Emperor Tianwu

Chapter 1431 The Strange Hall

Seeing that Yun Chen did not continue speaking, Ji Tingfeng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If Baichuan Xi was not present, he would definitely fight Yun Chen desperately.

But now there is a third party here. If he and Yun Chen both lose, and Baichuan Xi takes advantage in vain, he is not willing to do so.

Baichuanxi glanced at the two people, and after making sure that the two would not fight again, he took the initiative and said: "You two, since we are not going to continue fighting, let's quickly take a look at the murals on this stone wall! Maybe these murals are the result of leaving the first place. The seventh floor, the key to the eighth floor.”

Ji Tingfeng obviously knew that there was something wrong with these murals. After hearing this, he put away his Ghost Soul-Eating Banner, walked to the murals, and looked at them carefully.

As for Yun Chen, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Using hundreds of millions of living beings as sacrifices, he refined the Ghost Soul-Eating Banner, and he had already put Ji Tingfeng on his must-kill list.

After glancing at Ji Tingfeng, his attention also fell on the mural. He even scanned it with his consciousness, but found nothing unusual.

These murals look like ordinary murals, there is nothing special about them.

He had encountered murals before, but those murals were engraved with various magical powers that could lead people directly into illusions.

The murals are very ordinary, depicting some Arhats, figures, flowers and the like.

His spiritual consciousness swept in, but there was no reaction at all.

This made Yun Chen wonder whether these murals were the key to leaving the seventh floor.

After watching again for a while, Yun Chen was too lazy to pay attention and began to observe the entire hall.

The hall was clean and spotless at first glance. Not to mention the treasures, not even a hair was visible.


At this moment, for some reason, Yun Chen felt a chill on his back. He turned around quickly, but found nothing.

"That's not right! It seemed like something was targeting me before!" Yun Chen was a little confused. At the same time, his consciousness had already been released, observing the surroundings, not even missing the murals.

The moment Yun Chen turned around, the figure on the mural suddenly moved.

This figure has no head and is not an Arhat.

He stretched out his two hands, which extended from the ground like shadows, as if he wanted to grab Yun Chen.

The cold feeling on his back reappeared, making Yun Chen realize that the cold feeling on his back before was not an illusion.

What surprised Yun Chen even more was that Bai Chuanxi and Ji Tingfeng didn't seem to notice this strange phenomenon.

It seemed that he was the only one who discovered this vision.

Yun Chen didn't know what would happen when the shadow touched him, so he suddenly turned around and punched the shadow on the ground.

The majestic killing force spread.

The next second, there was a boom, a huge sound, and the ground cracked immediately after he hit it.

And the shadow shrank back as if it was electrocuted, turning into a headless figure again.

"what you do?"

Seeing Yun Chen inexplicably attacking the ground, Bai Chuanxi and Ji Tingfeng both looked over in surprise.

Yun Chen did not answer, but pulled out the long knife, stared at the figure on the mural coldly and said: "I don't care what the hell you are, get out of here quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

“Are the murals alive?”

Hearing this, Bai Chuanxi realized something and exclaimed.

Ji Tingfeng was also shocked, and he quickly took out a talisman and looked at the murals with a solemn expression.

There are many murals here, including Arhats, flowers, headless figures, and giant spiders.

"If you don't come out, then go to hell!"

Yun Chen became angry, and the Thunder Immortal Power in his body exploded, pouring crazily into the long knife, causing the long knife to tremble slightly and make a buzzing sound.

The next second, the long sword had already brought out an extremely broad blade, like a huge door panel, and struck the figure.

With a "bang" sound, the sword light collapsed.

What surprised the three of them was that there was blood seeping out of the mural.

This scene made the scalps of the three of them feel numb.

It was also the first time for Yun Chen to see such a strange scene, and he was also murmuring in his heart.


Seeing that his attack seemed to have little effect on the mural, Yun Chen directly used the Purple Evil Fire.

As soon as the Zisha Fire was launched, the terrifying high temperature suddenly filled the entire hall, causing the cold atmosphere of the hall to immediately melt away a little.

At this time, the walls around the hall actually started to squirm, as if they were stimulated by Yun Chen's Purple Evil Fire.

Not only the surroundings of the main hall, but also the top of the main hall are also squirming.

It felt as if the three of them were standing inside a huge belly.

The next second, the headless figure suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed Yun Chen, followed by an ear-piercing scream. This kind of scream made people feel uncomfortable all over.


Purple evil fire spurted out and burned the hands of the shadowless man.

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