"Father, congratulations, you have improved your strength."

Lyya is the first to speak, congratulations!

Leon gave Léa a lot of attention: "You are not bad, you should be able to break through to the Master soon."

Lya's modest laughed: "It's even worse. But it's coming soon."

Leon looked towards Yacos again: "The strength of senior seems to have improved."

"Take advantage of your retreat for the past two years, my professional level I have also reached the Sacred Domain level, but my class level has been trapped in Legendary Peak for hundreds of years, and now it’s only breakthrough, there is nothing to be happy about."

"Senior is now biological level and class All levels have reached Legendary, and the strength is better than in the past. Naturally, it is worthy of joy."


Yakos is lightly sighed: "No matter how you are, I am afraid It won't take many years for you to catch up with me."

Leon smiled brilliantly, without humility.

"Father, I chose to be willing to be my profession. What do you think?"

"This is a good profession. It belongs to a branch of the prophet and is better than the prophecy. Home is much better. In the future, if you want to, you can also go to the ranks of prophets. With True Dragon’s innate talent, it won’t be difficult."

"Thank you father."

Little Lucy just asked and didn’t say much, because although she is young, her emotional intelligence is very outstanding. Knowing that in many cases it’s not you who talk a lot, you can make the person you like in your heart pay attention to you. Care about you.

It is more to say some appropriate words at the right time, which can deepen the relationship between the two sides like a long stream.

Leon is not her biological father, she naturally has to be more attentive.

"Qingxuan, I have to congratulate you too, your strength seems to have become much stronger."

"A year ago, my biological level and class level were all breakthroughs. It’s the second 12th Rank."

"Then you are the first Legendary forger in our Star Kingdom, and you may be recorded in the annals of history."

"I am sure in the future. It will be recorded in the annals of history, but it will never be because I am the first Legendary blacksmith in the Star Kingdom, but because I am the first Divine Grade blacksmith in the Star Kingdom."

Qing Xuan usually seems very mature, it is rare to have such a time of humor.

Leon laughed openly: "I look forward to this day."

"Father, what do you think this is?"

Weisit also came up and moved The two little fellows behind him pushed out: "I have already received the fleece ball and the fleece ball as a godson, and you have a godson and a granddaughter."

Leon frowned slightly, after all, the fleece ball and Although Rou Tuan is a relatively High Rank creature, it is not Dragon Clan after all.

Originally, it was only used as a pet, but now Weisit has adopted him as a godson. He has two more godsons inexplicably, and of course he will be a little unhappy.

But then he thought again, it was Weisit's own freedom to collect children and women.

Weisit is now so big. If he is always in charge of Weisit, wouldn’t it be like the parents who had a strong desire to control in the past, crushing their children to death, and not having a little freedom? NS?

In the end, the father was unkind and the son was not filial, which was extremely embarrassing.

That would be too boring.

It's better to follow Weisit's mind, anyway, whether it is a grandson or a pet, the essential difference is not too big.

Leon’s Silverlight can share the innate talent of immediate family members, but the aptitude of the velvet ball and the meat ball is a little bit worse after all.

Although it has undergone mutation, it has not awakened any powerful innate talent, so it has not been revealed by Silverlight.

Just like Leon's innate talent displayed on the Silverlight panel, there are only a few innate talents, because just a few innate talents are innate talents that have reached the Divine Grade.

Although there are many other innate talents, they are not displayed because they are not of sufficient level.

"These two little fellows are really cute. You raised them so well."

Leon figured it out in his heart, and smiled on his face.

"Hey, hurry, hurry, hurry up and call grandfather."

"grandfather, grandfather."

Weisit's raised child and his character Much like, they were no longer afraid when they saw Leon's kind smile, and they greeted him quickly, gathered around Leon's feet, and turned around.

Fortunately, there are only two. If there are five more, Leon wonders if he has reached the bottle gourd mountain.

He was a bit unhappy about Weisit's adoption of these two little fellows, but when they heard these two little fellows call themselves grandfather, Leon really accepted them.

After that, another banquet was held, and everyone got together, very happy.


In the past two years, Leon has also been chanting one hundred thousand spells that can solve the mystery of the bones of industriousness.

"I am the Lord of industriousness. I control the bones of all living beings."

When the last secret art is read, the industrious bones in Leon's claws suddenly shine, and then suddenly It turned into a blue light and flew into the center of his eyebrows.

Leon's mind suddenly appeared in a blockbuster picture.

In these pictures, some people plant seeds in spring, some people harvest in autumn, some people make iron in summer, some people make swords in winter, some work in the daytime, and some people work hard at night...

They are all hardworking silhouettes, all hardworking careers.

It seems to be an instant, and it seems to be hundreds of thousands of years, Leon wakes up, the bone of hard work is no longer visible, he can clearly feel that the bone of hard work has not been lost, but has been integrated into his body , At the same time, he had already burnt pictures of hard work in his mind.

These pictures will not appear normally, but as long as he is willing, they will slowly unfold in his mind like a movie.

At the same time, he was very surprised that the original pictures were basically all races and various creatures were doing all kinds of industrious things, but now he found the characters in some pictures He has become himself, and the things he does are also some of the more industrious things he did in the past.

He studied it carefully, and after ten days have passed, he can already be sure that over time, the hardworking bone will gradually transform the pictures in his mind into something that belongs to him. .

He guessed that when all the characters inside transformed into his appearance, then the bone of hard work should be completely mastered by him.

At the same time, the Bone of Industriousness also sent him a message. It turns out that the reason for wanting to be on the position of Laziness is to have the Bone of Industriousness. The Profound Truth of the Bone of Industriousness is because of Being lazy is not so easy.

One of the most critical steps is to understand the true meaning of laziness, and to understand the true meaning of laziness, it must be produced in practice, because it is always practice to produce true knowledge. If it is not practiced, It is impossible to understand the true meaning of this thing.

And the best practice is to act according to the lazy Profound Truth.

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