Because when you become a servant of God, you will be in control of life and death, and everything is controlled by Spiritual God.

But even so, many Legendary powerhouses who believe in Spiritual God hope to enter the Divine Kingdom of Spiritual God after death.

If you don't enter Divine Kingdom, the end will be even worse.

First, the soul will enter the Netherworld within the realm through the Netherworld River. On the way into the Netherworld River, there will be various dangers in the Netherworld River. Because there are many Netherworld River creatures, they are dedicated to Devouring Soul Make a living.

There are also some Evil God, or the demon of the abyss, the devil in hell, they all like to wander in the Netherworld River and capture souls.

Finally, even if you are lucky and have escaped all of this, after you have finally entered the underworld through all kinds of hardships, there will be no particularly good fruits to eat.

There are many Divine Grade powerhouses in Ming within the realm. These Divine Grade powerhouses are good and bad.

The better ones may not try to catch the soul indiscriminately, and the worse ones will directly treat the soul as a buffet.

At the same time, there are many cruel creatures living in the realm, and they basically live by eating their souls. Anyway, in this world with Spiritual God, if there is not enough power, it is equivalent to The fish on the cutting board must be slaughtered from birth to death.

The King of Flames wants to sacrifice is very strong, Leon is not good to stop her, and Leon thought about it, in fact, after she sacrificed, she forged herself into a Legendary equipment and left it to Klass, saying It may be better than if his soul enters the Divine Kingdom of the Platinum Dragon King after he dies directly.

Because the innate talent of Klass itself is extremely high, there is no accident, and he is destined to achieve Divine Grade in the future. With Leon's help, his achievements in Divine Grade will not be low in the future.

when the time comes If Krass is willing to spend time and upgrade the Legendary equipment that the King of Flames turned into Divine Item, then the King of Flames will fully restore spiritual wisdom and become a piece of self-owning The Divine Item of consciousness, in this way, is also equivalent to an alternative to gain immortality and achieve Spiritual God.

The full name of this secret technique is called Red Dragon’s Sorrow. The founder is the last alien dragon before Leon, which is the dragon Princess he knew about last time.

The Dragon Princess is also known as the King of Red Dragons. There are many giant dragons under her command. Her body is a powerful red dragon of different body, so the King of Flames has this inheritance.

Because Leon is a Silver Dragon, he does not have the inheritance of the Red Dragon’s Fall. The reason why he knows the Red Dragon’s Fall and how to use the Red Dragon’s Fall is because of the dragon. Dad Dragon Mother is a two-headed Divine Grade giant dragon. The information is obtained directly from Dragon Dad.

True Dragon’s dragon inheritance is just a large area. In fact, each True Dragon’s dragon inheritance is different, even more how it crosses races.

The Dragon Clan inheritance between the metal red dragon and the five-color Silver Dragon is definitely different, but this is only for Divine Grade and below. When you reach Divine Grade and above, you can learn more about inheritance. Information, among these inheritance information, you can even obtain some inheritance information of other races True Dragon by means of certain methods.

In fact, True Dragon values ​​its own inheritance very much. If one True Dragon takes the liberty to ask about the inheritance of the other True Dragon, it can even be regarded as a signal to initiate a challenge, but Divine Grade True Dragon just has Many privileges, even if you want to restrict them, it is not easy.

After reaching the Divine Grade, the difference between the five-color dragon, the metal dragon, or the gem dragon is not big, simply don’t need to be so clear.

Before the identity of the metal dragon or the five-color dragon, the more important label was Divine Grade giant dragon.

Divine Grade giant dragon represents not only the greatly enhanced power and status, but also the responsibility given by the race Innate.

Every Divine Grade giant dragon has an obligation to carry forward Dragon Clan.

If there are so many things between each other, no matter how strong the individual Dragon Clan is, it is easy to be divided and fall into the altar of the first overlord race.

In the multiverse, although there is no clear classification, there are corresponding unwritten rules.

Probably having a Heavenly God can be called a big race, having a God can be called a super big race, and if you have a main god, it can be called a dominant race.

If you have the Supreme God, it is the super-dominant race. Dragon Clan has the most Supreme God, so it is the first-dominant race.

And if there is a Divine Grade powerhouse in the race, but it does not reach the Heavenly God Level, then even if it is a medium race, if there is no Divine Grade powerhouse in the race, it is a proper small race.

And if there is not even a Legendary powerhouse in the race, it is a properly inferior race.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, the powerhouse that has appeared before is also included.

If we count it this way, then humans can also be regarded as the dominant race.

But the actual situation is that since the last Arcane battle, human beings have sporadically produced one or two gods, but these two gods all rely on Arcane to become battle strength and reach Divine Grade. Others Powerhouse, the end is self-evident, basically all of them died under the siege of the gods.

Since the last god of Human Race fell, it has been millions of years, and no god has appeared.

So the status of Human Race is really embarrassing.

But it is absolutely standing above the average line, which is stronger than the overwhelming majority race.

I don’t know how many races there are in the multiverse, but Human Race can definitely be ranked in the top 100. It is already a very proud existence.

Actually, even from Leon’s point of view, Human Race is a very dangerous race, and it is absolutely impossible for them to truly develop.

At the time of Human Race pinnacle, it was the Arcane battle. During this period, the main god and many gods appeared, which directly caused a battle of destroying heaven extinguishing earth with countless deaths and injuries.

"Since you want to leave Klass with a little thought, I will not stop it."

"many thanks you."

"I A lot of precious materials have been collected over the years, and they are normally placed in them. They can just be given to you to help you improve the quality of forged Legendary equipment after sacrifice."

"Too Thank you, Beloket Your Majesty, I really don’t know how to return to you."

"Klass is my godson, and he wants to call me father, you are Klass mother , We can also be regarded as relatives, and as I said before, for the same True Dragon, you don’t need to be so polite. It’s just a little precious material. With my current strength, I can make a round in any empire and I can earn it back."

I took it seriously when I heard Leon say that the King of Flames, but when she started the sacrifice ceremony, she saw that almost every piece of the precious materials produced by the power was a priceless treasure.

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