiverse is different, like Bach Plane, he is just like the Middle Ages in the previous life. Not only did the science and technology tree not be lit, but people were also very ignorant, in a semi-feudal and semi-slave state.

Although Leon wanted to save those slaves, he knew that if the Star Kingdom were directly prohibited from using slaves, it would only cause more serious consequences.

It is not that the slave is extinct, but a new type of slave will be produced, such as degrading civilians to slaves in essence, but still calling them "civilians".

In this way, you can use the slave without violating Leon's law, and there are too many people who do it, but the law is not responsible for the public. He is also impossible to manage one by one, so it is better not to ban the slave directly.

But nothing else, he can't control it, but in his own kingdom he will never allow civilians to be demoted as slaves, unless it is a heinous crime.

For example, serial killings.

Know that slaves are suffering thousands of times more than civilians.

If the civilians are being squeezed, then the slaves, simply don’t know what words to use to describe their lives.

In the human empire, slave simply is not a person, at most it is an object and a tool, so it can be tortured by the nobles at will.

Like a commoner, you have to pull a fig leaf and find a reason or something.

The slave is completely unnecessary, it can be killed at will, and many terrifying things can be done to the slave, which most people can't think of.

The most important thing is that even some kind nobles will not sympathize with slaves.

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