Emperor Tianwu

Chapter 873 Leaving the Fire Realm

"Is this guy still human?" Lei Lie couldn't help but said when he saw Yun Chen and Kui Ba fighting fiercely.

"These are two monsters!" Feng Xuanping echoed: "I really didn't expect that Yun Chen's physical strength would be so strong that he could fight Kui Ba head-on. In other words, even if his cultivation has not recovered, he can still fight the peak martial emperor head-on."

Hearing Feng Xuanping's words, Mu Changfeng and Lei Lie were subconsciously shocked.

Now that the three of them have been suppressed in their cultivation, but Yun Chen can fight Kui Ba head-on with his physical strength, what does this show?

This shows that even if the three of them join forces to fight Yun Chen, they may not be able to get away with it.

Thinking that the three of them may not be Yun Chen's opponents even if they join forces, the faces of the three of them all became a little ugly.

Fortunately, Yun Chen has now exposed his extremely strong physical strength in order to fight Kui Ba. Otherwise, if he enters the mausoleum and encounters some great opportunities, Yun Chen will expose his strong physical strength again, which is not a good thing for them.

As for now, they at least know that Yun Chen's physical strength is terrible. In this way, it is impossible for Yun Chen to surprise others.

"But Yun Chen is in danger now. Human power is limited. Even if Yun Chen is against heaven, he can't suppress Kuiba!" Lei Lie raised his eyebrows and said.

Mu Changfeng and the others nodded slightly, not optimistic about Yun Chen.

Don't look at the fact that Yun Chen and Kuiba are fighting evenly at this time, but once time passes, Yun Chen will definitely not be able to hold on.

Because Kuiba will not feel exhausted, but Yun Chen will feel exhausted.

"Roar..." The countless corpses roared, but they did not intend to rush over to kill Lei Lie and others, as if they were cheering for their king.

The red-clothed Kuiba heard these sounds and became more and more violent. His fists kept hitting out, and the speed was getting faster and faster, making Yun Chen gradually feel a little overwhelmed.

It's not that he is not as good as Kuiba.

It's because Kuiba has no consciousness, but he has consciousness.

No matter how strong his body is, it can't be compared with this Kuiba.

God knows how many years it took Kuiba's body to be tempered to the level it is today?

Yun Chen didn't want to expose his cultivation, so he didn't use the power of the law.

If he used the power of the law, I'm afraid this Kuiba would have been driven away by him.

"Xiao Lan, do you have a way to deal with this Kuiba?" Yun Chen had no choice but to ask Xiao Lan.

Xiao Lan immediately responded: "No, Kuiba itself is formed by the Yin Sha Qi, and it is also the highest level of corpse puppet. The body is invulnerable to swords and guns, and it can be said to be immortal. If you want to destroy it, you must surpass the opponent by too much power!"

Hearing Xiao Lan's words, Yun Chen's face suddenly looked bad.

If this Kuiba can't be solved, this Kuiba will definitely harm the world in the future.

But if this Kuiba is solved, it will expose the fact that he can use the throne cultivation in Yongye City.

Once he revealed that he could use the power of the throne, coupled with his strong body, Lei Lie and the other two would probably not let him continue to follow them.

Thinking of this, Yun Chen suddenly became a little entangled.

"Kuiba is a very evil thing. If you want to destroy it, you must use the most powerful and yang method in the world!"

Just as Yun Chen was thinking about whether to use the power of the throne, a slightly old voice suddenly came from not far away.

The moment this voice sounded, the whole space suddenly flashed with golden light.

Yun Chen subconsciously looked up and saw that an old monk wearing a cassock and holding a Zen stick was walking slowly.

In his right hand, he also held a mirror. The golden light was emitted by the mirror, illuminating the area for several miles.

For some reason, when the red-clothed Kuiba saw the arrival of the big monk, he actually took a few steps back, distanced himself from Yun Chen, and looked at the big monk with great vigilance.

Behind the big monk, there was a man and a woman.

The two men looked arrogant, and when they looked at Yun Chen and the others, they looked as if they were born kings who could look down on everything.

"Evil beast, if you don't die now, when will you?" The big monk did not let Kuiba go just because of Kuiba's fear. With a cold shout, he threw the mirror in his hand and it was suspended in the air.

Immediately, in the shocked eyes of the crowd, a ball of red flame suddenly burst out from the mirror. With a swish, the flame shot directly at the red-clothed Kuiba, so that the red-clothed Kuiba did not react.

The next second, there was a "hissing" sound, and Kuiba's body actually burned wildly under the flames, and a shrill roar came out of his mouth.

As for the corpse evil spirits, after seeing this scene, they all rushed towards the red-clothed Kuiba, trying to put out the flames on his body. Unfortunately, once they were touched by the flames, their bodies burned violently like gasoline encountering an open flame, emitting bursts of black smoke. After a while, they turned into a pool of flying ash, deader than dead.

"A mere evil creature also wants to compete with the Lihuo Realm, knowing no life or death!" The young man standing behind the big monk spoke, not taking the corpse evil spirits seriously at all.

Yes, let alone the corpse evil spirits, even a terrifying monster like Kuiba could not last long in the Lihuo Realm, so with the big monk around, they were safe and sound, and naturally had the right to ignore the corpse evil spirits.

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