Li Zhao had occupied Heihuling for half a month, and during this period, there had been no indiscriminate killings. He occasionally chatted with people in the cottage, looking kind and pleasant.

The people in the cottage are no longer as scared as before. Gradually adapt to the existence of Li Zhao and others. Some women and girls often watched the soldiers train, and they did not worry that the soldiers would harm them.

There is a person in the cottage, surnamed Yang Mingzhi, who is nearly fifty years old and has half-white hair. He likes to drink alcohol, but he rarely gets drunk.

Yang Zhi is an old scholar, not only has read the Four Books and the Five Classics, but also read various miscellaneous books such as the art of war. When he was young, he worked as a clerk in the county government. Because of the occasional encounter with the local Haoqiang's children, he molested the folk girls on the street. Yang Zhi was angry, injured him, and saved the woman.

As a result, not only did he lose all his family property, but he was also imprisoned in the county government prison for two years.

After Yang Zhi came out, he returned to the countryside. Study with peace of mind and farm. If the villagers encounter a wedding or funeral, because Yang Zhi can write, he will sometimes help. The villagers couldn't stand the oppression of the government and fled to Heihuling, and Yang Zhi also came with him.

On the day Li Zhao attacked Heihuling, Yang Zhi heard a sound. Ignored it, as if it had nothing to do with him, and continued to lie on the bed and fall asleep.

Because of his age, Li Zhao did not integrate him into the army. Unexpectedly, this person has frequently come to Li Zhao in recent days and asked to join the army.

Li Zhao didn't want to deal with him, an old drunkard, with a strong smell of alcohol all day long, and it was estimated that he couldn't pick up the knife.

Yang Zhi saw that Li Zhao looked down on him, and said angrily: "The reason why I like to drink is because I am depressed. The ancients said, people can't look good, how can you look down on me because I'm old. I have been familiar with all kinds of books since I was a child, how do you know that I have no talent?"

After Li Zhao heard this, he was a little surprised, and asked tentatively: "There are less than 100 long knives in the army, and most of the others are clubs and the like; I have been worrying about this matter recently, what good way do

you have?" Yang Zhi said confidently: "This matter is simple, as long as you have money and food, why worry about not having a sword."

"There are no people in Liao for more than ten miles, where can I get money and food." Li Zhao said.

"Here to the northwest, about thirty miles. There is a large family, which is the Zhang family of Liucheng. Unlike other Haoqiang, the Zhang family's mansion is not in the city. There are hundreds of soldiers in the mansion, the appearance design is like a blockhouse, the courtyard wall is higher, and there is an arrow tower at the head of the wall, which is very tightly defended. The surrounding mountain bandits did not dare to attack here. However, there is a lot of money and food in the mansion, and there are several generations of the Zhang family's savings, which can be used. "

You mean, let me attack the Zhang family's mansion?"

"Of course not, our army is weak, and it is impossible to win the war. Yang Zhidao.

Li Zhao's face darkened, and after saying so much, it was not nonsense.

Sensing Li Zhao's displeasure, Yang Zhi hurriedly said: "What I mean is that although we can't start at the moment, we can attack here again after the strength of our army gradually increases." "

Answer me first, where are you going to get the money and food at the moment?"

"There is no other way but to rob pedestrians."

Li Zhao hesitated, "I heard that in recent years, there have been many mountain bandits in Hanzhong, and most merchants are reluctant to pass through the mountains.

Yang Zhi smiled and said: "There is a place where you can definitely loot money and grain, but it is a little dangerous, I don't know if Your Highness dares to go." "

What place?"

"Outside the capital Nanzheng City, there is a valley about three miles away. Merchants often pass by here, and His Highness can let people ambush near the valley, and they will definitely be rewarded.

Li Zhao said unhappily: "This place is too close to Nanzheng, and there are tens of thousands of Qi troops in the city. Once discovered, it may be difficult to survive. "

Wealth is in danger, it depends on whether His Highness dares or not. If you choose to attack in the evening, you may be able to escape by quickly hiding in the mountains after you succeed. Familiarize yourself with the surrounding terrain and be willing to show your Highness the way. Yang Zhidao.

