Emperor Tianwu

Chapter 882 A Broken Hand

He wanted to completely blow the hole open.

With a "bang", his fist fell fiercely.

What surprised Yun Chen was that his punch didn't work at all.

With one punch, he could completely shatter the void.

But now he couldn't even blow down the ground.

This made Yun Chen a little bit unbelievable.

"I don't believe it!" Yun Chen was furious and began to punch the ground one by one.

However, after a long time of blasting, he found that although the ground showed signs of cracking, it was still far from being blasted down by him.

Unable to blast down the ground, that is to say, he couldn't solve the source of the blood pool.

If the source is not solved, even if he kills all the ghost blood bees in the cave, who knows if there are other ghost blood bees?

"Xiao Lan, do you have any solution?" Yun Chen asked Xiao Lan subconsciously.

However, he didn't have much hope.

After all, even if he tried his best, this place couldn't be blasted down, so what else could Xiao Lan do?

If Xiaolan had not suggested that he practice in the blood pool before, he probably wouldn't even have asked Xiaolan.

Xiaolan understood what Yunchen meant and immediately said, "I can try!"

"Yeah!" Yunchen nodded slightly.

Then, Xiaolan came out from Yunchen's brow.

As soon as the little guy came out, he jumped lightly and landed on the ground.

Immediately, in Yunchen's incredible eyes, he opened his mouth and sprayed out a flame, which fell around the small hole. Then, the cracked ground that Yunchen couldn't blast open with all his strength actually softened and disappeared under the burning of the flame like plastic.

Of course, a lot of blood and water disappeared with it.

"This..." For a moment, Yunchen was a little stunned.

The ground that he couldn't blast open with all his strength was actually burned by Xiaolan easily?

Although the speed was not very fast, the hole was also expanding and widening at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Not long after, the hole that was only the size of a fist before had become as thick as a water tank.

However, at this moment, Xiaolan suddenly stopped.

As soon as Xiaolan stopped, Yunchen realized that the little guy's figure became a little illusory, obviously because he consumed too much energy.

Sure enough, Xiaolan said: "It's no good, master, I can only burn this cave entrance into this state!"

"Enough, you go and recover first! By the way, little guy, don't call me master anymore, either call me Brother Yun or just call me Brother!" Xiaolan's help to Yunchen is not a little bit, and this little guy always calls him master, which makes him feel a little awkward.

"Okay!" Xiaolan said, and he turned into a stream of light and drilled into Yunchen's eyebrows.

Xiaolan disappeared, and a large amount of blood and water spurted out of the cave entrance suddenly rushed into the sky, and the essence contained in it was so rich that it was almost impossible to dissolve.

Yunchen absorbed these essences while slowly sinking straight to the cave entrance.

This source is obviously still below.

One day, two days...

Yun Chen didn't know how many kilometers he had dived, but he still hadn't reached the bottom. This made him wonder if he had been on Earth, he might have crossed from one end of the Earth to the other.

Fortunately, five days later, his feet stepped on solid ground.

As soon as he landed on solid ground, he was stunned.

Because he saw a sapling again. This sapling was about the same height as the sapling he got in the White Mist Wasteland, but it was bright red and looked unusually bright.

In addition to this blood-red sapling, there was a huge cage on the side. What shocked Yun Chen was that there was only a broken hand in the cage.

A huge cage, only imprisoning a broken hand?

This scene was weird no matter how you looked at it.

The broken hand was no different from a normal human hand, but it exuded extremely majestic blood energy. At this time, a huge formation was constantly running, extracting the blood energy in the broken hand to nourish the sapling and the blood pool.

The source of the blood pool is actually a broken hand?

And how powerful is the owner of this broken hand?

Such a large blood pool also needs to feed the sapling...

In addition, how terrible is the guy who imprisoned the broken hand here?

This made Yun Chen's heart heavy, as if a big stone was pressing down on him.

"As long as this formation is broken, both the sapling and the blood pool will have no blood to feed!" Shaking his head slightly, Yun Chen knew that it was useless to think too much now.

As the saying goes, when the enemy comes, the general will stop it, and when the water comes, the earth will cover it. Now he has offended Leng Yueshang to death, and it doesn't matter if he offends her a few more times.

His eyes fell on the sapling, Yun Chen smiled, and raised his fist and hit it.

The sapling is protected by a formation. If it were normal, Yun Chen would slowly study this formation and then find a way to break it, but at this time he didn't have that mind at all.

Because he was a little unhappy.

Now he has reached the peak of the throne, and his fighting power is more than several times stronger than before?

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