Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 1106: Destroy your clan

Hearing Qiu Yun's words, everyone was slightly surprised. Although Chu Yan's awareness of lust surprised them, as a son of a prince and a proud generation, it would be a very shameful thing to regret it in public like this. Even in the future, He won't be able to survive in this circle.

But even so, Qiu Yun still did this. It can be seen that he felt a hint of despair under Chu Yan's power.

"Now that we have accepted the challenge, we have not decided whether to live or die, why have we ended here?" Chu Yan smiled sarcastically. Just now, Qiu Yun released his consciousness, how arrogant he was. In front of him, he seemed to be just an ant figure who could be easily crushed to death. Now that he sees himself His consciousness is stronger than his, so he has to give up? Is there such a good thing in the world?

"Boom!" Chu Yan took a step, and in just a moment, the golden sky curtain was like a giant sword, cutting through the sky, and smashing down on the autumn clouds from the air as if it wanted to destroy everything.

Feeling the raging power destroying him, Qiu Yun turned pale, but at this point, he also knew that it was impossible to retreat, so he had to bite the bullet and fight.


Fierce flames burned in Qiu Yun's body, and the shadow of the flame giant flickered behind him, as if it was completely integrated with his true form. Whatever action he made, the flame giant would repeat the same action, raising its huge flaming palm, He took a hard shot at the golden sword light.

Seeing the flaming giant palm, many geniuses also trembled. Putting aside all subjective opinions, there is absolutely no doubt about Qiu Yun's own strength. If they were not shocked by Chu Yan's color consciousness before, they all thought that this battle would be Qiuyun will win, and be crushed.

Now, Qiu Yun uses all his strength, which is naturally extremely terrifying. His eyes are no longer black pupils, but a pair of burning fire eyes, as if no matter what they are, as long as he takes a look at them, they will be burned and transformed. Become a ruin.

"Fire Cloud Eyes!" A talented genius said in shock. Fire Cloud Eyes, Qiu Wanghou's famous immortal secret, is a kind of pupil technique. Whatever you look at will burn endlessly. Coupled with Qiu Yun's flame consciousness, it can be said that it is A perfect match.

"I gave up originally. Since you are looking for death, I will help you. Now, go to hell!" Qiu Yun shouted loudly, his eyes became a little ferocious. With the blessing of Fire Cloud Eyes, the giant flaming hand became even more powerful. It was terrible, howling and smashing down, and wherever it passed, the stars were without light.

Chu Yan looked up. Under the blazing temperature, his eyes were still extremely calm. He slowly raised his hand. In an instant, countless golden sword lights bloomed between heaven and earth. Those powers were like the end of the world. Destroy everything and merge with countless stars in the strong wind.

The next moment, he held his palm, and the sword shadows began to dance wildly. If Chu Yan's consciousness before was the will of the sword, now, it is more like a sword storm, tearing everything in the world to pieces.

"Boom!" The sword light collided with the giant flame hand, and was eroded bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Qiu Yun's face changed with shock. He shouted again, jumped up in the air, and rushed into the body of the flame giant, just like controlling a puppet. He turned into a giant, and with one step, he rushed a thousand meters across the air. Hit Chu Yan and smash it down.

Facing the flame giant, Chu Yan waved his hand, and swords were condensed. There was also golden light behind him, which was a pair of roc wings completely composed of swords. The golden texture gave people a strong visual impact. The roc wings shook, He flew out in the air and turned into shadows. Every time he took a step, a sword light swept out, seemingly endless, and blasted towards the flame giant.

"Die!" The flame giant grasped the air, as if he wanted to crush Chu Yan, and the whole space seemed to be on fire.

Chu Yan was among them, as if nothing happened, and continued to ambush. The wings of the sword behind him were clanging, and every time he trembled, there would be a terrifying sword light passing by.

With a buzz, a sharp cold light rushed into the sky, penetrated everything, collided with the giant flame fist, broke directly, and continued to kill. Those flames, as if they did not exist at all, rushed straight towards Qiu Yun's true form.

The sword passes without leaving a trace!

"Boom!" The sword light destroyed everything, cut off the flames, and directly hit Qiu Yun's body. Qiu Yun's face changed with shock, and blood spurted out from his mouth. Then he flew out like a cannonball and hit the ground hard.

As for the flame field, it no longer exists and was swallowed up by the sword light.

Chu Yan blew Qiu Yun away, but Chu Yan did not stop, and did not leave time for everyone to marvel. The wings of his sword vibrated wildly, turning into a bolt of lightning, and he rushed towards Qiu Yun with his sword.

As soon as Qiu Yun got up, he felt the cold killing intent, and his eyes were full of fear. He knew very well that he could not block the attack, so at this time, he could only look at Qiu Wanghou Xiannian for help: " Father, save me!"

Prince Qiu's face also turned gloomy. He did not expect that Qiu Yun would be defeated, and defeated so completely, but he could not possibly watch Qiu Yun die. There was a buzz, and a terrifying fairy thought came down.

Chu Yan's body trembled slightly, he raised his head and looked at Qiu Wanghou coldly: "Qiu Wanghou, what do you mean?"

"Since he has been defeated, let's forget it."

"What a joke. If Qiu Yun wins, will Prince Qiu stand up and say, stop it? If Qiu Yun wins, by this time, you are already forcing me to hand over the Qingfeng Order, right?" Chu Yan said coldly. .

"He asked him to apologize to you." Prince Qiu frowned slightly. He couldn't deny Chu Yan's words, but he wouldn't admit it either, so he said calmly.

"Let me ask, if I go to Prince Qiu to cause trouble and I can't beat him, and I just apologize, will Prince Qiu let me go?" Chu Yanke said with a knife: "I think not, right? In this case, he agreed to the challenge, and the bet is He was the one who proposed it, so if he fails, he should bear the price."

After saying this, Chu Yan crushed the immortal's thoughts and continued to step forward. The sword light raged wildly, trying to cover Qiu Yun.

"How dare you!" Seeing this scene, Prince Qiu let out a low shout.

"You are so daredevil!" But at this time, Chu Yan shouted back, and then he raised his hand, and a green holy order appeared, which was very dazzling.

"The Qingfeng Order can order the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty to do something, and the emperor cannot refuse. Now, do you want me to use the Qingfeng Order to destroy your clan?" Chu Yan said coldly, and then took a step forward. The golden sword light fell down and penetrated straight into Qiu Yun.

"Boom!" The golden light intertwined, and it penetrated Qiu Yun's body, nailing him alive, until finally, it disappeared into smoke and died like this.

Everyone was shocked. No one expected that today's events would come to this point. Qiu Yun was not only defeated, but also killed.

Prince Qiu's immortal thoughts were always suspended in the void, his eyes were red, but he never begged for mercy until the moment Qiu Yun died, just because he didn't dare to do so. What Chu Yan said made him hesitate.

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