Li Zhao hesitated for a long time, and finally relentlessly, "Then try it." "

Black Tiger Ridge is too poor, Li Zhao decided to take a risk.

"When does Your Highness plan to act?"

"Not today, I have something important to deal with, and I need to do it tomorrow." Li Zhao blinked, his eyes were strange.


That night, Li Zhao held a banquet in the cottage to entertain the people who had fled from Chang'an with him. The location is a large hall in the cottage, which was newly built by Li Zhao after he occupied this place.

He had planned to hold this banquet a long time ago, but at that time, the people of the Black Tiger Ridge were undecided. Today, the situation has been basically controlled by Li Zhao.

Although he is not as powerful as he was in Chang'an, he no longer has to worry about his life.

In fact, when everyone fled from Chang'an, they couldn't help but feel confused, not knowing what to do in the future. Including Wang Zichen and Zhou Wen. Some people want to defect to the Qi country, some people have thought about defecting to the Kanto Domain, and some people have lost confidence in the future and just want to return to their hometown to live in seclusion.

As Li Zhao led the people, they successfully got rid of Dugu Ling's pursuit and found a safe place for them. On the Black Tiger Ridge, for the time being, he does not have to worry about food or drink, nor does he have to worry about his life, and Li Zhao is even more kind. Gradually, the psychology of the crowd has changed. I began to feel that it was a good choice to continue to be loyal to Li Zhao, just like in Chang'an City before.

Li Zhao sensitively discovered the change in everyone's attitude, which led to today's banquet.

The conditions on the mountain are simple, and there is definitely no delicacies from the mountains and seas. The army often sent people to hunt under the mountains, and occasionally ate meat. The rice wine in the bowl, although not as mellow as the Yongwang Mansion, is barely acceptable to everyone.

Li Zhao was the last to enter, and when everyone saw this, they all got up and saluted.

Li Zhao smiled and raised his hand, "Everyone, this is not Chang'an, don't be polite, sit down."

After everyone took their seats, he said, "When I first came to Black Tiger Ridge, I wanted to feast you." But everyone knows what happened at that time. The people in the cottage are unstable and everything is complicated, so this matter is delayed. Here, I apologize to you, and I will make this cup first. After speaking, he picked up a bowl of wine and drank it all.

Even though he inherited the memories of his original body, Li Zhao still carried his previous habits. At the wine table, no matter what, let's have a toast first. Not only is it a good relationship, but it also enlivens the atmosphere.

Liu Xuan said: "In the past few days, His Highness has worked hard day and night for us and these outlaws, and we should also give His Highness a cup." The

people below hurriedly raised their wine bowls and were about to drink it.

Li Zhao suddenly looked at a person: "Sun Feng, you put down the wine bowl." Others can continue, but you can't.

Sun Feng's expression was surprised, and he slowly put down the wine bowl, his eyes gloomy. After the others finished drinking, they put down the wine bowl, and they wondered in their hearts, not knowing what Li Zhao meant. Only Wang Zichen was still calm, as if he knew something.

Li Zhao said in a deep voice: "Today, I want to thank you. Even if he escaped from Chang'an, he was still by my side and never gave up. I would like to take this opportunity to talk to you about the future. Before we can say that, we have to put an end to what we have done. The

audience was unusually quiet, and everyone looked at Li Zhao intently.

"Why are we here? The reason is also clear to you, my father and I failed to force the palace and were forced to flee from Chang'an. But why did it fail? Sun Feng, you stand up and tell everyone what the reason for the failure is.

Sun Feng got up slowly, barely squeezed out some smiles, and said, "Your Highness, what does this mean? How can I know?"

Li Zhao said coldly: "My father and I have made a plan to send troops, and after only one hour, we will kill the East Palace, and the speed is not unfast. But who would have thought that when the soldiers and horses of King Yong's Mansion rushed to the East Palace, His Majesty had already set up an ambush. It is clear that someone has been informant beforehand. I remember very well that when you first planned this, you were on the sidelines and familiar with the whole plan. "

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