Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1097 The Most Extraordinary

The Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty's Immortal Banquet, which is held every ten years, ended. Soon, the contents of the banquet spread to the world, along with Chu Yan's name.

Some people talked about Chu Yan's style on the battlefield that day. He had two ninth-grade souls. How terrible was such a talent?

In addition, many princes retreated. Chu Yan's appearance broke some of their plans. Some things needed to be considered in the long run.

As for Chu Yan, he stayed in the imperial palace after the banquet. He now holds the Qingfeng Order and his status in the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty is on par with that of the princes and princesses.

"Little guy, come and stay in my house for a while." Prince Changyun smiled appreciatively. Chu Yan hesitated and agreed. Among the many princes, Prince Changyun was the one who looked at it the least and the most clearly.

Prince Changyun and the emperor were close friends. When the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty was founded, he made great contributions and conquered several cities alone. He was a person who shed blood for this Immortal Dynasty.

Later, when the Immortal Dynasty was stable, the Emperor also wanted to grant a territory to the Marquis of Changyun, but the Marquis of Changyun was a quiet person who didn't care about power, so he declined. In his words, it was good now. Living in the Imperial Palace, although he had no real power, his status was good, and the major princes also had to give him some face.

"Uncle Changyun is very good, you live with him first, and I will find you later." Qingyi's crisp voice explained, Chu Yan nodded, looking at the Marquis of Changyun: "Then I'll trouble you, senior."

"Haha, no trouble, I also have something to talk to you, you are not simple to trick Qingyi into your hands." The Marquis of Changyun laughed.

The Immortal Banquet ended, and everyone dispersed. Chu Yan and the Marquis of Changyun returned to the Imperial Palace together. It was very vast, but not as magnificent as the general imperial palace, but more simple and quiet.

"Father." Chu Yan and the Prince of Changyun had just entered the mansion when they saw a graceful figure approaching from a distance. She was graceful and wore a light pink fairy dress, which gave people a sense of nobility and elegance. When she descended, she saw Chu Yan and looked at him with her beautiful eyes curiously.

Chu Yan also saw the other party and vaguely guessed his identity. It was said before that the Prince of Changyun had a beloved daughter named Princess Changge, who was adopted by the emperor as a daughter and was given the title of a princess of a different surname. This should be the one in front of him.

"Chu Yan, meet Princess Changge." Chu Yan bowed.

"Are you Chu Yan?" Princess Changge smiled, very beautiful, and her beautiful eyes were still looking at Chu Yan. She had heard about the fairy banquet, and she had always been very curious about this person who could make Qingyi love her.

Chu Yan was a little uncomfortable being stared at all the time, but he nodded calmly.

"No wonder Qingyi fell in love with you, he is so handsome. If Qingyi hadn't known you earlier, I might have been tempted." Princess Changge joked. Chu Yan was embarrassed: "Princess, you are joking."

"Please come in. My father likes quietness on weekdays, so there is no one else in the mansion except some maids responsible for cleaning." Princess Changge smiled. Chu Yan nodded and didn't care.

"Chu Yan, tell me about you and Qingyi." After entering the main mansion, Prince Changyun smiled. Princess Changge was also curious. From her understanding of Qingyi, Qingyi herself is very cold and indifferent to men. She has hardly had contact with any men since returning to the Immortal Dynasty for decades.

But she heard that this time, the princess directly held Chu Yan's hand at the Immortal Banquet.

"This... is really a bit long." Chu Yan fell into a recollection: "In fact, Qingyi and I met in the stars of the lower world."

"The lower world?" The eyes of Prince Changyun and Princess Changge flashed, and Princess Changge was also quite surprised: "Your family is in the star world?"

"Princess Dissatisfied, I was indeed born in a star in the lower world. At that time, Qingyi and I met in the ruins. Qingyi wanted to kill me. Later, we met and walked together until today." Chu Yan said truthfully. The ten years of ups and downs were unforgettable to him, and he owed Qingyi.

"You walked all the way from the stars of the lower world to the fairyland?" Princess Changge was a little unbelievable and serious. This was not that she looked down on people in the stars of the lower world. On the contrary, she knew many geniuses who persisted all the way from the stars of the lower world to the fairyland and achieved some achievements.

However, the resources in the Star Land are poor and the vitality is weak, which is a kind of constraint in itself. Therefore, even if some people really go to the Fairyland, they will soon encounter bottlenecks or be buried by the huge Fairyland. It is rare for someone like Chu Yan to come all the way from the Star Land to become a disciple of the Dragon Alliance and have a place in the Fairyland.

"You kid, you are awesome." Prince Changyun also showed a hint of appreciation. From the Star Land to the Fairyland, the huge environmental changes and the changes in the crowds, people are easily influenced and changed. Only people with a clear mind can live in the wind and rain of the world and follow their own heart.

"No wonder Qingyi likes you. Decades of feelings are indeed not replaceable by ordinary people." Princess Changge also smiled brightly.

"Changge, take good care of him. I'm afraid our mansion will be uneasy these days." Prince Changyun smiled, Changge's beautiful eyes flashed, and then looked at Chu Yan's eyes, and also showed a smile.

"Princess, what does the prince mean by this?" Chu Yan asked curiously.

