Emperor Tianwu

Chapter 1516: Immortal Alchemist Certification

This time, Yun Chen was completely relieved.

This time, he did not hesitate and reached out to take Luo Hongyan's storage ring.

He believed that with his own ability, he might be able to make a breakthrough during the competition. By then, he might be a sixth-grade immortal pill master. According to Hua Zizai, the sixth-grade immortal pill masters in the Lower Heaven Realm were extremely rare. Once he had the opportunity to enter the ranks of sixth-grade immortal pill masters, wouldn't it be easy to get some quotas for the Li Tu Sect?

There were tens of millions of high-grade immortal crystals in Luo Hongyan's storage ring. These immortal crystals were of great use to Yun Chen. Maybe he could use these immortal crystals to improve his cultivation to the seventh level of the Xuanxian Realm before the Xiandan Master Competition.

Xuanxian Realm, Yun Chen estimated that his cultivation was not the lowest in the Xiandan Master Competition, and he was probably almost there.

"Senior Yun..." When Luo Hongyan saw Yun Chen accept the storage ring, she knew that the matter had been successful, and the smile on her face became particularly bright: "Senior Yun, I wonder if you have the alchemist badge certified by the Immortal Alchemist Alliance?"

"Don't call me Senior Yun, just call me Yun Feiyang from now on! As for the alchemist badge, I don't have it." Yun Chen said.

He was many times younger than Luo Hongyan, and he always felt a little awkward when the other party directly called him senior.

If his cultivation was really that of an immortal king, it would be fine, but the key is that he is just an ordinary Xuanxian cultivator!

"In that case, then I will be arrogant and call you Brother Yun! Brother Yun, if you want to participate in the Immortal Alchemist Competition, you must have the alchemist badge certified by the Immortal Alchemist Alliance, otherwise you are not eligible to participate. If you have time, you can go to the Immortal Alchemist Alliance for assessment. Fenghua Immortal City has a branch of the Immortal Alchemist Alliance."

Luo Hongyan has seen Yun Chen's alchemy skills with her own eyes.

But she knows Yun Chen's ability, but others don't!

This thing is like a stepping stone. If you don't have this thing, even if your alchemy skills are amazing, the Tianyu Alliance will not pay attention to you.

Yun Chen nodded when he heard this.

To put it bluntly, this thing is a diploma. Without this diploma, he might not be able to pass the registration for the competition.

"Where is the branch of the Immortal Alchemist Alliance? I'll go and get it certified! In case it's too late!" Anyway, everything is fine, Yun Chen simply went to the branch of the Immortal Alchemist Alliance and got the so-called medal first.

Hearing this, Luo Hongyan hurriedly shook her head and said, "It's impossible to go now. I guess those people from the Immortal Pill Master Alliance have all rushed to the City Lord's Mansion. That, Senior Brother Yun, if you have time, why not go to the City Lord's Mansion with me."

"Although the young master of the Dakun Immortal Sect is selecting maids tonight, in fact, many people are going there to make friends with him."

"Even if you don't want to make friends with him, you can go. Generally, there will be a trade fair after such a banquet!"

"Many cultivators have a lot of treasures on them, but these treasures are not of much use to them at all, so they will use these treasures to exchange for what they need. To put it bluntly, this kind of trade fair is a barter."

"Senior Brother Yun must have some things he needs, right? Even if you don't need anything, it's good to broaden your horizons and meet more people."

Originally, when he heard Luo Hongyan say that the people from the Immortal Pill Master Alliance were not there, he planned to go back to the inn to practice.

But when he heard about the trade fair, he was immediately moved.

He had countless treasures, but most of them were useless to him. It was perfect to exchange them for what he needed.

Moreover, he also had a lot of immortal pills on him, which he could refine at any time, and he might be able to exchange them for some immortal crystals on the spot.

"I don't have an invitation!" Yun Chen wanted to go over, but he didn't have an invitation or anything like that. He thought that if he wanted to enter the City Lord's Mansion, he should need an invitation.

Hearing this, Luo Hongyan smiled and said, "I have one, I'll give this invitation to Senior Brother Yun!"

As she spoke, Luo Hongyan had already taken out an invitation and handed it to Yun Chen.

Yun Chen took the invitation and asked in confusion, "Isn't Senior Sister Luo going with me?"

"I won't go over. I still need to arrange some things. But Senior Brother Yun, the banquet at the City Lord's Mansion tonight must be full of strong people. If it's not necessary, don't easily conflict with others!" Luo Hongyan said worriedly.

If she didn't have other things to deal with, she would go to see this banquet.

After all, this kind of banquet is not only a good opportunity to make connections, but also a good opportunity to broaden your horizons.

"I know!" Yun Chen nodded.

Is he the kind of person who easily clashes with others?

"If there is nothing else, I will take my leave first." Seeing that her goal had been achieved, Luo Hongyan didn't want to stay any longer: "When I rush to Huangtian City, I will come to the inn to greet Brother Yun in person."

"No need, just notify me when the time comes, and I will go there."


After the two exchanged a few more pleasantries, Luo Hongyan left.

Yun Chen looked at the invitation in his hand.

The invitation was dark gold, and it was marked that two people could be brought into the City Lord's Mansion.

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