It’s just that it’s not that easy to want Arcane to become a god. If it is easy for Arcane to become a god, the streets will be full of Arcane gods.

Although it seems that you don’t need to do much preparation, you just need to keep improving the Arcanist level. When the time comes, you will naturally become Divine Grade Arcanist

But the key issue is to improve Arcane level is a very difficult thing. It not only needs to do a lot of research, but also consumes a lot of resources and energy, and even some specific behaviors are very complicated. If it weren't for this, Arcanist would not be so powerful.

After so many years, God World’s Spiritual God is still very afraid.

So Leon’s focus now is on the priesthood and Arcane.

He has the idea to become a god. He must be the god of the seven sins. It’s just that he has not yet fully collected the origin and relative objects of the seven sins, but he can borrow one first. This kind of original thing becomes the corresponding kind of Spiritual God.

First of all, the strongest he has integrated is the bones of laziness. Although he did not fully understand the Profound Truth of the bones of laziness, he is still enough to become a god.

Because the bones of laziness are not ordinary treasures, if you can fully understand the Profound Truth of the bones of laziness, at least it is also a Divine Grade other existence, as long as you can understand some Profound Truth a little, becoming a god is also very easy , So he will first ascend the God of Laziness and become the God of Laziness, and then ascend one by one.

Anyway, there is no stipulation that Spiritual God can only have one god position.

As far as he knows, most Spiritual Gods in the multiverse have more than one god position. For example, the five-headed dragon queen, she is first the god of tricks and the five-color dragon god, apart from this , She also holds several priesthoods.

Because different priesthoods represent different authority, sometimes your strength may be very strong, but the authority is not in that aspect. Without that aspect of the priesthood, you will feel very constrained when you act. .

For example, you are God of Wind, but you want to control the rain. No matter how strong you are, you are also impossible to directly leverage the power of rain. You can only use some other means. It makes people very uncomfortable.

Therefore, many Spiritual Gods will hold some priesthood part-time. These priesthoods are either relatively relative to prevent others from restraining themselves with the relative priesthood, or they are adjacent because some adjacent priesthoods are combined. There are often unexpected effects.

For example, the combination of God of Wind and the god of rain, wind and rain, howling wind and torrential rain, will enhance each other's power, or God of Wind and the god of snow, so is the combination of wind and snow The same combination.

More importantly, some priests have advanced priesthoods above them. If there is only such a single priesthood, if you encounter the above advanced priesthoods, you will be restrained, and if there is An additional priesthood, then it will be much more flexible and will not be restrained so easily.

Although the ultimate goal of the seven sins priesthood is to unite and become the judge of the seven sins, it is not impossible to divide them into seven priesthoods.

Also, Leon feels that no matter what you do, you have to step by step. You can’t take too much steps. The Judge of the Seven Sins is naturally powerful, but it’s not that easy to get it in one step. It’s not that easy in Divine Grade. It's time consuming, it's better to become a god with a kind of god position first.

Anyway, the lazy priesthood is also a very powerful priesthood, which belongs to the rule of the priesthood.

And it's hard to say whether he is the Innate rule clergy or the acquired rule clergy.

The so-called Innate rule clergy is the clergy that existed before there were wise creatures or creatures. For example, the god of fire, the god of wind, the god of water, and the god of thunder are all regular clergy. It is the Innate rule clergy again, because they existed before the creatures appeared.

Then Heavenly God, for example, alchemist, craftsman, assassin, robber, judge, steam, night watch, and so on.

There is no absolute strength or weakness between the Innate god and the post-Heavenly God, but there is no weakness as long as the Innate god is generally speaking.

At most, it is not able to master the highest level of priesthood. For example, the priesthood of Fire must be a very high priesthood, but there are many subordinate priesthoods.

The level of these subordinate priesthoods is not certain. Some subordinate priesthoods are very powerful, and some subordinate priesthoods are far behind.

Then, the upper and lower limits of Heavenly God's position are very far apart from each other.

For example, some particularly powerful post-Heavenly God positions, like magic clergy, because magic is one of the mainstream cultivation systems in the multiverse, so it is naturally very powerful, and as far as Leon knows, it controls magic The priest is one of the three Supreme Gods of Dragon Clan.

There are also some post-Heavenly God positions that are just general, such as the subsidiary priesthood under the alchemist priesthood, the subsidiary priesthood under the assassin priesthood, etc., which are not very difficult to deal with.

Because the priesthoods like the alchemist and the assassin are relatively powerful, but the key issue is that they must be integrated as much as possible to be more powerful.

If it's just a subordinate priesthood, then the formidable power is too bad. For example, the god of water dancer under the priesthood of assassin is far from the god of assassin.

The god of assassin is no one else, but Tang Duo.

Tang Duo relied on the priesthood of assassin to become the single most lethal god in the multiverse. It can be seen that the priesthood of assassin is powerful.

But like the Spiritual God, a subsidiary of the god of assassin, the god of water dancers has no reputation and strength.

But it is only relative to other Spiritual Gods.

In short, as long as it is Spiritual God, there are no weak people. They stand in the Peak of the multiverse, and under Spiritual God are completely two worlds.

Only Leon has an innate talent, a plug-in, and a background, who is qualified to pick and choose the gods and criticize Spiritual God. If you change to an ordinary Sacred Domain powerhouse, you can do it. God, that's great luck, what else can I choose?

It is even more impossible to comment on other Spiritual Gods.

Because Spiritual God is their highest pursuit in their entire life, if they disagree with their highest pursuit, then they are not blaspheming Spiritual God, but blaspheming themselves.

As for the position of laziness, although it seems to be a post-Heavenly God, in fact laziness is not only a concrete image, but also an image. There are many non-biological existences, and they will also have "laziness." The feeling appears.

It's just not laziness in the general sense.

So the laziness is a special kind of god. Of course, if you really want to count it, it should actually be counted as a post-Heavenly God.

Regardless of whether it is the post-Heavenly God position or the Innate God position, this is the rule God position.

Because laziness seems to be just a habit of intelligent creatures, but in fact it is a kind of Rule Power, because it is precisely with this Rule Power that intelligent creatures will have a mentality of laziness.

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