"You will know soon. I can tell you that the descendants of kings and princes who appeared at the Immortal Banquet are only a part of it. Qingfeng is the land of the Immortal Dynasty. There are countless geniuses. There are also many people who have become famous early and disdain to participate in this kind of competition, but among them, there are many people who have a crush on Qingyi." Changge chuckled, and Chu Yan blinked and suddenly realized.


After the Immortal Banquet, Emperor Qingfeng and Qingyi returned to the Imperial Palace together.

In a magnificent ancient palace, Emperor Qingfeng sat cross-legged, very casually, but when he breathed and exhaled, he seemed to turn over the clouds and rain, swallowing up the heaven and earth, like a peerless king.

When he entered the main hall, he looked up at Qing Yi. Qing Yi was still looking at him slightly coldly as usual.

"You have met him now. It took less than a hundred years for me to win." Qing Yi took the initiative to speak and said crisply: "You promised me that if one day, he can step into the immortal realm and enter the door of my palace, You won't say no."

Since returning to the Immortal Realm, Qing Yi has never looked for Chu Yan, but he had an agreement with Emperor Qingfeng.

At that time, when he first entered the Immortal Realm, the Great Emperor persuaded Qing Yi to forget him and stop worrying about him. To the Great Emperor, he knew very well how humble a genius from the stars in the lower realm was in the Immortal Realm, no matter how outstanding he was among the stars, his talent was In Jue Lun, but compared to the entire Immortal Realm, it is still too small.

The two of them are destined to be in two worlds, and the fairyland does not belong to him.

Will do.

This was Qing Yi's response at the time. She was sure that Chu Yan would definitely come to the Immortal Realm and enter the Immortal Dynasty to find her. That was their agreement. Therefore, she and the emperor made a hundred-year agreement, just like Chu Yan's hundred-year agreement. Without entering the fairyland, Qing Yi forgot about him and cut off contact with him.

But now, less than a hundred years later, Chu Yan has arrived, and he has even done better than Qing Yi expected. He has become a disciple of the Dragon Alliance, inherited the inheritance on the Holy Mountain, and won the championship in the Immortal Banquet Battle.

Tsing Yi, win.

Emperor Qingfeng showed a hint of bitterness. In fact, he was also surprised to see Chu Yan today.

As for Chu Yan, it can be said that he knew about it a long time ago and had seen it before, but Chu Yan didn't know it at that time.

In those ten years, although Qing Yi was in Xinghai, she was his daughter. How could he not pay attention to her at all?

At that time, Chu Yan would often feel enveloped by a huge force, and the prying eyes were actually the reason why Emperor Qingfeng used his immortal thoughts to investigate. However, the Immortal Emperor was too far away for Chu Yan at that time and was unheard of. I won't even know.

Emperor Qingfeng himself was not optimistic about Chu Yan. It could even be said that when he brought Qing Yi back, he was full of hatred for Chu Yan.

In his opinion, sending Qing Yi to the stars in the lower world was a kind of protection. However, after meeting Chu Yan, his daughter was in danger several times and even had her life in danger. Later, she even broke some rules for him. , used the power of the Immortal Dynasty to destroy the Beiming Dynasty, and that power was almost exposed. How could he not hate it?

But until today, when Chu Yan came to the Immortal Dynasty and showed his amazing talent, he realized that he had underestimated the young man's perseverance and determination.

From the stars, all the way to the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, this determination alone cannot be denied even if he is the Immortal Emperor.

"I know that since I gave him the Qingfeng Order, I didn't refuse it." Emperor Qingfeng sighed, looking at Qingyi's cold face, but he was a little helpless: "But, have you thought about it clearly? Qingyi, do you really think, Was it because I asked you to forget him and dislike him because he was born in the lower world of stars and has a humble status? "

"Isn't it?" Qing Yi's beautiful eyes blinked.

"Of course not, in fact... quite the opposite." Emperor Qingfeng sighed: "Qingyi, you also know that your birthday is your mother's memorial day. She died to give birth to you. Your fate is better than everyone else's. It is even clearer that it is a calamity that even I, the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, would not dare to bear."

"When your mother passed away, she spent her whole life to seal the power in your body. I promised her that I would protect you in this life. This is what I promised her."

"Later, I sent you to the stars in the lower world, and I didn't even visit you for more than ten years. Do you know how much I missed you? They say that the Great Emperor is a figure unparalleled in the immortal realm, but besides the Great Emperor, I am still your father. , What father doesn’t want his daughter? I think so too, but I can only use my fairy thoughts to spy on you secretly. In order not to be noticed by others, I have to hide it, in order to let you cut off all ties with the fairyland. "

"If possible, I wish I could let you live in the stars in the lower world for the rest of your life, without any worries, and let me bear the pain of missing you all by myself. But then, the sealing power in your body began to relax, and I had no choice but to take you back to the immortal world. Since then, many princes and descendants in the Immortal Dynasty have paid attention to you, pursued you, and discussed who can be worthy of you. "

"But who knows, in fact, I don't care at all. As long as my daughter is happy, what does it matter if he is a good match? Even if he is just an ordinary person from the stars in the lower world, what does it matter?"

"So if you really chose a star mortal to fall in love with, I would definitely support you." Emperor Qingfeng sighed softly. Qing Yi frowned slightly, a little confused. If so, why would he oppose Chu Yan?

"But...there are countless stars and billions of people. It's not good for you to choose anyone, but you chose the most extraordinary one..."

"He is a man of great destiny."

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