"Xinghui Your Majesty is very important to Dragon Clan. The sea of ​​clouds is now occupied by the Titans. Although Xinghui Your Majesty is equipped with powerful equipment, it still has several points of danger."

"It doesn't matter, the lord of Xinghui is an alien dragon. It is absolutely impossible. If he really died halfway, it can only mean that he is just a pseudo alien dragon, not a real alien dragon at all."

Platinum Dragon King shook the head: "The Deathwing and Wings of the Double Winter, when they first emerged, even Dragon Clan did not know their identities, and finally they have not yet become the main Divine Grade. Other powerhouses? Dragon Clan pays more attention to the alien dragon behind, but the achievements seem to be inferior to the two of them. I suspect it may be due to lack of experience."

"Maybe it’s just not time, after all. Death Your Majesty and Shuanghan Your Majesty have the oldest qualifications and the longest experience, and the dozens of Your Majesty behind, they are still relatively young, but I heard that Winter Your Majesty seems to have a breakthrough to the main god? "

"The lord of Winter is really extraordinary. If one of the many alien dragons is most likely to have the third breakthrough to the lord god, it should be him."

"Then I will Go to Bach and inform Xinghui Your Majesty. Did you ask him to do it?"

Platinum Dragon King thought for a while: "You first meet the God of a Thousand Faces. He has a good relationship with the Lord of Xinghui. Although the Titans are very close to us, they certainly would not have thought that the God of a Thousand Faces had already voted on our side."

Moreover, Tang Duo’s priesthood is the god of assassin, and his ability to hide traces is very Outstanding, naturally there is a way to avoid the eyes and ears of Titan Race powerhouse.

"I understand."


Because Leon is just over 100 years old, he can be regarded as the old birthday star in the ordinary person category. .

But for the giant dragon, he is still a young man, but Leon is still ready to have a good time, so he held a grand banquet, and his birthday is also a holiday, which can be said to be a national celebration Celebrate.

Because it is the birthday of the Lord of Stars, the surrounding forces are very concerned, most of them sent messengers to give gifts, and Leon also refused to all come.

After drinking for a few days, I stopped.

"Your Majesty, there is a special woman outside, she is very special."

"What's special?"

"Behind her With four pairs of wings, it looks like a legendary angel."


The angel family is said to be a race created by the dragon god Io. The dragon god back then was He wanted to create a very perfect creature. Although he did not meet his expectations, the angels were also injected with a lot of effort. Therefore, the angel family is also a very powerful race in God World. There are even other angels appearing in the Divine Grade. , It's just that the potential of the angel family has reached this point, so there has never been a main god.

But there are only a few main gods. There have been only a few races. There are still races of main gods, and they are counted by both hands.

Moreover, the angel family has a special position in the gods within the realm. They are the messengers and right-hand man of the gods. Therefore, the angel family has a very high status, almost at the same level as the Spiritual God, because in the eyes of mortals, they are Represents the Spiritual God, and is the Spiritual God of justice.

There are only two types of angels, one is the holy angel, and the other is the fallen angel.

The holy angels are the righteous angels of God within the realm, and the fallen angels are the evil angels fallen into the abyss and hell or the dark within the realm.

"Go and invite her in."


Soon there will be one wearing a white dress with golden wings and red back A beautiful angel with a pair of golden dragon horns on his feet walked in.

Leon explored with Qian Yin and found that this holy angel actually came from the first heaven of King Platinum Dragon, and he was not an ordinary holy angel, but was a dependent of King Platinum Dragon, possessing a pure giant. Dragon bloodline, the strength is not low, and it has reached the true Divine Grade.

Although it proves that the holy angel has reached the true Divine Grade, he is the dependent of the giant dragon, while Leon is the dependent of the True Dragon giant dragon. When facing True Dragon, he is born to be short. One head, and Leon is an alien dragon, he will become a god in the future, so the beautiful angel gave a salute to Leon immediately: "pay respects to the great star Your Majesty!"

"No need to be polite ."

The face of this angel can be said to be beautiful and unimaginable. Although there is no gorgeous decoration on the whole body, it can capture the hearts of many men with its pure and beautiful face. .

In addition to being divided into holy angels and fallen angels, angels can also be divided from appearance.

One is the angel of war, and the other is the propaganda angel.

The so-called angels of war are the supremacy of military force. They belong to the guards of Spiritual God, and they will not look good because they need fierce looks to deter demons and demons.

This is different from what most people think of angels. Most of the angels they see are propaganda angels, so they think that all angels look very beautiful, but they are not at all.

On the contrary, in the hell and the abyss, the stronger demons and demons often look particularly good-looking.

Especially the devil.

The demons are still a bit short, many of them, even if they are very powerful, look crooked.

But the devil is different. The stronger the absolute strength, the better the appearance, because the devil and the devil follow a different path.

The devil is a robber, and the devil is a fraudster.

One uses violence directly, while the other uses deception.

Because only good-looking people are more likely to confuse sentient beings.

For example, the purple-haired Demon King, he is the devil of Divine Grade, but he looks very good-looking.

Generally, they won’t be too ugly when they reach the Legendary level. Under Legendary, the lower their strength, the uglier they will be. Because their strength is too low, many of them can’t even get out of hell. There is no right to seduce sentient beings.

And the thing that the devil hates most is the existence of ugly and vicious looks, so the war angels will grow uglier and uglier as they evolve from generation to generation, and this ugliness is not ordinary ugliness, no It's good to say that the faces are a little ugly, but their appearance will become very fierce and terrifying.

For example, they are all propaganda angels with wings. They are often in the form of humans. They have several pairs of wings on their backs. However, war angels just don’t know something and have many pairs of irregular wings on them. It's very lame.

As for the propaganda angels, they are the assistants of Spiritual God. Generally, they don't participate in the war, but they will handle logistics work and close service to Spiritual God.

Their looks will naturally be very beautiful, because after all, they have to stay in front of Spiritual God. They look ugly and affect their mood. At the same time, they are the messengers of Spiritual God, and they often have to come out to meet believers instead of Spiritual God. , If they are too ugly to make believers feel uncomfortable after seeing them, it will also affect the image of Spiritual God in the hearts of believers.

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